A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Abramsky, Sasha
"How Poverty and Inequality Are a Threat to American Democracy" (Vol. 17)
Aguirre, Alejandro Herrán
"Freedom of Expression in Mexico under President Andrés Manuel López Obrador" (Vol. 21)
Andrew, Brad
“Some Interesting and Valuable Things I’ve Learned about Investing” (Vol. 14)
“What The Hell Happened?: The Financial Crisis of 2007-???” (Vol. 9)
Andrew, Brad and Gabriel Castro
“Can You Beat the Market? Evaluating a Simple Investment Strategy” (Vol. 12)
Andrews, Edmund
“Tossing Out the Rules” (Vol. 10)
Antoon, Sinan
“On al-Sayyab’s "Rain Song"” (Vol. 11)
Arai, Tatsushi
“Art, Creativity, and Conflict Transformation: A Practitioner's Field Note” (Vol. 13)
Bach, Jeff
“Ways to Forgiveness and Reconciliation: A Perspective from the Amish” (Vol. 15)
Barlow, J. Jackson
“You're On Your Own Now” (Vol. 7)
Baughman, Kathy
“Your Juniata Balance Sheet” (Vol. 16)
Beaky, Matthew
“Eclipsing Binary Stars as Astrophysical Laboratories” (Vol. 14)
Becker, Robin
“‘Birds of Prey’: A Poem” (Vol. 12)
Bellwoar, Hannah, Daniel Dries, and Donna Weimer
"Station Eleven: A Panel Discussion" (Vol. 17)
Belser, Andrew
“Heard, Half Heard” (Vol. 3)
Benson, Bethany and Matthew Powell
“Arts and Sciences: Choose Your Own Adventure” (Vol. 14)
Benson, Lloyd
“Ballots and Bullets: The Politics of Antietam and Chickamauga” (Vol. 13)
Biddle, Kathleen
“The Least Dangerous Assumption” (Vol. 11)
Blake, Kathryn
See Wagoner, Robert
Bode-Lang, Katherine
“‘A Poem on Love’” (Vol. 15)
Boman, Eugene
"The Ghosts of Departed Errors: Newton's Early Calculus" (Vol. 17)
Borgardt, Jim
“Look In, Look Out, Look Around” (Vol. 4)
Bose, Meena
Boyle, Michael D.
“Puzzles” (Vol. 11)
“The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: A Discipline Approach” (Vol. 6)
Braxton, Donald M.
“What's The Link Between Religion and Violence? An Exploratory Hypothesis” (Vol. 3)
Briggs, Lindsay
“The Politics of Sex” (Vol. 11)
Buck, Paula Closson
“Two Poems” (Vol. 17)
Bukowski, John F.
"In Praise We Raise Our Song" (Vol. 19)
“Huygens, Holland, and Hanging Chains, or L'affaire de la chaine” (Vol. 6)
Buonaccorsi, Vincent, Jill Keeney, Jim Roney, and Kim Roth
“The Genomics Leadership Initiative at Juniata College” (Vol. 15)
Burch, Rebecca
"Captain Dorito and the Bombshells: Hypersexuality in Marvel Comic Charachters" (Vol. 19)
Burkhardt, Marlene
“You Are Who You Meet” (Vol. 7)
Burns, Jonathan A.
Bush, Cori
“This Ain’t Your Parents’ Civil Rights Movement” (Vol. 16)
Camenga, Kristin
“ The Courage to Be a Community” (Vol. 21)
Canner, Judith
"Visualizing the Virus" (Vol. 21)
Carter, Jennifer
"Thermal Radiation of Worlds beyond Our Solar System" (Vol. 21)
Chambliss, Julian C.
“Superhero Comics: Artifacts of the U.S. Experience” (Vol. 12)
Cherry, Betty Ann
“Juniata: You and Me” (Vol. 16)
Churchill, John
“‘Getting It’: Liberal Education and the Discouraging Case of Alexander” (Vol. 5)
Citron, Christiane, and James Tuten
“Interview with Christiane Citron” (Vol. 13)
Clark, Bryan Terrell
"Hamilton Didn't Lead Me to Happiness; Happiness Led Me to Hamilton: Life Lessons on the Pursuit of Purpose" (Vol. 20)
Clements, Kevin
“The Politics of Compassion in a World of Ruthless Power” (Vol. 16)
Close, Nicole
“Epidemiology and Disease Outbreak” (Vol. 15)
Close, Nicole, Jim Metz, Angela Jones and Bill Phillips
"Lessons from the Juniata College Experience" (Vol. 19)
Cockett, Lynn
“Interpretations and Beginnings” (Vol. 7)
Condellone, Joann
“In May” (Vol. 8)
Corman, David
“Alumni Advocates: The Difference Juniata Makes” (Vol. 13)
Curry, Bill
"Magnanimitas in the Twenty-First Century" (Vol. 17)
Daniels, Jewel
“The Idea of the Year” (Vol. 11)
Davis, Bruce
“What Do You Think You're Doing, Dave? Strategies for 2001 and Beyond” (Vol. 3)
Davis, Sarah
“Founders Hall Dedication Speeches” (Vol. 10)
See Kepple, Tom
Davis, Todd
“Two Poems” (Vol. 13)
Dean, Cornelia
“Disconnect: The Gulf Between Scientists and Journalists” (Vol. 8)
DesFosses, Rachel
"The Space in Between" (Vol. 20)
Di Blasi, Debra
“Unbroken View” (Vol. 2)
Dickey, Will
"Reframing (Dis)Ability: Representations of Impairment as Concept and Composition" (Vol. 19)
Dickson, Del
“Practice Makes Imperfect: Why Aren't We Better at Democracy?” (Vol. 15)
Drews, David
“Evaluating the Effects of Cultural Event Attendance: A Qualitative Approach” (Vol. 15)
See Tuten, James
Dries, Daniel
"Reclaim Your Curiosity" (Vol. 19)
See Bellwoar, Hannah, Daniel Dries, and Donna Weimer
Druckman, Daniel
Dunwoody, Philip
"Understanding Antidemocratic Tendencies through Authoritarianism and Threat" (Vol. 21)
"I Am Prejudiced, And So Are You" (Vol. 17)
Durnbaugh, Hedwig T.
Eastman, Brock
“The Spectacular Teacher-Man: Comics as Primary Text in a Science Classroom” (Vol. 12)
Eichenmüller, Christian
“Your Electronic Self: Surveillance and Social Sorting” (Vol. 15)
Edwards, Marc A.
"The Water Crisis in Flint, Michigan: Citizen Scientists, the Media, and Science Anarchists" (Vol. 18)
Ellsberg, Daniel
“Surveillance, Secrecy, and Democracy” (Vol. 14)
Epperson, Chet, and Samuel Sarpiya
“Just Policing: Constitutional Policing and Nonviolence in a Context of Structural Racism” (Vol. 16)
Fala, Grace
Feibush, Laura
"How to Write about Sound: A Practical Guide" (Vol. 21)
Feinstein, Sascha
“Two Poems: ‘Blues Knowledge’ and ‘Plutonium’” (Vol. 14)
Fetterman, John
“Rebuilding Braddock” (Vol. 13)
Fleming, Robin
“Who Were the Women Buried in Early Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries?” (Vol. 16)
Fletcher, Alan Mark
“Two Blades of Grass: The Role of Science in the Green Revolution” (Vol. 12)
Fletcher, Alison
“Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost” (Vol. 12)
“Painting Politics and History in the North of Ireland” (Vol. 10)
Fletcher, Alison and Moira Mackay
“‘Planting Little Colonies in the South Seas’: The Making of a Missionary Empire” (Vol. 13)
Frazier-Yoder, Amy
"Personal and Collective Choice as Choose Your Own Adventure® Narrative" (Vol. 18)
Fuller, Timothy
“J. Glenn Gray: A Personal Remembrance” (Vol. 14)
Galston, William A.
