Juniata College offers a dual-enrollment program for high school students from Huntingdon County and the surrounding area whose school districts have dual-enrollment agreements with the College. Eligible high school juniors and seniors may take one course per semester (maximum of 4 courses) at a reduced tuition rate (currently $100 per credit hour), or at no cost for students who are eligible for free or reduced lunch at their high school. Tuition does not include fees for labs, field trips, supplies, books, or other incidentals.

Student eligibility and readiness for college-level course work is determined by their high school guidance counselor or instructional supervisor. All College policies regarding course registration and tuition and fees are applied.

Course Registration:
To see what courses are available in an upcoming semester, visit the online Class Schedule. Non-degree visiting students must meet all course requisites and are typically not permitted to register for First-Year Experience courses (First-Year Composition, First-Year Foundations, First-Year Seminar, internships, faculty-mentored research, credit-by-exam courses, or independent study courses.
To submit a registration request, complete the online Visiting Student Registration Form. Registration depends on course availability after Juniata full-time students have registered for classes, and will occur in late July/early August for Fall Semester and December for Spring Semester.

Prior to the first term of enrollment, a dual-enrollment student orientation is offered for students and their parents/guardians.

Drop/Add Period:

The Drop/Add period starts on the first day of each semester and continues for the first seven business days of that semester. When a student drops a course, it does not appear on the Juniata transcript, as if the student was never registered for it. To drop a course (and add another course if desired), the student should first contact their high school guidance counselor, who will facilitate the drop process with the Juniata Registrar's office. It is very important that the student does not simply stop attending classes. If the course is not dropped, the student will receive a final grade of F.

Course Withdrawal: 

A student may withdraw from a course starting whenever the drop/add period concludes until noon on the last day of classes (NOT the last day of final exams), unless the instructor lists a different deadline on the course syllabus. As with a drop, students should first talk with their high school guidance counselor before withdrawing from a course. Withdrawals will be considered complete when they are filed with the Juniata Registrar's Office, with all required approvals, by the stated deadline.  Students who do not complete the withdrawal process will receive the grade earned at the time the course instructor submits final grades. Course withdrawals are not calculated in a student's Juniata grade point average. 

  • Textbooks and other required course materials may be purchased through Juniata’s bookstore or from the vendor of your choice. Instructions are provided during dual-enrollment student orientation and in other correspondence the student will receive when enrolled in a course.
  • Email is the College’s primary means of communication, so dual-enrollment students should check their Juniata College email daily when enrolled in a course.
  • Dual-enrollment students are expected to attend Juniata College classes whenever they are in session, even if that is a holiday or weather cancellation for their home school district. Students should check their Juniata email each day before making the trip to campus and sign up for text alerts about College closings or delays. Instructions will be provided to enrolled students.
  • Most campus resources, such as tutoring and the Writing Center, area available to dual-enrollment students at no additional cost.
  • Final grades are accessible on Colleague Self-Service and also will be emailed to the student and their high school guidance counselor.
  • Official transcripts can be ordered through the College's transcript service. Visit https://www.juniata.edu/registrar/transcript/index.php for complete instructions.
Contact Us:

Questions about the dual-enrollment program can be directed to the Juniata College Registrar's Office at registrar@juniata.edu or 814-641-3165.