Primary Role
Initiating, implementing, maintaining, and evaluating programs and operations in the residence halls that will result in the greatest growth for individual students and living groups as a whole.
Typical Duties and Responsibilities
- Supervise, train and evaluate undergraduate Resident Assistants (RAs) with regard to daily operation of the residence hall, residence life issues, policies and procedures. Meet for a one-on-one with RAs on a monthly basis.
- Responsible to coordinate RA duty schedule.
- Coordinate programming efforts for RAs and maintain programming budget.
- Manage the opening and closing procedures for the residence halls at the beginning and end of each semester and for holiday periods.
- Maintain contact with custodians and maintenance personnel. Report damages, repair and replacement needs that occur within the Halls to the Office of Residential Life.
- When necessary, make referrals concerning students facing academic, personal, or other problems.
- Utilize student development theories to assist with assessing student needs, setting goals, developing and evaluating programs.
- Participate in the overall administration of the Office of Residential Life by serving on committees and tasks forces, representing the office as requested, and cooperatively assisting colleagues.
- Serve as an advisor to the Community Board and related committees. Provide training and resource information to develop and implement programs. Maintain record keeping and evaluation process for Community Board events.
- Attend weekly meetings with the entire Residential Life staff and one-on-one meetings with Director of Residential Life on a monthly basis or as needed.
- Conduct judicial hearings for residents of own residence hall that have allegedly violated a Juniata College policy.
- Complete at least one project for the Office of Residential Life. Projects include, but are not limited to, Room Draw, Staff Development for RAs and RDs, Winter RA Training.
- Assume on-duty responsibilities on a rotating basis with other RDs.
- Perform other duties that may be assigned by the Director of Residential Life.
Supervision Required/Given
General supervision is provided by the Director of Residential Life. Functional and/or administrative supervision is provided to Resident Assistants.
Position Qualifications
- A Bachelor's degree is required. Previous experience in campus activities and/or residential life is preferred.