“Freedom of Conscience: What It Is and Why We Should Care” (Vol. 4)
Gates, Kelly
“Can Computers Be Racist?” (Vol. 15)
Giacomello, Corina
"If Only They Could See Inside My Heart”: Women in Prison for Drug Offenses in Latin America" (Vol. 21)
Gibbel, Henry
“Founders Hall Dedication Speeches” (Vol. 10)
See Kepple, Tom
Gilbert, Barry
“Leo Strauss and His Legacy” (Vol. 6)
Goldstein, Peter
“Hemlock Poetry” (Vol. 9)
“Question Authority (Except Mine)” (Vol. 5)
Goodale, Jay
"Successes and Failures as an Agent of Change: Martin Luther as Theologian and as Reformer" (Vol. 18)
Grant, Christopher, James Lakso, Territa Poole, James Roney, and Kathryn Westcott
"Multiple Perspectives on Kimi Cunningham Grant’s Fallen Mountains" (Vol. 20)
Gray, Daniel
“Overlooked Marbles” (Vol. 14)
Guardans, Ignasi
“Unilateralism Versus Multilateralism: A View of Europe - U.S. Relations” (Vol. 3)
Gunn, Marissa
“Alumni Advocates: The Difference Juniata Makes” (Vol. 13)
Ha, Anh
"Jumping Out of Assumptions into Questions" (Vol. 17)
Hallabuk, Taylor
"Coping, Healing, and Mending: The Transformative Power of Humor" (Vol. 19)
Hark, Richard R.
“The Nelson Touch: A Model for Leadership?” (Vol. 7)
Harris, Aaron
"Every Wednesday" (Vol. 20)
Hayden, Erica
"Troublesome Women: Gender, Crime, and Punishment in Antebellum Pennsylvania" (Vol. 19)
Hayward, Steven F.
“The Reagan Legacy in the Age of Obama” (Vol. 11)
Henderson, Michael
“It Gets Better” (Vol. 13)
“‘Without Art, how would we know each other?’ Postcolonial Francophone Literature in Canada” (Vol. 12)
Hendricks, Christine
“This Ain’t Your Parents’ Civil Rights Movement” (Vol. 16)
See Bush
Herman, Douglas
"Making It Right: Hawaiian Approaches to Conflict Resolution" (Vol. 18)
Hertel, Tammy Jandrey
“An Intercultural E-Mail Exchange: Student Attitudes and Perceptions” (Vol. 2)
Hetherington, Marc J.
“Personality, Polarization and the 2012 Election” (Vol. 12)
Hilton, Isabel
“China and Environmental Degradation” (Vol. 14)
Hosler, Jay
"One More Story" (Vol. 17)
“Stories That No One Has Asked For” (Vol. 16)
“Modern Merchants of Light” (Vol. 11)
“The Argument and Evidence for Comics in the Classroom” (Vol. 10)
“Comic Book Science” (Vol. 7)
“Flame On!” (Vol. 6)
“Brain Gas” (Vol. 2)
Houston, Katelyn R.
See Hark, Richard R.
Hsiung, David C.
"Military Metabolisms in the American War of Independence: An Environmental History" (Vol. 21)
“Another Look at the Enduring Appeals of Battle” (Vol. 14)
“Founders Hall Dedication Speeches” (Vol. 10)
See Kepple, Tom
“Prizes and Gifts” (Vol. 8)
“What You Deserve and What You Get” (Vol. 3)
Hutto, David
“Telling Lies and Inventing Rhetoric In Ancient Greece” (Vol. 8)
Huyler, Jon
“‘Anti-warriors’: A Conscientious Objector Panel Discussion” (Vol. 14)
See Skelly, James M.
Ikenberry, Stanley O.
“Seeing and Believing: Surviving and Thriving” (Vol. 4)
Ilesanmi, Simeon O.
“Moral Revolution, Human Rights, and the Myth of African Cultural Uniqueness” (Vol. 2)
Janík, Zdeněk
“Twenty Years after the Iron Curtain: The Czech Republic in Transition” (Vol. 10)
Johnston, J. Bennett (Senator)
“All of the Above: New Directions in Energy Policy” (Vol. 9)
Jones, Alex
"From I and Me to Us and We" (Vol. 18)
Jones, Kathleen
"A Treasure Trove of Memories: Diving into Letters Written during My Peace Corps Service" (Vol. 21)
Kadden, Jack
“Education Reform: A Journalist's Perspective” (Vol. 5)
Katz, Judy
“Get Lost!” (Vol. 9)
Kaufman, Chuck
“United States Foreign Policy in Latin America: Promoting or Subverting Democracy?” (Vol. 10)
Keeney, Jill
“The Genomics Leadership Initiative at Juniata College” (Vol. 15)
See Buonaccorsi, Vincent, Jill Keeney, Jim Roney, and Kim Roth
Keith, LeeAnna
“Passion and Belief: The Story of the Untold Story of the Colfax Massacre” (Vol. 8)
Kennedy, Calvin
“This Ain’t Your Parents’ Civil Rights Movement” (Vol. 16)
See Bush
Kent, John
“‘Anti-warriors’: A Conscientious Objector Panel Discussion” (Vol. 14)
See Skelly, James M.
Kepple, Thomas R. Jr.
“Two Tales to Treasure” (Vol. 13)
“Founders Hall Dedication Speeches” (Vol. 10)
Keune, Manfred E.
“International Studies- Crisis, Challenges, and Possibilities” (Vol. 6)
Khayyam, Jihad
“This Ain’t Your Parents’ Civil Rights Movement” (Vol. 16)
See Bush
Kinnell, Galway (Pulitzer Prize Winner)
“Oatmeal” (Vol. 8)
Kipphan, Klaus
“Reflections on Traveling and the Third Eye” (Vol. 2)
Kirchoff-Glazier, Deb
“Highlights from a Sabbatical in Nutritional Medicine” (Vol. 16)
Kirkland, Will
“‘Anti-warriors’: A Conscientious Objector Panel Discussion” (Vol. 14)
See Skelly, James M.
Klag, Michael
“Commencement Address 2008” (Vol. 8)
Knepper, Steven E.
