Take the following courses:

HS-115 United States to 1877

Concentrates on the broad sweep of U.S. history from colonial beginnings through Reconstruction using a variety of perspectives and sources. The ideas and realities of freedom shape nearly every part of our lives. How did this develop in the United States from its earliest European settlements to the aftermath of the Civil War? HS-115 focuses on this central theme of freedom - how people have defined and pursued it, as well as expanded and restricted it, in different places. You will also learn how to analyze primary sources (those created during the time period under study)and apply a historical perspective to issues that shape your life today.

4 CreditsH, SW-USPre- or Co-Requisite: FYC-101

HS-116 The U.S. Since 1877

This course uses original documents to explore major themes of US history since 1877, to examine the consequences of actions taken at the national and local level through a lens of ethical responsibility.

4 CreditsH, SW-ERPre- or co-requisite: FYC-101

HS-293 Sophomore Colloquium

This colloquium exposes students to employment opportunities available to them through the study of history. It focuses upon the development of the skills necessary for success in the history classroom. The Sophomore Colloquium is designed for students with strong interest in history, including education students and students with secondary emphases in history.

4 CreditsH, CWPre-requisites: sophomore standing and two courses in History or permission of the instructor.

HS-495 Senior History Research/Seminar

Serves as a capstone experience that synthesizes materials from history and other disciplines into a substantial written thesis. The senior seminar can be done as an independent study or in conjunction with an internship. When completed the thesis is presented at a public oral defense.

1 CreditHPrerequisite: Completion of all core courses and/or permission of instructor.


Take two 300/400 level History electives.


Take the following courses:

AH-108  Cross Cultural Art 1

This course will examine art from around the world produced between the prehistoric era and the 14th century. We will consider perspectives for understanding cross-cultural encounters, examine the impact of cultural exchange on the development of art, and emphasize the historical and global context of various artistic movements and artists.

4 CreditsF,I,SW-GE Pre-Req or Co-Req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109

MM-391 Ethics and Museums

Museums of all types hold an honored place in societies across the globe. How do they earn this honor? Why do we visit them? What do they endeavor to provide, and do they succeed? Class participants visit several museums, and explore and debate evolving ethical positions that have guided museums in their collecting, exhibition, and business practices.. 

3 CreditsSW-ERPrerequisite or corequisite: FYC-101

MM-393 Cultural Institutions & Community Audiences

Cultural institutions play a role in confirming and expanding a sense of community. This course develops skills to connect with others over new or familiar ideas using artworks from the JCMA collection. The class balances background reading with practical application using Huntingdon as a site for experimentation. All POEs encouraged.

3 CreditsSW-LEPrerequisite: FYC-101

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MM-480  Museum Practicum I

Provides a select number of students with an opportunity to organize, design, handle, and install exhibitions hosted by the Juniata College Museum of Art. Students will learn the mechanics of curatorial work, as well as exhibition preparation documentation, promotion, and shipping. In addition to the hands-on aspect of the course, students will gain theoretical knowledge about curatorial work through a variety of reading and writing assignments. The course is designed to prepare students for internships at regional and national museums and for entrance into graduate programs in Museum Studies.

3 CreditsFPrerequisite: MM-391 or MM-390 or AR-390 and instructor permission.

MM-481  Museum Practicum II

Builds on skills acquired in Museum Practicum I. Provides further work experience and refines the student's curatorial skills. Students may be assigned independent projects as they relate to various aspects of scheduled exhibitions and will be responsible for helping instruct and assist the Museum Practicum I students. In addition to the hands-on aspect of the course, students will build on the theoretical knowledge gained in Practicum I through a variety of reading and writing assignments.

3 CreditsFPrerequisite: MM-480 or AR-480 and instructor permission.


Take the following courses:

AR-104  Design and Color

The discipline of design is basic to all forms of visual art, including painting, drawing, photography, ceramics and illustration. This course is designed to acquaint the student with the basic elements of picture structure: composition, line, shape, value, texture, color, scale, proportion, tension, and balance. Note: A special fee for art supplies is assessed.

3 CreditsF,CTDH  

EN-272 Introduction to Professional Writing

This course covers the types of writing used in the professional and business world, with attention to deciding when to use which type, or whether to use writing at all. Also concentrates on effectively addressing different audiences. The course will also cover the use of graphics, from basic concepts through effective design and adjusting to audience and situation. 

3 CreditsH, CWPrerequisite: First-year or sophomore standing. Juniors and Seniors by instructor permission.


Complete one of the following options below:


Take AH-490 and AH-495 for 1-5 credits. 

HS-490 History Internship


2-9 CreditsHPrerequisite: Instructor permission and Junior or Senior standing. Co-requisite: HS-495.

HS-495 Senior History Research/Seminar

Serves as a capstone experience that synthesizes materials from history and other disciplines into a substantial written thesis. The senior seminar can be done as an independent study or in conjunction with an internship. When completed the thesis is presented at a public oral defense.

1 CreditHPrerequisite: Completion of all core courses and/or permission of instructor.


Take HS-001 as a non-credit transcript notation.  NOTE: A second internship is
strongly recommended.

HS-001 Non-Credit History Internship

Provides students an overview of an organization.


Take the following courses:

HS-492 Sr History Research/Seminar I

(see the chapter, Special Programs under Internships.) 

3 CreditsHPrerequisite: None

HS-493 The Historian's Craft

This course is a seminar-style introduction to historiography and a forum in which senior history students complete part or all of their senior thesis. Students taking the course are expected to work simultaneously with the course instructor, as well as a thesis advisor from within the history department. Students may select a member of the faculty outside the department as a secondary advisor if that complements their thesis topic. Students who elect to write a year-long thesis take HS496 in the Spring semester after taking HS493. Students from other departments who take the course will be expected to complete a paper of comparable length to a senior thesis under the supervision of the course instructor. 

3 CreditsH, CWPrerequisites: One 300 level history course and Senior status.

POE Credit Total = 51-56

Students must complete at least 18 credits at the 300/400-level.  Any course exception must be approved by the advisor and/or department chair.