We're glad you're considering transferring to Juniata! Students transferring to Juniata will have their work evaluated on a course-by-course basis by our Registrar's Office. Generally, courses equivalent to Juniata's course description successfully completed at a regionally accredited institution with a grade of "C-" or better will be granted direct course equivalence. You will receive an official transcript evaluation from our Registrar's Office after your application has been reviewed.
To see if courses from your college have already been approved for transfer, check the box below:
Choose an Institution
Adams State University
Adelphi University
Albright College
Aleppo University
Allegany College of Maryland
Allegheny College
Allen Community College
Altoona School of Commerce
Alvernia University
Amarillo College
American Public University System
American River College
American University
Anne Arundel Community College
Antioch University
Arapahoe Community College
Arcadia University
Arizona State University
Arkansas State University
Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College
Ashford University
Ashland University
Atlantic Cape Community College
Auburn University
Augustana College
Augustana University
Austin Community Coll-Texas
Azusa Pacific University
Bakersfield College
Baltimore City Comm. College
Bard College
Bayero University
Bellevue Community College
Bellevue University
Beloit College
Bennington College
Bergen Community College
Berkeley College
Berklee College of Music
Berkshire Community College
Bethany College - WV
Bethel College
Bethel College
Bethel University
Black Hills State University
Bloomsburg University of PA
Blue Ridge Comm & Tech College
Blue Ridge Community College
Bob Jones University
Boise State University
Borough of Manhattan Cmty Coll
Bossier Parish Community College
Boston College
Boston University
Bowling Green State Univ.
Briarcliffe College, FL
Briarcliffe College, NY
Bridgewater State University
Brigham Young University
Bristol Community College
Bronx Community College-CUNY
Brookdale Community College
Broward Community College
Bryn Mawr College
Bucknell University
Bucks County Comm College
Bunker Hill Community College
Burlington County College
Butler Co Community College
Butler County Community College
CA State Univ - Fullerton
CA State Univ - Long Beach
CA State Univ - Sacramento
Cabrillo College
Cabrini University
Cairn University
Caldwell University
Calf. College of the Arts
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
California Univ. of Pennsylvania
California University of PA
Camden County College
Canisius College
Capitol College
Carlow University
Carnegie Mellon University
Carroll College
Carroll Community College
Case Western Reserve University
Castleton State College
Catholic University of America
Cayuga Community College
Cecil Community College
Cedar Crest College
Centenary College of Louisiana
Centenary University
Central Connecticut State University
Central Lakes College
Central New Mexico Community College
Central Ohio Technical College
Central Pennsylvania Business
Central Pennsylvania College
Central Texas College
Cerro Coso Community College
Chaffey Community College
Champlain College
Chatham University
Chauncey Faith Academy
Chesapeake College
Chestnut Hill College
City College of San Francisco
City Univ of NY - Kingsborough
City Univ of NY:Queens College
Clarion University
Clarion University of PA
Clark University
Clemson University
Clinton Community College, IA
Clinton Community College, NY
Clovis Community College
Coastal Carolina University
Cochise College
Colby College
Colby Sawyer College
Colegio Americano De Quito
College of Alameda
College of the Canyons
College of Charleston
College of Du Page
College of DuPage
College of Marin
College of Mount Saint Vincent
College of Saint Rose
College of San Mateo
College of Southern Idaho
College of Southern Maryland
College of William & Mary
College of Wooster
Colorado Christian University
Colorado College
Colorado Mesa University
Colorado Mountain College
Colorado School of Mines
Colorado State University
Colorado State University - GRAD
Columbia Basin College
Columbia College, IL
Columbia College, MO
Columbia University
Columbus State Community Coll.
Comm Coll of Baltimore County
Comm. Co. of Rhode Island
Comm. College of Beaver Co.
Comm. College of Rhode Island
Community College of Allegheny
Community College of Aurora
Community College of Philadelphia
Community College of Vermont
Concord University
Concordia College -Moorhead
Contra Costa College
Cornell University
Corning Community College
Cottey College
Council on International Educational Exchange
County College of Morris
Cuesta College
Culinary Institute of America
Cumberland County College
CUNY - Brooklyn College
CUNY LaGuardia Community College
CUNY Lehman College
CUNY York College
CUNY-Hunter College
Cuyahoga Community Coll Wstrn
Cuyamaca College
Dabney S. Lancaster Comm. Col.