“Why Did We Go? A Panel Reflection” (Vol. 5)
Kreft, Heinz
“Transatlantic Relations Since the Iraq War” (Vol. 4)
“September 11, Europe, and the Current Challenges for Transatlantic Relations” (Vol. 2)
Kruse, Gerald
“Hacking the Tech in Little Brother” (Vol. 16)
See Thomas, William, and Gerald Kruse
Kulp, Todd
“My Life in the Very Real World: A Juniata Alum’s Life with Enron and Other Strange Events” (Vol. 10)
Kuriyan, John
“Liberal Arts Education and American Science” (Vol. 14)
LaFemina, Gerry
“Poem with Fragments of a Lost Language” (Vol. 7)
Lakso, Jim
“Two Cheers for Tenure” (Vol. 6)
See Grant, Christopher, James Lakso, Territa Poole, James Roney, and Kathryn Westcott
Lamendella, Regina
"Commercializing a Research Discovery: From the Bench to Business” (Vol. 20)
"Small Things Matter" (Vol. 17)
Langerholc, Wayne
"Reflections on a Year in the Pennsylvania Senate and the Importance of a Juniata Degree" Vol. 18)
La Porta, Alphonse F. (Ambassador, ret.)
“Islam and Democracy in Indonesia” (Vol. 8)
Law, Anna O.
“Making Policy in the Margins: The Federal Judiciary’s Role in Immigration Policy” (Vol. 10)
Leeson, Susan M.
“Restoring Civil Discourse: Lessons from the Constitutional Convention” (Vol. 6)
Lewis, John
“Get in the Way” (Vol. 5)
Liem, Reinaldo H.
“Speak Up” (Vol. 14)
“A Second Language for Our Home, Juniata College” (Vol. 13)
Liptak, Adam
“Covering the Roberts Court: A Reporter’s Reflection” (Vol. 12)
Loadenthal, Michael
"From Demonstration to Riot-ization: Social Control in the Era of Trump" (Vol. 18)
Lord, Kristin
"Global Engagement: The Right Path" (Vol. 17)
MacPherson, Myra
“The Importance of Dissent” (Vol. 14)
Madara, James L. (M.D.)
“Social Capital” (Vol. 12)
Maddox, Marjorie
"Two Poems" (Vol. 18)
Magak, Kitche
"The Dehumanized 'Other:' The Arts as a Counterforce to Otherization in Kenya" (Vol. 17)
Magnotta, Derrick
See Plane, Dennis L. and Derrick Magnotta
Maloney, Judy
“An Interview with Mohammed Al Shammarey and Sinan Antoon” (Vol. 11)
“Painted Stories: The Work of Jacob Lawrence” (Vol. 7)
Maloney, Judy, and Evan Summer
“The Art of Evan Summer: Landscapes, Nocturnes, and Pigs” (Vol. 13)
Mann, Thomas E.
“Campaigning and Governing: The 2004 Elections and Their Aftermath” (Vol. 5)
Mansfield, Harvey C.
“What Has Happened to Manliness?” (Vol. 2)
Marzio, Peter
“Coming to ‘Know Thyself’ at Juniata College” (Vol. 9)
Mason, Fred
“Five Things I Did Not Learn in Business School” (Vol. 12)
Mass, Jennifer
See Hark, Richard R.
Mathur, Ryan D.
“Isotopic Insights: Show Me The Money” (Vol. 10)
“Finding the Motherlode: Insights from Isotope Geochemistry” (Vol. 3)
Mazzetti, Mark
“U.S. Relations with Pakistan” (Vol. 13)
McBride, Alexander T.
“Truthful Illusions: Art's Usefulness” (Vol. 3)
McCallum, Shara
“Two Poems” (Vol. 11)
McCann, Jerry
McCarthy, Tom
"Saving Snow Leopards: Blending Biology and Social Science to Find Effective Conservation Solutions" (Vol. 19)
McDowell, Robert
“Emotional IQ in the Workplace” (Vol. 15)
McKonly, Linda
“Founders Hall Dedication Speeches” (Vol. 10)
See Kepple, Tom
McLay, Jim
“Small State – Big Issues” (Vol. 12)
“Making a Difference: The Role of a Small State at the United Nations” (Vol. 11)
McLean, Scott
"A Keystone State of Mind: Pennsylvania as a Swing State" (Vol. 17)
McMahan, Ron
“‘Anti-warriors’: A Conscientious Objector Panel Discussion” (Vol. 14)
See Skelly, James M.
McMurry, Julia
“Faith Without Works’: Speech as Action for Justice” (Vol. 16)
“Juniata, the Great Equalizer: A Financial Work in Progress” (Vol. 15)
McNeill, John R.
“Mosquito Revolutions: Disease, War, and Independence in the U.S. South, Haiti, and Venezuela, 1776-1825” (Vol. 14)
Meadows, David
“Alumni Advocates: The Difference Juniata Makes” (Vol. 13)
See Corman, David
Merriwether-de Vries, Cynthia
“Broadening Horizons: The Role of Bricks and Mortar Institutions in Building Web-based Infrastructure” (Vol. 3)
Meyer, Matt
“Peace Studies and Justice: A State of the Field Address” (Vol. 16)
Michel, Harriet
“Alumni Advocates: The Difference Juniata Makes” (Vol. 13)
See Corman, David
“Keep Your Eyes on the Prize – Hold On” (Vol. 10)
Mihranian, Elise
“Humanity on Speed” (Vol. 12)
Miller, Dylan
“Content With Nothing” (Vol. 15)
Miller, Philip
“Winter and Spring” (Vol. 7)
Miller, Robert J.
“The Illegitimacy of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew” (Vol. 8)
Minardi, Lisa
See Hark, Richard R.
Mitchell, Brenton
“Alumni Advocates: The Difference Juniata Makes” (Vol. 13)
See Corman, David
Moses, Lois
“Montage For the Future” (Vol. 7)
Mukeshimana, Eugenie
“Bearing Witness to the Rwanda Genocide” (Vol. 12)
Mumford, John
See Hark, Richard R.
Murphy, Erin
“Zip Code Man, After Reading a Wealthy Woman's Confession That She Had Never Changed a Bedsheet” (Vol. 9)
Murray, Andy
“Welcome To The Real World” (Vol. 8)
Muth, Norris
“Dr. Strange-Olive, or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Live with Invasive Species” (Vol. 16)
Nagengast, Emil
“Communalism and Liberalism in the Struggle for Human Rights in Africa” (Vol. 15)
“Apathy, Passion, and Alexander Supertramp” (Vol. 4)
Nagl, John
“Our Lives Marked by War: Reflections on J. Glenn Gray's The Warriors” (Vol. 14)
Nair, Karan
Nanziri, Elizabeth
“Financial Inclusion and Socio-Economic Transformation in Post-Apartheid South Africa” (Vol. 16)
Nathan, Howard M.
"My Life’s Work: Giving Life a Second Chance" (Vol. 21)
Neiberg, Michael S.
“J. Glenn Gray and Reflections on the Age of Total War” (Vol. 14)
Nieto, Jose
“Don Quixote's Penance in Sierra Morena: Structure and Intentionality” (Vol. 6)
Nishimwe, Consolee
"A Family in Hiding: Testimonial of Rwandan Genocide Survivor" (Vol. 17)
Nownes, Anthony J.
