Primary Role
In support of the Director of Advancement Services, perform prospect research; provide expertise and process management for planned giving prospecting, data and reporting; and support gift and data processing.
Typical Duties and Responsibilities
- Produce prospect research and reporting to support traveling staff in identification and cultivation of individuals.
- Coordinate planned giving data, processing, filing and calculation duties while providing support and expertise regarding planned giving activity for the advancement team.
- Serve as advancement services liaison with accounting operation.
- Develop gift processing and stewardship program competency for cross-support of advancement operation.
Supervision Required/Given
Works collaboratively with diverse individuals and organizations in support of established priorities and goals. Provides recommendations to senior administration regarding planned giving programs and performance.
Position Qualifications
- Knowledge and capabilities normally acquired through completion of a bachelor's degree. Capabilities sufficient to demonstrate expertise in oral and written communication.
- Advanced computer knowledge including basic programming and using software packages including Microsoft Office. Database knowledge and experience required.
- Familiarity with planned giving vehicles and calculation methods as typically acquired through two or more years experience in development, insurance, financial planning, banking and/or related fields.