Federal Regulations require that institutions that receive federal Title IV funding provide specific consumer information about the school and the availability of student financial aid to prospective and continuing students.

For details, please see Information Required to Be Disclosed Under the Higher Education Act of 1965: Suggestions for Dissemination (NPEC 2009); Federal Student Aid Handbook; the Higher Education Compliance Alliance compliance matrix; and the MSCHE Institutional Federal Compliance Report.


Availability of Institutional and Financial Aid Information

Contact information regarding institutional or financial aid

For assistance in obtaining institutional or financial aid information, please contact our Office of Financial Planning. General institutional inquiries may be directed to the Director of Institutional Research.


Student Financial Assistance

Federal student financial aid penalties for drug law violations

Juniata provides to each student at the time of enrollment a separate and clear written notice that a conviction for any drug offense while receiving Title IV aid will result in a loss of eligibility for all Title IV aid.

Student financial aid information

You can find information about our financial aid programs, including selection criteria for competitive scholarships, and procedures for applying for aid and eligibility requirements here. Our cost of attendance, degree programs, and academic standards of progress are available here.


General Institutional Information

Academic Programs

You can find our degree programs, a description of our facilities, a list of faculty, and our accredited programs here. All degree programs are assessed by the Department and Program Committee on an annual basis, with a culminating review every six years, as described in our faculty manual (§

Accreditation, approval, and/or licensure

Juniata is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. Documents relating to our 2013 and 2023 reaccreditations are available on our accreditation page. Third Party Comments may be submitted to our accreditor, and/or with the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

Arbitration agreements

Juniata does not require students to accept a pre-dispute arbitration agreement or class action waiver as a condition of enrollment.

Career and placement services

Career development information is available here.

Cash management contracts

Juniata does not participate in any cash management contracts.

Copyright infringement policies and sanctions

Please see our copyright policy and our policy on the ethical and responsible use of EagleNet.

Cost of attendance

Information about the cost of attendance, including tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board, transportation costs, and any additional costs, is available here.

Disability services and facilities

Information for students with documented disabilities is available at our Office of Student Accessibility Services.

Net price calculator

Our net price calculator is available here.

Privacy of student records – Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Juniata's FERPA policy is published annually in its catalog.

Refund policy, withdrawal, and return of Title IV financial aid

Our refund policy and policies on the return of Title IV financial aid are available from our Bursar's Office. Our leave of absence/withdrawal policy is available from our Dean of Students office.

Student activities

Information about student activities offered at Juniata is available from our Campus Life page. Our catalog also contains information about student activities.

Student body diversity

Student body diversity data is reported annually to IPEDS. The most recent publicly available data are available from College Navigator, or from the Director of Institutional Research upon request. Data on our student body is also available on our public Tableau dashboard.

Teach-out plans

Juniata is not required by our accrediting agency to maintain a teach-out plan.

Textbook information

Required materials are listed for each course on our internal course schedule used for registration. Course materials are also available from our bookstore here. 

Transfer of credit policies and articulation agreements

Please see a description of our transfer of credit policies, and a list of schools with whom we have established an articulation agreement.

Written arrangements

Information regarding written arrangements to deliver a portion of the educational program may be requested from the Provost's Office.


Health and Safety

Annual security report

Our annual security reports are available from our Office of Public Safety. You can find our emergency operations plan.

Crime log

The daily crime log is kept by the Office of Public Safety. The crime log for the most recent 60 days is open to public inspection during normal business hours. Crime logs older than 60 days are available within two business days of a request for public inspection.

Drug and alcohol abuse prevention materials

Juniata prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs. Juniata will impose disciplinary sanctions on students and employees for violations of the standards of conduct.

Drug and alcohol abuse prevention program review

The results of our biennial review of Juniata's drug and alcohol abuse program, the number of drug and alcohol related violations and fatalities, and the number and types of sanctions imposed, are available from the Office of Public Safety.

Fire log

Our fire log is available from our Office of Public Safety. The fire log for the most recent 60 days is open to public inspection during normal business hours. Fire logs older than 60 days are available within two business days of a request for public inspection.

Fire safety report

Juniata's Fire Safety Report is included in its Annual Security Report, which is available from our Office of Public Safety.

Information for crime victims about disciplinary proceedings

Juniata will disclose upon request to the alleged victim of any crime of violence or a non-forcible sex offense the report on the results of any disciplinary hearing against a student who is the alleged perpetrator of such crime or offense. Written requests may be made to the Office of Public Safety.

Missing person policy

Our missing person policy is included in our Annual Security Report, available from the Office of Public Safety.

Vaccinations policy

Our immunization policy is available here.


Student Outcomes

Athlete completion and graduation rates

Juniata is a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), which compiles and distributes this information on behalf of its member institutions. Division III graduation rates are available here.

Completion/graduation and transfer-out rates

Juniata submits these data to IPEDS annually. You can find retention and graduation rates and outcome measures on the College Navigator. Completion and graduation rates can be visualized on our public Tableau dashboards.

Job placement rates

Our job placement rates are determined by surveys administered by our Office of Career Development. Information on the placement in employment and types of employment obtained by Juniata graduates, and any other information necessary to substantiate the truthfulness of the information, may be requested from that Office.

Retention rates

Juniata submits these data to IPEDS annually. The most recent available retention rate is available on the College Navigator or from the Director of Institutional Research.

Types of graduate/professional education that graduates enroll in

Information regarding the types of graduate and professional education in which our graduates enroll are collected by surveys administered by our Office of Career Services.