“Super PACs and the Presidential Election” (Vol. 13)
O'Brien, Erin
"Bad Lessons: How Student Loan Debt Promotes Participatory Democracy.’: Women in Prison for Drug Offenses in Latin America" - Forthcoming (Vol. 21)
Ochiai, Ei-Ichiro
“Radiation and Its Effect on Living Organisms” (Vol. 14)
“A Sustained Society: Japan of the Edo Period - A Great Experiment of Sustainability” (Vol. 5)
Olsen, Henry
"Barbarians Inside the Gate: Has Donald Trump Launched a Hostile Takeover of the Republican Party?" (Vol. 18)
"Donald Trump and the Chamber of Republican Secrets" (Vol. 17)
Orth-Moore, David
"Meeting Africa's Needs Through Catholic Relief Services: A Firsthand View" (Vol. 19)
Pass Barry, Laura
“A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words” (Vol. 10)
Payne, Caroline L.
"The Warrior Coffee Project: A Model of Service Learning in Study Abroad" (Vol. 19)
Peruso, Dominick F. Jr.
“Fit, Fat or Failing? The Financial Health of Private Higher Education” (Vol. 11)
Pesto, Keith A.
“The International Criminal Court: An Opposing View” (Vol. 12)
“The Constitution: Out of Balance?” (Vol. 7)
Phillips, William D.
“Three Wishes” (Vol. 2)
Pitcaithley, Dwight T.
“The National Park Service and the Civil Rights Movement: Remembering a Difficult Past” (Vol. 5)
Plane, Dennis L.
“Teaching American Politics During an Election Year” (Vol. 9)“
"The Racist and the Crook: Practical Tips for Civil Discourse During the 2016 Presidential Campaign" (Vol. 17)
Plane, Dennis L. and Derrick Magnotta
“Experiential Learning at the National Political Conventions and the Presidential Inauguration” (Vol. 13)
Porras-Gómez, Antonio-Martin
"Arab Constitutionalism" (Vol. 18)
Powell, Matthew
See Benson, Bethany, and Matthew Powell
Radchenko, Sergey
"Bullies: A Psychohistory of the Cold War - From Truman and Stalin to Trump and Putin" (Vol. 17)
Ramakrishnan, Uma
“The American Chestnut as a Service Learning Project at Juniata College” (Vol. 11)
"Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM): A Personal Perspective" (Vol. 18)
Reingold, I. David
“Chemistry as a Second Language” (Vol. 6)
Rhodes, Jesse
“Consistency We Can Believe In: The Politics of K-12 Education in the Obama Presidency” (Vol. 12)
Rhodes, Loren
“A Trillion and Change” (Vol. 9)
Richter, Danny
"Progress on Climate Change in D.C.: The Untold Story" (Vol. 19)
Roberts, Wade
"Liberalism, Tolerance, and the Limits of Inclusion" (Vol. 17)
Roberts, Wade, and James Roney
“Arendt, Eichmann, and the Perils of Thoughtlessness: Reflections on the Liberal Arts” (Vol. 14)
Robertson, Heidi Gorovitz
Rogers, Paul
“‘Anti-warriors’: A Conscientious Objector Panel Discussion” (Vol. 14)
See Skelly, James M.
Roney, James
“The Genomics Leadership Initiative at Juniata College” (Vol. 15)
See Buonaccorsi, Vincent, Jill Keeney, Jim Roney, and Kim Roth
“Death, Artistic Tradition, and Aesthetic Knowledge in Jan Kochanowski’s Renaissance Laments” (Vol. 10)
“Honor, Mercy or Justice” (Vol. 10)
See Roberts, Wade, and James Roney
Roth, Kim
“The Genomics Leadership Initiative at Juniata College” (Vol. 15)
See Buonaccorsi,Vincent, Jill Keeney, Jim Roney, and Kim Roth
Rutledge, Steve
“Works and Daze: The Antiquarian Meets the Agrarian” (Vol. 16)
Samuel, David
“The New Coyote and Deer Predation” (Vol. 16)
Sanger, David
“Iran, Iraq, North Korea: Covering the Crisis of the Bush Presidency” (Vol. 7)
Sanneh, Alieuh
Scacco, Joshua
"The Public, Press, and Presidency in a Time of Democratic Turbulence" (Vol. 19)
Schettler, Paul
"From Solvated Electrons to Shale Gas via the Liberal Arts" (Vol. 17)
Schwemmlein, Christoph
“Juniata College: Totally Unusual (For a German Student)” (Vol. 15)
Scott, Gurnal
"Along the Road to the White House: The Role of the Media in the 2016 Election" (Vol. 17)
Sène, Jean-Jacques
“Africa in Conflict: Transformation or Recovery?” (Vol. 13)
Shapiro, Rami M. (Rabbi)
“The Divine Feminine” (Vol. 12)
Shelley, Russell
"Juniata: Where Your Best Is Never Good Enough" (Vol. 21)
Simmons, John E. and Julianne Snider
“Image and Reality: Perception, Depiction, and Preservation of Nature” (Vol. 13)
Singh-Molares, Anil
“Don't Put Words In My Mouth!” (Vol. 6)
Skelly, James M.
“‘Anti-warriors’: A Conscientious Objector Panel Discussion” (Vol. 14)
“Conscientiously Objecting to War” (Vol. 4)
Skinner, Charles
“The US-UK Special Relationship and the War on Terror” (Vol. 7)
Slater, Jules
"Anger: A Motivating, Strengthening, Inspiring Force for Good" (Vol. 21)
Sousanis, Nick
“Comics as a Tool for Inquiry: Concerning a Dissertation in Comic Book Form” (Vol. 12)
Sowell, David
"Nativism, Eugenics, and White Nationalism: A Casual or Causal Relationship?" (Vol. 17)
“The Myth of Mountain Day: Popular Fears, Medical Knowledge, and Collegiate Tradition” (Vol. 14)
“Wisdom From the Sages” (Vol. 8)
“Quacks and Doctors: The Construction of Biomedical Authority in Mexico” (Vol. 5)
“The Problem of Slavery Studies Today -- ‘How Many? Where? When? and Why: The Numbers Game’" (Vol. 4)
“The Destruction of the Indies” (Vol. 1)
“Encounter at Cajamarca” (Vol. 1)
“Las Casas and the Struggle for Justice in the Indies” (Vol. 1)
“Tenochtitlan: The Public Culture of the Mexica State at the Time of Conquest” (Vol. 1)
“Thinking About Columbus: The Use and Utility of the Image of Columbus and Western Thought” (Vol. 1)
Spicher Kasdorf, Julia
“Two Poems” (Vol. 16)
Stephenson, R. Scott
"The First Oval Office: Washingont on the Battlefield" (Vol. 17)
Stewart, John
“Benjamin Abramowitz Discusses the WPA Graphic Art Project” (Vol. 9)
Stone, Phillip
“Lincoln: Warrior or Peacemaker” (Vol. 10)
“Why Lincoln Matters” (Vol. 9)
Streb, Jennifer
“Be Present ... And Breathe” (Vol. 15)
Su, Adrienne
"Two Poems: 'Tomatoes' and 'Asian Shrimp'" (Vol. 19)
Sunderland, Benjamin
“Spending Time with Family and Friends in the Juniata Valley” (Vol. 16)
Suny, Ronald
“They Can Live in the Desert But Nowhere Else: Explaining the Armenian Genocide One Hundred Years Later” (Vol. 16)
Swenson, Karen
“Selected Poems” (Vol. 6)
Talisman, Nick
“Evaluating the Effects of Cultural Event Attendance: A Qualitative Approach” (Vol. 15)
See Tuten, James
Tate, Marsha Ann
“Of Iron and Ozone: The History of the American Summer Colony in Cobourg, Ontario” (Vol. 13)
Taylor, Maurice C.