Darton College
Davidson College
De Anza College
Delaware College of Art & Design
Delaware County Comm. College
Delaware Tech Comm College
Delaware Valley University
Denison University
DePaul University
Des Moines Area Cmty College
DeSales University
Diablo Valley College
Dickinson College
DIS Study Abroad in Scandinavia
Dowling College
Drake University
Drexel University
Duquesne University
Dutchess Community College
Earlham College
East Carolina University
East Stroudsburg University
East Tennessee State Universit
Eastern Mennonite University
Eastern University
Edinboro University of PA
Edison Community College
Edward Williams College
El Camino College
Elgin Community College
Elizabethtown College
Elmira College
Elon University
Emerson College
Emory University
Emporia State University
EPA Brussels - Vesalius College
Erie Community College, City
Essex County College
Everett Community College
Fairfield University
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Fairmont State University
Farmingdale State College
Fatima College, Madurai
Fayetteville Tech Comm Coll
Ferrum College
Finger Lakes Comm College
Florida Atlantic University
Florida Int'l University
Florida Southwestern State College
Foothill College
Fordham University
Fox Valley Technical College
Framingham State University
Franklin & Marshall College
Frederick Community College
Front Range Community College
Frostburg State University
Fullerton College
Fulton-Montgomery Cmty Coll
Furman University
Gadsden State Community College
Gannon University
Garrett Community College
Gateway Community College
Genesee Community College
Geneva College
George Mason University
George Washington University
Georgetown University
Georgia Southwestern College
Georgia State University
Georgian Court University
Germanna Community College
Gettysburg College
Glendale Community College
Gods Bible School & College
Gonzaga University
Gordon College
Goucher College
Green Mountian College
Greenfield Community College
Greensboro College
Grossmont College
Grove City College
Guilford College
Gwynedd-Mercy College
Hagerstown Community College
Hampshire College
Harford Community College
Harold Washington College
Harrisburg Area Community College
Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Hartwick College
Harvard University
Hassan II University
Hesston College
High Point University
High Teach Inst of N'djamena
Hilbert College
Hillsborough Community College
Hiram College
Hofstra University
Hood College
Hope College
Housatonic Community College
Houston Community College
Howard Community College
Hudson Valley Comm. College
Huntington University
Hutchinson Community College
ICM School of Business & Medical Careers
IES Abroad Madrid
Illinois Central College
Immaculata University
Indian River Sate College
Indiana Univ. - Bloomington
Indiana University East Campus
Indiana University of Pa
Indiana Wesleyan University
Institute for American Universities
Institute of International Education
Institution Salesienne ND des Minimes
Instituto Technologico Authonmo de Mexico
International Baccalaureate
Iona College
Iowa State University
Iowa Western Community College
ISI Florence International Studies Institute
Ithaca College
J Sargeant Reynolds Comm Col
J Sargent Reynolds C C Parham
James A. Rhodes State College
James Madison University
Jamestown Community College
Johns Hopkins University
Kean University
Kent State Univ - Stark Campus
Kent State University
Keuka College
Keystone College
Kilgore College
King's College
King's College, PA
Kingsborough Comm Coll
Klamath Community College
Knox College
Kutztown Univ. of PA
La Roche University
La Salle University
Lackawanna College
Lafayette College
Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine
Lake Michigan College
Lake Sumter State College
Lake Superior State University
Lakeland College
Lakeland Community College
Landmark College
Lane Community College
Laramie County Comm. College
Lasell College
Laurel Ridge Community College
Lebanon Valley College
Lees-McRae College
Lehigh Carbon Community College
Lehigh University
Lesley University
Lewis and Clark College
Lewis University
Liberty University
Lincoln University
Linn-Benton Community College
Lock Haven University of PA
Lone Star College System
Long Island University
Lorain County Community Coll
Loras College
Lord Fairfax Community College
Los Angeles City College
Los Angeles Harbor College
Los Angeles Pierce College
Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University in Maryland
Luzerne County Community College
Lycoming College
Madison Area Technical College
Maine College of Art
Manchester Community College
Manchester University
Manhattanville College
Mansfield University of PA
Maranatha Baptist Bible College
Marian University, Inc
Maricopa Community College
Marietta College
Marist College
Mars Hill University
Marshall University
