Juniata College makes every effort to resolve student complaints internally, using informal processes as well as formal policies and procedures. Students should fully utilize the appropriate avenues, listed below, to address their complaints or concerns.
Academic Concerns Regarding Faculty Conduct or Grades: for grade complaints you should direct your concerns to the faculty member, check with the department chair and finally the Provost Office. Follow the link for more information: https://www.juniata.edu/catalog/planning.php#grade-appeals
Student Complaint Reporting Form: https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?JuniataCollege&layout_id=3
Academic Integrity Violations: complaints are submitted to the Provost Office. Follow the link for more information: https://www.juniata.edu/offices/dean-of-students/pathfinder/academic-info.php#appeals
Access and Disability Services: Complaints regarding accommodations can be made to the Office of Academic Support. For more information: https://www.juniata.edu/offices/dean-of-students/accommodations.php
Affirmative Action: All Affirmative Action questions should be referred to the Director Of Human Resources at 814-641-3195
Criminal Activity: Students and employees may report emergencies or criminal acts in a variety of ways: By calling the Public Safety Office 3163 or 911-1, calling the JC Crime Watch 814-641-3318, through their resident assistant or residence director, or by calling the Huntingdon Police directly at 814-643-3960.
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA): FERPA policies that govern access to student records can be found here https://www.juniata.edu/catalog/planning.php#FERPA. Violations of FERPA may be reported to the Registrar's Office 814-641-3171 or registrar@juniata.edu.
Financial Aid: Information regarding appeals and adjustments can be found here: https://www.juniata.edu/catalog/finances.php#appeals
Harassment or Discrimination (including identity based or sexual harassment or discrimination): complaints should be made to the Title IX Coordinator, please call 814-641-3151 or e-mail cookhud@juniata.edu. You may also file using this online form.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA): HIPAA privacy complaints can be made with the Dean of Students Office 814-641-3157.
National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements, Distance Education: NC-SARA Student Consumer Protections for Distance Education complaints can be made with the Dean of Students Office at 814-641-3157. The complaint process follows the Process for Resolving Complaints in the SARA Policy Manual. The following links can be used to file a complaint directly with NC-SARA or with the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
Title IX: complaints involving Title IX should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator at 814-641-3152 or by filling out this online form.
Whistleblower Guidelines: The Policy on Whistleblower Guidelines prohibits College officials from interfering with the right of anyone to report alleged financial impropriety, misuse of organizational resources, unethical behavior or the violation of any laws. Furthermore, it prohibits the College from retaliating against an employee for having made a good faith disclosure or complaint or having refused to do something illegal or unethical. More information regarding submission of a complaint can be found here.
It is expected that students will fully utilize any or all of the College's administrative procedures to address concerns or complaints in as timely a manner as possible. On occasion, however, a student may believe that these administrative procedures have not adequately addressed concerns identified under the Program Integrity Rule. In those select cases, the following independent resources are available to the student.