"Chasing Our Best Selves: Finding Blind Spots and Doing Great Small Things" (Vol. 18)
Theiss, Anna
“Unveiling the Heaviness: Contemporary Polish Art Confronting the Iron Curtain” (Vol. 11)
Thomas, William, and Gerald Kruse
"What Do You Want to Be?" (Vol. 18)
Thurston-Griswold, Henry
“De/Reconstructing Your World at Juniata College” (Vol. 4)
“One of 19th-Century Europe's Best Kept Secrets: The Renaissance of the Spanish Novel” (Vol. 2)
Trim, Mike
"Art Can Light Your Way" (Vol. 19)
“What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been: My Life in Film and TV” (Vol. 11)
Troha, Jim
“The Call to Think, the Courage to Evolve, and the Conviction to Act” (Vol. 14)
Troy, Jack
“Reflections of a Sub-salutatorian” (Vol. 6)
“Selected Poems” (Vol. 5)
Tuten, Belle S.
“Wisdom of the Ancients” (Vol. 14)
“Complaining, Worrying, and Some Advice About Fleas” (Vol. 2)
Tuten, James
"Commensality: The Essential Concept of Food Studies" (Vol. 20)
"The Lie I’m Telling Myself Today: Living a Lie in Pursuit of Happiness and Success" (Vol. 20)
“Evaluating the Effects of Cultural Event Attendance: A Qualitative Approach” (Vol. 15)
“Horticulture!” (Vol. 10)
See Wagoner, Robert.
Vollmer, Judith
“Two Poems: ‘Trees at Night’ and ‘Field Rzeszow’” (Vol. 15)
Wagoner, Paula L.
“An Experiment in Democracy: The Politics of Impeachment on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation” (Vol. 7)
Wagoner, Robert (Bob)
“Faces of Time” (Vol. 10)
Wagstaff, Kiri
"Teaching Computers to Read About Mars" (Vol. 18)
“Smart Robots on Mars: Deciding Where to Go and What to See” (Vol. 9)
Waithe, Desmond, and Frank C. Worrell
“The Development of the Steel Band in Trinidad and Tobago” (Vol. 3)
Walker, Edward S. Jr. (Ambassador)
“An Introduction and a Conclusion” (Vol. 7)
“Iraq and the Future of the Middle East” (Vol. 3)
Walker, Polly
"Transforming Complex Contemporary Challenges through Arts and Culture" (Vol. 19)
Watson, Kandice
“Oneida Indian Nation: A Personal History” (Vol. 16)
Weber, Jeremy
“Confessions from an Economist Trying to be Relevant (And Why It Matters to You)” (Vol. 11)
Weimer, Donna
See Bellwoar, Hannah, Daniel Dries, and Donna Weimer
Weiner, Robert
“A Home in the Country: Shelter Poverty in Rural America” (Vol. 3)
Weldon, Rebecca
"The Neural Mechanisms of Risky Decisions" (Vol. 18)
Welliver, Daniel M.
“You Can Handle the Truth” (Vol. 13)
Welsch, Gabe
Welty, Emily
"We Are Unstoppable: Another World is Possible" (Vol. 19)
Westcott, Kathryn
“Evaluating the Effects of Cultural Event Attendance: A Qualitative Approach” (Vol. 15)
See Tuten, James
White, Bill
“Evaluating the Effects of Cultural Event Attendance: A Qualitative Approach” (Vol. 15)
See Tuten, James
White, Donald C.
“The Effects of Obamacare” (Vol. 13)
White, James D.
“‘Hi, I'm White’” (Vol. 15)
Williams, Ebony
“This Ain’t Your Parents’ Civil Rights Movement” (Vol. 16)
See Bush
Williams, J. Michael
“The Challenges of Tradition in Democratic South Africa” (Vol. 11)
Williams, Ursuala
"Our (Chemical) World, Our Juniata: 'The World of Things That Change'" (Vol. 20)
Wolf, Maryanne
“Letters To Young Scholars” (Vol. 11)
Yenerall, Kevan M.
“Politics and Pop Culture: Citizenship, Satire, and Social Change” (Vol. 14)
Young, Al
“Sundays in Democracies” (Vol. 2)
Young, Katherine
“The Last Flight of the Gypsy King V-E Day” (Vol. 9)
Young Switzer, Jo
“Women and Effective Leadership” (Vol. 16)
Zeerak, J. Ahmad
“Don't Be Silent” (Vol. 6)
Zolten, Jerry
“How They Got Over: A Brief Overview of Black Gospel Quartet Music” (Vol. 16)
Business & Economics
Health & Medicine
Information Technology
International Studies
Juniata Ceremonial Speeches
Peace and Conflict Studies
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work, & Criminal Justice
Religious Studies
“A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words”- Barry
“Art, Creativity, and Conflict Transformation: A Practitioner’s Field Note” – Arai
“Arts and Sciences: Choose Your Own Adventure” – Benson and Powell
“Benjamin Abramowitz Discusses The WPA Graphic Art Project”- Stewart
“Comic Book Science”- Hosler
“Comics as a Tool for Inquiry”-Sousanis
“The Dehumanized ‘Other:’ The Arts as a Counterforce to Otherization in Kenya.”“-Magak
“Faces of Time”-Wagoner
“Image and Reality: Perception, Depiction, and Preservation of Nature” – Simmons and Snider
“Interview with Christiane Citron” – Citron and Tuten
“Investigating the Juniata College Collection of German Fraktur”- Hark, Houston, Mass, Minardi, Durnbaugh, Mumford
“Painted Stories: The Work of Jacob Lawrence”- Maloney
“Super Hero Comics”-Chambliss
“The Argument and Evidence for Comics in the Classroom”-Hosler
“The Art of Evan Summer: Landscapes, Nocturnes, and Pigs” – Maloney and Summer
“The Spectacular Teacher-Man”-Eastman
“Unveiling the Heaviness”- Theiss
“A Second Language for Our Home, Juniata College” – Liem
“Coping, Healing, and Mending: The Transformative Power of Humor.”–Hallabuk
“Faith Without Works’: Speech as Action for Justice” - McMurry
“From I and Me to Us and We.”-Jones
&Idquo;Humanity on Speed” – Mihranian
“Juniata, the Great Equalizer: A Financial Work in Progress” – McMurry
“Jumping Out of Assumptions into Questions.”–Ha
“The Space in Between.”–DesFosses.