Maryland Institute College of Art
Marymount Manhattan College
Marymount University
Maryville College
Marywood University
Massachusetts Bay Comm College
Massachusetts College of Art & Design
Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
Massasoit Community College
McDaniel College
McGill University
McNeese State University
McPherson College
Medaille College
Mendocino College
Mercer Co Community College
Mercyhurst University
Merrimack College
Messiah University
Miami Dade College
Miami University - Ohio
Miami-Dade College - Wolfson
Michigan State University
Middle TN State University
Middlebury College
Middlesex Community College, CT
Middlesex Community College, MA
Middlesex County College
Millersville University of Pennsylvania
Mills College
Minnesota State Century College
Minnesota State University, Mankato
Misericordia University
Modesto Junior College
Mohawk Valley Community Colleg
Monmouth University
Monroe Community College
Montana State University
Montclair State University
Montgomery College
Montgomery College Germantown
Montgomery County Comm Coll
Moorpark College
Moraine Valley Comm. College
Moravian University
Mount Aloysius College
Mount Holyoke College
Mount Saint Mary's College, MD
Mount San Antonio College
Mount Wachusett Community Coll
Mountain State University
Muhlenberg College
Nassau Community College
Naugatuck Valley Cmty Coll
New England College
New Hampshire Tech Coll Stratham
New Hampshire Technical Inst
New Jersey City University
New Oxford High School
The New School
New York City Tech College
New York Film Academy
New York University
Newberry College
Niagara County Community Coll
Niagara University
Normandale Community College
North Carolina State University
North Central College
North Country Community Coll
North Seattle College
Northampton County Area Cc
Northampton County Area Commy College
Northeastern University
Northern Essex Community Coll
Northern Marianas College
Northern Virginia Comm College
Northwest Vista College
Northwestern University
Norwalk Community College
Nyack College
Oakton Community College
Oberlin College
Ocean County College
Ohio Northern University
Ohio State University
Ohio University/Main Campus
Ohio Wesleyan University
Ohlone Community College District
Old Dominion University
Onondaga Community College
Orange County Community Coll
Oregon State University
Pace University NY Campus
Palm Beach State College
Palomar College
Paradise Valley Community College
Park University
Pasadena City College
Pasco-Hernando Comm. College
Pasco-Hernando State College
Paul Smith's Coll/ArtsScience
Pennsylvania College of Technology
Pennsylvania Highlands Community College
Pennsylvania State University
Pensacola State College
Pepperdine University
Philadelphia University
Piedmont NC Community College
Piedmont VA Community College
Point Park University
Portland State University
Portmore Community College
Potomac State College - WVU
Prince George's Comm.College
Princeton University
Providence College
Purdue University
Queensborough Community Coll
Quincy College
Quinsigamond Community College
Ramapo College
Randolph College
Randolph Macon College
Rappahannock Community College
Raritan Valley Cmty.Coll.
Reading Area Community College
Red Rocks Community College
Rhode Island College
Rhodes College
Richard Bland College
Richland College
Rio Salado Community College
Rivier College
Roane State Community College
Roanoke College
Robert Morris University
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rowan College At Burlington County
Rowan College At Gloucester County
Rowan University
Rutgers - Central Office
Sacramento City College
Sacred Heart University
Sage Jr College of Albany
Saint Bonaventure University
Saint Francis College
Saint Francis High School
Saint Francis University
Saint John Fisher College
Saint John's College St. John's College
Saint John's University, MN
Saint John's University, NY
Saint Joseph's University
Saint Leo University
Saint Louis Community College
Saint Louis University
Saint Michaels College
Saint Vincent College
Salem Community College
Salem State University
Salisbury University
Salish Kootenai College
Salus University
San Antonio College
San Diego Mesa College
San Diego-Miramar College
Santa Ana College
Santa Barbara City College
Santa Clara University
Santa Fe Community College, FL
Santa Fe Community College, NM
Santa Monica College
Santa Rosa Junior College
Santiago Canyon College
Sarah Lawrence College
Savannah College Art & Design
Schenectady County Cmty Coll
School for International Training
School of Visual Arts
Scottsdale Community College
Seattle Pacific University
Seminole Community College
Seton Hall University
Seton Hill University
Shenandoah University
Shepherd University
Shippensburg Univ. of PA
Shippensburg University
Shoreline Community College
Showa Women's Junior College
Sichuan Intern'l Studies Univ.