Intercollegiate Athletic Program

Equity in athletics disclosure act (EADA) report

The EADA report is available on our athletics website or upon request.


Voter Registration

Voter registration forms

Juniata makes mail voter registration forms available to students. We distribute voter registration information to new students during Inbound, and to all students in our daily campus announcements.


Loan-Related Disclosures

Code of conduct

Our code of conduct that prohibits conflicts of interest with respect to Title IV, HEA loans or private education loans is available here.

Disclosure of repayment information about Perkins loans

The Perkins Loan Program ended in 2017. No new Perkins loans could be made after September 30, 2017, and no disbursements on existing loans could be made after June 30, 2018.

Entrance counseling

Juniata students complete entrance counseling through www.studentaid.gov. For details, please see the Financial Planning Tip Sheet

Exit counseling

Information on exit counseling may be obtained from our Office of Financial Planning.

Preferred lender disclosures

Juniata does not have preferred lenders.

Private loan disclosures

Please see here for information on private education loans.

State grant assistance

Information about the availability of, and eligibility for, state grant aid is available here


Pennsylvania State Higher Education Reporting

The following assurances of compliance are required by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

Sexual Violence, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence and Stalking Education and Response Program (Act 55 of 2022)

Juniata College has a prevention program for full-time students and employees.

Article XX-G Sexual Violence Education at Institutions of Higher Education (Act 55 of 2022)

Juniata has a definition of consent; a notification of rights, accommodations, and protective measures; and annually renews its existing Memorandum of Understanding with a local rape crisis center and domestic violence center.

Uniform Crime Reporting Act (Act 180 of 2004 and Act 22 of Pa. Code Chapter 33)

Juniata assures compliance with the Uniform Crime Reporting Act and Chapter 33 of the Regulations of the State Board of Education.

English Fluency in Higher Education Act (Act 76 of 1990)

Juniata confirms that all instructional faculty members, including those hired since the last annual certification, were evaluated and found fluent in the English language in the classroom in accordance with all requirements of the Act.

Annual Survey of Educational Programs (ASEP) (Act 22 Pa. Code §31.23)

Juniata annually reports programs as required to the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

Higher Education Gift Disclosure Act (Act 99 of 1995)

Juniata confirms that it has not received a gift exceeding $100,000 in the previous year from a foreign nation, foreign entity or foreign government.

Graduation Rates for Colleges (Act 88 of 2002)

Juniata submits these data to IPEDS annually. The most recent available retention rate is available on the College Navigator or from the Director of Institutional Research.

Federal Loan Disclosures (Act 121 of 2018)

The institution has complied with Act 121 of 2018 by providing annual federal loan disclosures to students of the institution.

Fostering Independence Through Education (Act 16 of 2019)

Juniata annually reports to the Pennsylvania Board of Education the retention rates of students participating in the program; number of students who are participating in the program and have unmet financial need; and total amount of tuition and fees waived.

Credit Card Marketing (Article XXIII-A)

Juniata has established a policy that regulates marketing of credit cards on campus, which may include the option of prohibiting the credit card marketing on campus.

Debt Management and Money Management Skills (Act 35 of 2023)

Juniata is incorporating into orientation programming presentations on credit card debt education and money management skills for students. 


Middle States Commission on Higher Education: Required Information for Students and the Public

Juniata is required by the Commission to make available to enrolled and prospective students and the general public in catalogs, handbooks, and other publications, fair, accurate and complete information in the following areas. 

The following list provides quick access to that information on our website.

Academic Calendar

Our academic calendar is available on the registrar's page.


Our grading policy is available in the College catalog.


Admissions information is available in the College catalog, and on our admissions page.

Academic program requirements

Academic program requirements and program completion requirements are available on our Areas of Study page.

These pages also describe any unique requirements for career paths; any relevant and applicable national and/or state requirements for eligibility for licensure or entry into the occupation or profession related to those degrees or programs; and program completion eligibility to meet national and/or State licensure requirements to take required professional examinations in the field or to practice regulated professions, including states for which the curriculum meets and does not meet State eligibility requirements, and for which eligibility has not been determined.

Information on professional licensure is also available here.

Availability of student financial assistance

Information on scholarships and aid is available through our Office of Financial Planning.

Withdrawal policies

Withdrawal policies and procedures are available through the Dean of Students office, and are also in our College catalog.

Student refund policies

Our refund policy is available from our Bursar's Office.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Satisfactory academic progress is defined in our College catalog.

Performance on licensing exams, Placement rates and student employment after graduation

Available on our Admissions outcomes page, and from our Office of Career Development.

  • Percent of students who applied and were accepted to medical school or other health professional school: 83% (2021-2022)
  • Percent of students who applied and were accepted to law school: 91% (2020-2021)
  • Percent of graduates who were employed or in graduate school six months after graduation: 93% (updated 10/20/2022)
  • Percent of Education students who pass the Pennsylvania Education Certification Test (PECT): 71-95% (2018 through 2021 graduates)
  • Percent of Bachelor in Social Work (BSW) students who are either in graduate school or working in social work 3 months after graduation: 100% (2021 & 2022 graduates; 36% enrolled in MSW programs and 64% working)
  • Percent of Master of Accounting students employed within 6 months of graduation: 100% (updated 3/2/2023)


Miscellaneous Disclosures

Student Complaint Resolution

Detailed information about how students can resolve complaints is available in our student handbook, issued by our Dean of Students office.