“Speak Up” - Liem
“The Idea of the Year”- Daniels
“Brain Gas”- Hosler
“Comic Book Science”- Hosler
“Commercializing a Research Discovery: From the Bench to Business.”–Lamendella
“Dr. Strange-Olive, or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Live with Invasive Species” - Muth
“Epidemiology and Disease Outbreak” – Close
“Highlights from a Sabbatical in Nutritional Medicine” – Kichoff-Glazier
“Modern Merchants of Light”-Hosler
“Stories That No One Asked For” - Hosler
“The Argument and Evidence for Comics in the Classroom”-Hosler
“The Genomics Leadership Initiative at Juniata College” – Buonaccorsi, Keeney, Roney, and Roth
“The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning”- Boyle
“Two Blades of Grass”- Fletcher
Business & Economics
“Can You Beat the Market”- Andrew and Castro
“China and Environmental Degradation” - Hilton
“Confessions from an Economist Trying to be Relevant” - Weber
“Don’t Put Words in My Mouth!” - Singh-Molares
“Emotional IQ in the Workplace” – McDowell
“Financial Inclusion and Socio-Economic Transformation in Post-Apartheid South Africa” - Nanziri
“Fit, Fat or Failing”- Peruso
“Five Things I Did Not Learn In Business School” – Mason
“Juniata, the Great Equalizer: A Financial Work in Progress” – McMurry
“Leo Strauss and his Legacy” - Gilbert
“My Life in the Very Real World” - Kulp
“Some Interesting and Valuable Things I’ve Learned about Investing” - Andrew
“Tossing Out the Rules” - Andrews
“Two Cheers for Tenure” - Lakso
“What the Hell Happened?” - Andrew
“Your Juniata Balance Sheet” - Baughman
“Chemistry as a Second Language”- Reingold
“Finding the Motherlode”- Mathur
“Investigating the Juniata College Collection of German Fraktur”- Hark
“Isotopic Insights: Show Me the Money”- Mathur
“Radiation and Its Effect on Living Organisms” - Ochiai
“Content With Nothing” - Miller
“Covering the Roberts Court”- Liptak
“Disconnect: The Gulf Between Science and Journalism” - Dean
“Faith Without Works’: Speech as Action for Justice” - McMurry
“Emotional IQ in the Workplace” – McDowell
“How They Got Over: A Brief Overview of Black Gospel Quartet Music” - Zolten
“What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been” - Trim
“A Second Language for Our Home, Juniata College” - Liem
“An Intercultural Email Exchange” - Hertel
“Arendt, Eichmann, and the Perils of Thoughtlessness: Reflections on the Liberal Arts” – Roberts and Roney
“Arts and Sciences: Choose Your Own Adventure” – Benson and Powell
“Broadening Horizons” - Merriweather-de Vries
“Comics as a Tool for Inquiry” - Sousanis
“Content With Nothing” - Miller
“Education Reform” - Kadden
“Evaluating the Effects of Cultural Event Attendance: A Qualitative Approach” – Tuten, Wescott, Drews, White, and Talisman
“Experimental Learning at the National Political Conventions and the Presidential Inauguration” – Plane and Magnotta
“Five Things I Did Not Learn In Business School” - Mason
“Heard, Half Heard”- Belser
“It Gets Better” – Henderson
“Juniata College: Totally Unusual (For a German Student)” - Schwemmlein
“Liberal Arts Education and American Science” - Kuriyan
“Overlooked Marbles” - Gray
“Super Hero Comics” - Chambliss
“The Argument and Evidence for Comics in the Classroom” - Hosler
“The Call to Think, the Courage to Evolve, and the Conviction to Act” - Troha
“The Last Flight of the Gypsy King” and “VE Day”- Young
“The Politics of Sex” - Briggs
“The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning” - Boyle
“The Spectacular Teacher-Man” - Eastman
“Two Cheers for Tenure”- Lakso
“Women and Effective Leadership” – Young Switzer
“All of the Above” - Johnston
“China and Environmental Degradation” – Hilton
“Content With Nothing” – Miller
“Dr. Strange-Olive, or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Live with Invasive Species” - Muth
“The American Chestnut as a Service Learning Project at Juniata College” - Ramakrishnan
“The New Coyote and Deer Predation” - Samuel
“Two Blades of Grass”- Fletcher
“Works and Daze: The Antiquarian Meets the Agrarian” - Rutledge
“Finding the Motherlode” - Mathur
“Isotopic Insights: Show Me the Money” - Mathur
Health & Medicine
“Highlights from a Sabbatical in Nutritional Medicine” – Kichoff-Glazier
“Quacks and Doctors” - Sowell
“The Myth of Mountain Day: Popular Fears, Medical Knowledge, and Collegiate Tradition” - Sowell
“The Politics of Sex”- Briggs
“Wonder Drug or Bad Medicine” - Saldin
“A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words”- Barry
“A Sustained Society- Japan of the Edo Period” - Ochiai
“Another Look at the Enduring Appeals of Battle” – Hsiung
“Encounter at Cajamarca” - Sowell
“Financial Inclusion and Socio-Economic Transformation in Post-Apartheid South Africa” - Nanziri
“Get in the Way”- John Lewis
“Have Some Madeira, M’dear” - Jim Tuten
“How They Got Over: A Brief Overview of Black Gospel Quartet Music” - Zolten
“La Casas and the Struggle for Justice in the Indies” - Sowell
“Lincoln: Warrior or Peacemaker” - Stone
“Mosquito Revolutions: Disease, War, and Independence in the U.S. South, Haiti, and Venezuela, 1776-1825” - McNeill
“Of Iron and Ozone: The History of the American Summer Colony in Cobourg, Ontario” – Tate
“Oneida Indian Nation: A Personal History” - Watson
“Painting Politics and History in the North of Ireland”- Fletcher
“Passion and Belief”- Keith
“‘Planting Little Colonies in the South Seas:’ The Making of a Missionary Empire” – Fletcher and Mackay
“Quacks and Doctors” - Sowell
“Surveillance, Secrecy, and Democracy” - Ellsberg
“Telling Lies and Inventing Rhetoric in Ancient Greece”- Hutto
“Tenochtitlan” - Sowell
“The Destruction of the Indies” - Sowell
“The Importance of Dissent” - MacPherson
“The Myth of Mountain Day: Popular Fears, Medical Knowledge, and Collegiate Tradition” - Sowell
“The National Parks Service and the Civil Rights Movement” - Pitcaithley
“The Problem of Slavery Studies Today” - Sowell
“Thinking About Columbus”- Sowell
“Twenty Years After the Iron Curtain” - Janik
“Ways to Forgiveness and Reconciliation: A Perspective from the Amish” – Bach
“Who Were the Women Buried in Early Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries?” - Fleming
“Why Did We Go”- Steven E. Knepper
“Why Lincoln Matters”- Stone
“Wisdom of the Ancients” – Tuten
“Works and Daze: The Antiquarian Meets the Agrarian” - Rutledge
Information Technology
“A Trillion and Change”- Rhodes
“Can Computers Be Racist?” - Gates
“Don’t Put Words in My Mouth!” - Singh-Molares
“Hacking the Tech in Little Brother” - Kruse
“Smart Robots on Mars”- Wagstaff
“Your Electronic Self: Surveillance and Social Sorting” - Eichenüller
International Studies
“9/11, Europe and the Current Challenges for Transatlantic Relations” - Kreft
“An Intercultural Email Exchange” - Hertel
“An Interview with Mohammed Al-Shamarrey and Sinan Antoon” – Shamarrey, Antoon
“An Introduction and a Conclusion” - Edward S. Walker Jr.
