The following requirements lead to certification in Secondary Education in the state of Pennsylvania.  You need an advisor in the History & Art History Department and an advisor in the Education Department.


Take the following courses:

HS-115 United States to 1877

4 CreditsH, SW-USPre- or Co-Requisite: FYC-101

HS-116 The U.S. Since 1877

4 CreditsH, SW-ERPre- or co-requisite: FYC-101

HS-152 World History Since 1450

4 CreditsH, I, SW-GEPrerequite or Corequisite: FYC-101

Take one of the following courses:

HS-268 Sword & Scimitar: Islam & West 500-1300

3 CreditsSW-GH1 

HS-367 Women in Africa

4 CreditsCA, H, I, CTDH 


Take the following courses:

PS-101 Introduction to U.S. Government

4 CreditsS, WK-SIPre- or Co-requisite: FYC-101

PS-102 Introduction to International Politics

4 CreditsS, I, SW-GE

Take one 200 or 300 level Politics course.


Take the following course:

EB-105  International Economic Issues

3 CreditsS,I


Take the following course:

PY-101 Introduction to Psychology

3 CreditsS


Take the following course:

SO-101 Introduction to Sociology

3 CreditsS


Take the following course:

HS-293 Sophomore Colloquium

4 CreditsH, CWPre-requisites: sophomore standing and two courses in History or permission of the instructor.


Take three “Knowledge in depth courses” from the following list, for a total of 9 credits.  One of these classes must be outside the United States.

HS-104 Medieval Europe

4 CreditsH, I, WK-HTPre- or Co-Req: FYC-101 or EN-110 orEN-109

HS-204 Australia/New Zealand

4 CreditsI, H 

HS-208 Engineering, Empire, and the Environment

3 CreditsWK-HTPre- or Co-Requisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109

HS-215 Rome: Republic to Empire

4 CreditsH, WK-HT 

HS-217 The Lowcountry and the Gullah Culture

3 CreditsH, CA, SW-US 

HS-262 North American Environmental History

3 CreditsH 

HS-272 Natives & Colonists in Early N. America

4 CreditsH, CW, SW-US 

HS-280 Victorian Science, Sexuality & Medicine

4 CreditsWK-HT, HPre- or Co-Req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109.

HS-299 Special Topics

1-4 Credits  

HS-309 Civil War and Reconstruction

4 CreditsH, CW, CTDHPrerequisites: HS115 or HS116 and SO, JR, or SR standing.

HS-312 The New South: 1877-1990

4 CreditsHPrerequisites: HS116 or permission of the instructor.

HS-313 Disease, Medicine & Empire

4 CreditsCA, I, H, SW-GE, CTGESPre- or Co-Requisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109.

HS-314 Medieval Medicine

4 CreditsH, CW, SW-GE,CTGESPre- or Co-Requisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109.

HS-319 Glorious Cause: American Revolutionary Era

HPrerequisite: FYS-102

HS-320 Interpreting Terrorism

3 CreditsSW-ER 

HS-322 Women in Medieval Life

4 CreditsH, CW, WK-HTPrerequisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109

HS-325 The U.S. Since 1945

4 CreditsHPrerequisite: HS116.

HS-367 Women in Africa

4 CreditsCA, H, I, CTDH 


Take 6 credits from the MA-Mathematics Department.



Take the following course:

FYC-101  First Year Composition

4 Credits (beginning  Fall 2023)


Take 3 credits from the following courses:

EN-120 Forms of Literature

3 CreditsH 

EN-122 Interpreting Pop Literature

4 CreditsH 

EN-162 Women and Literature

4 CreditsH 

EN-170 World Literatures

3 CreditsH, I 

EN-188 Bad Literature

3 CreditsH 

EN-207 Heaven or Hell on Earth

3 CreditsHPrerequisites: EN110 or EN109.

EN-212 Sports Literature

3 CreditsHPrerequisite: EN110 or EN109.

EN-213 Zombie Nation

4 CreditsCA, HPrerequisites: EN110 or EN108 & EN109.

EN-215 Boys Will Be Boys

3 CreditsH 

EN-217 Disability in Fiction

3 CreditsH 

EN-236 Dirty Books

3 CreditsH, CW 

EN-237 Constructing Identities

4 CreditsCAPrerequisites: EN110 or EN109.

EN-239 Bloody Murder

3 CreditsH 

EN-250 African American Literature

3 CreditsCA, HPrerequisites: EN110.

EN-251 Slave Narratives

4 CreditsH, CWPrerequisites: EN110 or EN109.

EN-262 Unhappily Ever After

3 CreditsH 

EN-301 Young Adult Literature

3 CreditsH 

EN-302 Literature of Social Protest

4 CreditsSW-USPrerequisite or corequisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109.

EN-307 Mythology in Film

4 CreditsHPrerequisites: EN110 or EN108 and EN109.

EN-312 Literature of Revenge

4 CreditsHPrerequisite: EN110 or EN109.

EN-313 Firing the Canon

4 CreditsH 

EN-341 Shakespearean Drama

3 CreditsHPrerequisite: EN110 or EN109.

EN-385 Queer Literature

4 CreditsCA, HPrerequisites: EN110 or EN109.

EN-388 Heroes and Villains

3 CreditsHPrerequisites: EN110 or EN109.

EN-392 Crossing the Border

4 CreditH,CW,SW-USPrerequisites: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109


Take the following courses:

ED-110 Foundations of Education

3 CreditsS 

ED-111 Foundations of Education Field Experience

1 CreditS 

ED-130 Adolescent Development

3 CreditsSEnrollment priority in this course is given to Education POEs.

ED-240 Introduction to Students With Exceptionalities

3 CreditsSPrerequisites: ED-110 and ED-111 and either ED-120 or ED-130.

ED-314 English Language Learners

1 CreditSPrerequisite: ED120 or ED130.

ED-341 Adaptations for Students With Exceptionalities

4 CreditsCW, SPrerequisites: ED110, ED111 and ED240.

ED-419 Pre-Student Teaching Field Experience

1 CreditSCo-Requisite: ED-420.

ED-420 General Secondary Methods

3 CreditsSPrerequisites: ED341 and junior or senior standing. Corequisite: ED419. Note: Students must have reliable transportation. (3.0 overall GPA required).

ED-423 Secondary Education Field Trip

1 CreditS 


Take the following courses:

ED-450 Student Teaching

14 CreditsS,SW-LE 

ED-451 Student Teaching Seminar

1 CreditSCorequisite: ED450.

 **ED 450 & 451 (Student Teaching and Seminar) may be taken only in the FALL semester of the senior year. Secondary Foreign Language Education majors take ED 450 & ED 451 in the SPRING semester. ED 450 requires students’ full-time participation and no other courses may be taken during this semester without the education advisors' approval. Students must have reliable transportation.

NOTE: It is imperative that students work closely with their advisors to meet all current certification requirements. All students must meet a minimum GPA requirement and pass the PRAXIS I and II exams. All students are required to take six credits of English composition (or equivalent) and literature (or the equivalent) and two college level mathematics courses (or the equivalent) prior to being admitted to a certification program. See Section I of the Education Department Student Handbook for explanation of all certification requirements.

Students must have advisor who is a member of the History & Art History Department faculty and Dr. Kathleen Jones in the Education Department.

POE Credit Total = 91

Students must complete at least 18 credits at the 300/400-level.  Any course exception must be approved by the advisor and/or department chair.