How to request an enrollment or degree verification: 

Juniata College has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to act as its agent for all enrollment or degree verification requests. All students, insurers, lenders, employers, and others who need to verify a student's enrollment and/or degree completion must use the National Student Clearinghouse services.

Note: Due to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), student educational records in the United States are protected. Parents/guardians may not request verifications on behalf of their students -- The student must make that request themself.

Visit the NSC website to place a verification request. No requests will be taken over the phone or email, either by contacting the Clearinghouse or the Juniata College Registrar's Office. 

What type of verifications are available? 

A Current Enrollment verification provides confirmation of enrollment status for the current term. Current Enrollment verifications for the in-progress term are available two weeks after the end of the drop/add period for that term. (Fee: $4.95)

Undergraduate students will be certified as full-time if they are registered for 12 or more credits. Those with fewer than 12 credits will be certified as part-time. Graduate students will be certified as full-time if they are registered for 9 or more credits. Those with fewer than 9 credits will be certified as part-time.

A Degrees & Attendance verification reports a student's entire enrollment history, dates of attendance, and degree(s) conferred. Other academic program notations including minors and certificates are reported on the student's official academic transcript, not the verification. (Fee: $19.95, Juniata College assesses no school surcharge.)

    • TIP:  Former or current students may instead prefer to order an official transcript, which provides the same information as a Degrees & Attendance verification, but at a potentially lower cost. Visit the Transcript page on our website for instructions and the link to place your order.

School Codes:

  • Juniata College Federal School Code - 00327900
  • Juniata College CEEB Code - 2341

Questions:  Contact the Juniata College Registrar's Office at 814-641-3165.