What is the Student Seed Capital Process Objective?
To provide startup and early stage working capital funding to any full-time Juniata College student run business in good standing (i.e., no academic probation, conditional acceptance status or significant current student affairs disciplinary action) or faculty run business where students play a significant role, interested in starting a for-profit business in Huntingdon County.
What is the Process?
Submit a written detailed business or operations plan to JCEL staff. It is recommended students take advantage of NextStep Fellowship to develop their comprehensive business plan.
B. JCEL staff and JCEL Board of Directors (BOD) will review the plan and may require additional detail.
C. Within 30-days, a BOD meeting will be scheduled where the student will present (in person/teleconference/ Skype) her/his idea to the BOD. It is recommended the student’s entrepreneurial support team (faculty sponsor, mentor, etc.) attend the presentation.
D. Upon completion of the presentation, approval may occur unconditionally or with conditions. The request may be tabled or rejected by the BOD.
E. If approved, a Seed Capital Agreement (SCA) will be executed detailing the terms and conditions of the accessing the funds* requested.
*Funding levels generally do not exceed 15,000.000 per plan