“Bearing Witness to the Rwandan Genocide” - Mukeshimana
“Broadening Horizons” - Merriweather-de Vries
“China and Environmental Degradation” – Hilton
“Communalism and Liberalism in the Struggle for Human Rights in Africa” – Nagengast
“Death, Artistic Tradition and Aesthetic Knowledge in Jan Kochanowski’s Renaissance Laments”- Roney
“Financial Inclusion and Socio-Economic Transformation in Post-Apartheid South Africa” - Nanziri
“International Criminal Court” - Pesto
“International Studies- Crisis, Challenges and Possibilities” - Keune
“Iraq and the Future of the Middle East” - Walker
“Juniata College: Totally Unusual (For a German Student)” - Schwemmlein
“Making a Difference” - Jim McClay
“Moral Revolution, Human Rights and the Myth of African Cultural Uniqueness” - Ilesanmi
“Mosquito Revolutions: Disease, War, and Independence in the U.S. South, Haiti, and Venezuela, 1776-1825” - McNeill
“On Al Sayyab’s Rain Song” - Antoon
“One of the 19th Century Europe’s Best Kept Secrets” - Thurston-Griswold
“Post-Colonial Francophone Literature in Canada” - Henderson
“Small State-Big Issues” - McLay
“The Challenge of Tradition in Democratic South Africa” - Williams
“The Genomics Leadership Initiative at Juniata College” – Buonaccorsi, Keeney, Roney, and Roth
“The US-UK Special Relationship and the War on Terror” - Skinner
“Trans-Atlantic Relations since the Iraq War” - Kreft
“Twenty Years After the Iron Curtain” - Janik
“Unilateralism vs. Multi-Lateralism” - Guardans
“United States Foreign Policy in Latin America” - Kaufman
“Ways to Forgiveness and Reconciliation: A Perspective from the Amish” - Bach
“Your Electronic Self: Surveillance and Social Sorting” - Eichenüller
“The Importance of Dissent” - MacPherson
Juniata Ceremonial Speeches
“An Introduction and a Conclusion” - Edward S. Walker Jr.
“Apathy, Passion and Alexander Supertramp” - Nagengast
“Arts and Sciences: Choose Your Own Adventure” – Benson and Powell
“Be Present… And Breathe” - Streb
“Coming to ‘Know Thyself’ at Juniata College” - Marzio
“Commencement Address 2008” - Klag
“Complaining, Worrying and Some Advice about Fleas” - Belle Tuten
“De/Reconstructing Your World at Juniata College” -Thurston-Griswold
“Don’t Be Silent” - Zeerak
“Flame On!” - Hosler
“Founder’s Hall Dedication Speeches” – Kepple, McKonly, Gibbel, Hsiung, and Davis
“Get Lost” - Katz
“Getting It”- Churchill
“‘Hi, I’m White’” - White
“Honor, Mercy or Justice” - Roney
“Horticulture” - Jim Tuten
“Interpretations and Beginnings” - Cockett
“It Gets Better” – Henderson
“Juniata College: Totally Unusual (For a German Student)” – Schwemmlein
“Juniata: You and Me” - Cherry
“Keep Your Eyes on the Prize – Hold On” - Michel
“Letters to Young Scholars” - Wolf
“Liberal Arts Education and American Science” - Kuriyan
“Look In, Look Out, Look Around”- Borgardt
“Not All that Wander are Lost” - Fletcher
“Overlooked Marbles” - Gray
“Prizes and Gifts”- Hsiung
“Puzzles” - Boyle
“Question Authority (Except Mine)” - Goldstein
“Reflections of a sub-Salutorian” - Troy
“Reflections on Traveling and the Third Eye” - Kipphan
“Seeing and Believing, Surviving and Thriving” - Ikenberry
“Social Capital” - Madara
“Spending Time with Family and Friends in the Juniata Valley” - Sunderland
“The Call to Think, the Courage to Evolve, and the Conviction to Act” - Troha
“The Least Dangerous Assumption” - Biddle
“The Nelson Touch: A Model for Leadership” - Hark
“Three Wishes” - Phillips
“Truthful Illusions” - McBride
“Two Tales to Treasure” – Kepple
“Welcome to the Real World” - Murray
“What You Deserve is What You Get” - Hsiung
“What Do You Think You’re Doing, Dave” - Davis
“Wisdom of the Ancients” - Tuten
“Wisdom from the Sages” - Sowell
“You Can Handle the Truth” – Welliver
“Your Juniata Balance Sheet” - Baughman
“You’re On Your Own Now”- Barlow
Literature and Poetry
“A Poem on Love” – Bode-Lang
“Birds of Prey” - Becker
“Death, Artistic Tradition and Aesthetic Knowledge in Jan Kochanowski’s Renaissance Laments”- Roney
“Don Quixote’s Penance in Sierra Morena” - Nieto
“For the Standing Stone Coffee Company” “Ice Fishing at Mountain Lake” and “An Hour Past Dawn” - Troy
“Hacking the Tech in Little Brother” - Kruse
“Hemlock Poetry” - Peter Goldstein
“In May” and “Anniversary” - Condellone
“Montage for the Future” - Moses
“Oatmeal” - Kinnell
“On Al Sayyab’s Rain Song” - Antoon
“One of the 19th Century Europe’s Best Kept Secrets” - Thurston-Griswold
“Poem with Fragments of a Lost Language” - Gerry LaFemina
“Post-Colonial Francophone Literature in Canada” - Henderson
“Selected Poems” - Karen Swenson
“Selected Poems” - Troy
“Stories That No One Asked For” - Hosler
“Sundays in Democracies” - Young
“Telling Lies and Inventing Rhetoric in Ancient Greece” - Hutto
“The Last Flight of the Gypsy King” and “VE Day” - Young
“Two Poems” - Shara McCallum
“Two Poems: ‘A Memory of Heaven’ and ‘Coal’” – Davis
“Two Poems: ‘Blues Knowledge’ and ‘Plutonium’” – Feinstein
“Two Poems: ‘Elegy Against -, Ten Years Later’ and ‘Poetry in America’” - Kasdorf
“Two Poems: ‘Trees at Night’ and ‘Field Rzeszow’” - Vollmer
“Unbroken View” - Di Blasi
“Winter and Spring” - Miller
“Zip Code Man” and “After Reading a Wealthy Woman’s Confession that She had Never Changed a Bedsheet” - Murphy
“Huygens, Holland and Hanging Chains, or L’affaire de la chaine” - Bukowski
“The Genomics Leadership Initiative at Juniata College” – Buonaccorsi, Keeney, Roney, and Roth
“How They Got Over: A Brief Overview of Black Gospel Quartet Music” - Zolten
“The Development of the Steel Band in Trinidad and Tobago” - Waithe & Worrell
Peace and Conflict Studies
“9/11, Europe and the Current Challenges for Transatlantic Relations” - Kreft
“Africa in Conflict: Transformation or Recovery?” – Sène
“Alumni Advocates: The Difference Juniata Makes” – Corman, Gunn, Meadows, Michel, Mitchell
“Another Look at the Enduring Appeals of Battle” - Hsiung
“‘Anti-warriors’: A Conscientious Objector Panel Discussion” – Skelly, McMahan, Huyler, Kirkland, Kent, Rogers
“Art, Creativity, and Conflict Transformation: A Practitioner's Field Note” - Arai
“Communalism and Liberalism in the Struggle for Human Rights in Africa” - Nagengast
“Conscientiously Objecting to War” - Skelly
“Experimental Learning at the National Political Conventions and the Presidential Inauguration” – Plane and Magnotta