Sierra College
Simon's Rock of Bard College
Simpson College
Sinclair Community College
Skidmore College
Skyline College
Slippery Rock University of Pe
Snead State Community College
Solano Community College
Southern CT State University
Southern New Hampshire Univ
Southern Oregon University
Southern Utah University
Southwest Missouri State Univ.
Southwest State University
Southwestern College
Southwestern Michigan College
Southwestern University
Spelman College
St Andrews University
St. Cloud State University
St. John's University
St. Petersburg Junior College
State College of Florida
State University of New York
State University of New York College of Technology
Sterling College
Stetson University
Stevens Institute of Technology
Stevenson University
Stockton University
Stony Brook University
Studio Art Centers International
Suffolk Cnty.Cmty.Col-Ammerman
Sullivan County Cmty College
Sultan Qaboos University
SUNY at Albany
SUNY At Buffalo
SUNY at New Paltz
SUNY Broome Community College
SUNY Col. of Tech. Farmingdale
SUNY College At Cortland
SUNY College at Fredonia
SUNY College at Geneseo
SUNY College at Oneonta
SUNY College at Oswego
SUNY College of Brockport
SUNY College of Tech Delhi
SUNY Empire State College
SUNY Fulton-Montomery Community College
SUNY Jefferson
SUNY Stony Brook
Susquehanna University
Sussex County Community Coll
Sweet Briar College
Syracuse University
Tarrant County College
Temple University
Tennessee Technology Univ.
Texas Christian University
Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology
Thiel College
Thomas A. Edison State College
Thomas College
Thomas Jefferson University
Three Rivers Comm College
Tidewater Comm College - Main
Tompkins Cortland Community College
Towson University
Trident Technical College
Trinity Christian College
Trinity College
Trinity Valley Community Coll
Triton College
Tufts University
Tunxis Community Tech Coll
U of Vienna
U. of Missouri, Kansas City
U. of Southern Mississippi
Union Commonwealth University
Union County College
United States Coast Guard Acad
United States Military Academy
Univ of Central Missouri
Univ of Maryland Univ College
Univ of Northwestern - St Paul
Univ of Texas - Rio Grande Valley
Univ. of Alaska - Anchorage
Univ. of CA - Davis
Univ. of CA - Santa Barbara
Univ. of CA - Santa Cruz
Univ. of Colorado - Denver
Univ. of the Dist. of Columbia
Univ.Maine - Presque Isle
Univ. of MD - College Park
Univ. of Nebraska - Med. Ctr.
Univ. of Nebraska - Omaha
Univ. of North Dakota
Univ. of Phoenix
Univ. of Texas - Austin
Univ. of TN - Martin
Univ. of Wisconsin - Oshkosh
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Universite Mohamed V
University of Akron
The University of Alabama
University of Arkansas
University of the Arts
University of Basrah, Iraq
University of CA - San Diego
University of California
University of California Berkeley
University of Cambridge
University of Chicago
University of Cincinnati
University of Colorado At Boulder
University of Connecticut
University of Dayton
University of Delaware
University of Edinburgh
University of Electronic Science and Technology
University of Findlay
University of Florida
University of Georgia
University of Hartford
University of Hawaii
University of Hawaii Comm College
University of Houston
University of Iowa
University of Louisville
University of Maine
University of Mary Washington
University of Maryland
University of Maryland Baltimore County
University of Massachusetts
University of Medicine and Den
University of Minnesota
University of Missouri
University of Montana
University of Mount Olive
University of Nevada - Reno
University of New England
University of New Hampshire
University of New Haven
University of New Mexico
University of North Carolina at Wilmington
University of North Texas
University of Oregon
University of Paris IX- Dauphine
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pittsburgh
University of Portland
University of Puerto Rico
University of Rhode Island
University of Rochester
University School
University of Scranton
University of South Carolina
University of South Florida
University of Southern Maine
University of St. Thomas
University of Tampa
University of Tennessee
University of Toronto
University of Utah
University of Vermont
University of Virginia
University of Washington
University of Westminster
University of Wisconsin
Universit Catholique de Lille
Upper Iowa University
Urbana University
Ursinus College
Utah State University
Valencia College
Vermont Technical College
Vet Tech Institute
Villa Julie College
Villanova University
Vincentian Acad.-Duques.Univ.
Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Military Institute
Virginia Wesleyan University
Virginia Western Comm College
Wagner College
Walters State Community Coll
Warren County Comm College
Warren Wilson College
Washington Adventist University
Washington College
Washington & Jefferson College
Washington University
Washtenaw Community College
Waynesburg University
Wellesley College
Wells College
Wentworth Military Academy
Wesley College
West Chester Univ. of PA
West Los Angeles College
West Virginia University
West Virginia Wesleyan College
Westchester Community College
Western CT State University
Western Nebraska Cmty College
Western New Mexico University
Western State College of CO
Western Wyoming College
Westfield Stage College
Westminster College
Westmoreland County Cmty Coll
Whatcom Community College
Wheelock College
White Mountains Community College
Whitman College
Widener University
Wilkes University
Willamette University
William Paterson University
William Woods Univ
Williams College
Wilmington University
Wilson College
Wor-Wic Community College
Worcester State College
Wright State University
Yale University
York College
York College of Pennsylvania
York Technical Institute
Youngstown State University
Don't panic if you don't see your course! It just means we have not had the opportunity to review another applicant from your college with the same class. As long as your class meets the stipulations stated above, it will be considered for transfer credit.
Transfer Details
Juniata does not accept in transfer any coursework below a grade of "C-" nor coursework of a strictly technical or remedial nature, nor physical education coursework, nor coursework from a non-regionally accredited institution. Special circumstances may affect the transferability of an individual student record. These cases will be handled on an individual basis and decisions will be based on Juniata's academic policy. An official credit evaluation will be completed by the Office of the Registrar after a student has been admitted to Juniata.
Transfer without a Degree Students transferring without an Associate Degree will have their work evaluated on a course-by-course basis. Courses equivalent to Juniata's curriculum course description will be granted direct course equivalence. Coursework accepted in transfer may be used to meet both liberal arts graduation requirements and Program of Emphasis requirements.
Students who possess an "AA" or appropriate "AS" degree from an accredited institution and wish to transfer to Juniata will be granted junior standing. Students would be awarded a minimum of 56 semester hours, a maximum of 60 semester hours, regardless of course equivalence. Courses will be granted direct course equivalence. All Juniata graduation requirements must be met. Coursework accepted in transfer may be used to meet both liberal arts and Program of Emphasis requirements; however, it may take the student more than the remaining 60-64 semester hours to complete all graduation requirements.
College Catalog
For more information on degree requirements and course offerings, use the Frequently Asked Questions webpage and refer to Juniata's Online Catalog .
Course Transfer Equivalent Database Search
INSTRUCTIONS: You must put the dash between the subject and number and you use must use all caps. For example: EB-101
Enter a course number
IMPORTANT NOTE****Courses NOT appearing in the list are considered NEW and will need a “Request for Clearance of Transfer Credit” pre-approval to transfer credit back to Juniata with all signatures required by the Department Chair and both advisors. The form must be submitted to our office, ideally, before you take the course.
For specific department policy, please go to the CATALOG and look under course instruction for requirements. In particular: math, and social science.
Transfer credit is granted only for academically-valid courses in which the student earns a grade of C- or higher. Credit is only awarded for courses taken at a similarly accredited institution.
For more information regarding the transfer clearance process, contact the Admissions Office at admissions@juniata.edu.