“Freedom of Conscious: What It is and Why Should We Care” - Galston
“‘Hi, I’m White’” - White
“J. Glenn Gray and Reflections on the Age of Total War” - Neiberg
“Lincoln: Warrior or Peacemaker”-Stone
“Mosquito Revolutions: Disease, War, and Independence in the U.S. South, Haiti, and Venezuela, 1776-1825” - McNeill
“Our Lives Marked by War: Reflections on J. Glenn Gray's The Warriors” - Nagl
“Peace Studies and Justice: A State of the Field Address” - Meyer
“Restoring Civil Discourse: Lessons from the Constitutional Convention” - Leeson
“Super PACs and the Presidential Election” – Nownes
“The Politics of Compassion in a World of Ruthless Power” - Clements
“The US-UK Special Relationship and the War on Terror”- Skinner
“This Ain’t Your Parents’ Civil Rights Movement” – Bush, Hendricks, Kennedy, Khayyam, and Williams
“Trans-Atlantic Relations since the Iraq War” - Kreft
“U.S. Relations with Pakistan” – Mazzetti
“Ways to Forgiveness and Reconciliation: A Perspective from the Amish” - Bach
“What’s the Link Between Religion and Violence” - Braxton
“Arendt, Eichmann, and the Perils of Thoughtlessness: Reflections on the Liberal Arts” – Roberts and Roney
“Freedom of Conscious: What It is and Why Should We Care” - Galston
“Leo Strauss and his Legacy” - Gilbert
“Eclipsing Binary Stars as Astrophysical Laboratories” - Beaky
“9/11, Europe and the Current Challenges for Transatlantic Relations” - Kreft
“Africa in Conflict: Transformation or Recovery?” – Sène
“All of the Above” - Johnston
“An Experiment in Democracy” - Wagoner
“Another Look at the Enduring Appeals of Battle” - Hsiung
“‘Anti-warriors’: A Conscientious Objector Panel Discussion” – Skelly, McMahan, Huyler, Kirkland, Kent, Rogers
“Ballots and Bullets: The Politics of Antietam and Chickamauga” - Benson
“Campaigning and Governing: The 2004 Elections and Their Aftermath” - Mann
“Can Computers Be Racist?” - Gates
“Coming Soon” - Hetherington
“Communalism and Liberalism in the Struggle for Human Rights in Africa” - Nagengast
“Conscientiously Objecting to War” - Skelly
“Consistency we Can Believe in” - Rhodes
“Covering the Roberts Court” - Liptak
“Experimental Learning at the National Political Conventions and the Presidential Inauguration” – Plane and Magnotta
“Freedom of Conscious: What It is and Why Should We Care” - Galston
“Get in the Way” - John Lewis
“International Criminal Court” - Pesto
“Iran, Iraq, N. Korea” - Sanger
“Iraq and the Future of the Middle East” - Walker
“Islam and Democracy in Indonesia” - La Porta
“J. Glenn Gray: A Personal Remembrance” - Fuller
“J. Glenn Gray and Reflections on the Age of Total War” - Neiberg
“Just Policing: Constitutional Policing and Nonviolence in a Context of Structural Racism” – Epperson and Sarpiya
“Lincoln: Warrior or Peacemaker” - Stone
“Making Policy in the Margins” - Law
“Our Lives Marked by War: Reflections on J. Glenn Gray's The Warriors” - Nagl
“Personality, Polarization and the 2012 Election” – Hetherington
“Politics and Pop Culture: Citizenship, Satire, and Social Change” – Yenerall
“Practice Makes Imperfect: Why Aren’t We Better at Democracy?” - Dickson
“Rebuilding Braddock” - Fetterman
“Restoring Civil Discourse: Lessons from the Constitutional Convention” - Leeson
“Super PACs and the Presidential Election” – Nownes
“Surveillance, Secrecy, and Democracy” - Ellsberg
“Teaching American Politics During an Election Year” - Plane
“The Constitution: Out of Balance” - Pesto
“The Effects of Obamacare” – White
“The Importance of Dissent” - MacPherson
“The Reagan Legacy in the Age of Obama” - Hayward
“The Politics of Sex” - Briggs
“The US-UK Special Relationship and the War on Terror” - Skinner
“This Ain’t Your Parents’ Civil Rights Movement” – Bush, Hendricks, Kennedy, Khayyam, and Williams
“Trans-Atlantic Relations since the Iraq War” - Kreft
“Unilateralism vs. Multi-Lateralism” - Guardans
“United States Foreign Policy in Latin America” - Kaufman
“U.S. Relations with Pakistan” – Mazzetti
“Your Electronic Self: Surveillance and Social Sorting” - Eichenüller
“Emotional IQ in the Workplace” - McDowell
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
“An Intercultural Email Exchange”- Hertel
“Arendt, Eichmann, and the Perils of Thoughtlessness: Reflections on the Liberal Arts” – Roberts and Roney
“Arts and Sciences: Choose Your Own Adventure” – Benson and Powell
“Chemistry as a Second Language”- Reingold
“Comics as a Tool for Inquiry” - Sousanis
“Emotional IQ in the Workplace” - McDowell
“Evaluating the Effects of Cultural Event Attendance: A Qualitative Approach” – Tuten, Wescott, Drews, White, and Talisman
“Liberal Arts Education and American Science” - Kuriyan
“The Argument and Evidence for Comics in the Classroom” - Hosler
“The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning” - Boyle
“The Spectacular Teacher-Man” - Eastman
“Women and Effective Leadership” – Young Switzer
Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work, & Criminal Justice
“A Home in the Country” - Weiner
“An Experiment in Democracy” - Wagoner
“Covering the Roberts Court” - Liptak
“Financial Inclusion and Socio-Economic Transformation in Post-Apartheid South Africa” - Nanziri
“‘Hi, I’m White’” - White
“International Criminal Court” - Pesto
“Just Policing: Constitutional Policing and Nonviolence in a Context of Structural Racism” – Epperson and Sarpiya
“Politics and Pop Culture: Citizenship, Satire, and Social Change” – Yenerall
“Speak Up” - Liem
“Super Hero Comics”- Chambliss
“The American Chestnut as a Service Learning Project at Juniata College” - Ramakrishnan
“This Ain’t Your Parents’ Civil Rights Movement” – Bush, Hendricks, Kennedy, Khayyam, and Williams
“What Has Happened to Manliness” - Mansfield
“You Are who You Meet” - Burkhardt
“Your Electronic Self: Surveillance and Social Sorting” - Eichenüller
Religious Studies
“Don Quixote’s Penance in Sierra Morena”- Nieto
“How They Got Over: A Brief Overview of Black Gospel Quartet Music” – Zolten
“Just Policing: Constitutional Policing and Nonviolence in a Context of Structural Racism” – Epperson and Sarpiya
“The Divine Feminine” - Rabbi Rami Shapiro
“The Illegitimacy of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew” - Miller
“Ways to Forgiveness and Reconciliation: A Perspective from the Amish” - Bach
“What’s the Link Between Religion and Violence” - Braxton
*Last Updated: through Volume 16