Take five (4.00 credit) History courses at the 100-200 level:
HS-104 Medieval Europe
4 CreditsH, I, WK-HTPre- or Co-Req: FYC-101 or EN-110 orEN-109
HS-109 China and Japan to 1800
4 CreditsH, I
HS-115 United States to 1877
4 CreditsH, SW-USPre- or Co-Requisite: FYC-101
HS-116 The U.S. Since 1877
4 CreditsH, SW-ERPre- or co-requisite: FYC-101
HS-152 World History Since 1450
4 CreditsH, I, SW-GEPrerequite or Corequisite: FYC-101
HS-199 Special Topics
1-4 Credits Prerequisites vary by title.
HS-200 The Great War
4 CreditsI, H, CW,WK-HT
HS-201 Samurai Legends & Lives
3 CreditsCA, H, IPrerequisites: EN110 or EN109.
HS-204 Australia/New Zealand
4 CreditsI, H
HS-213 History of Ireland
4 CreditsH, WK-HT
HS-215 Rome: Republic to Empire
4 CreditsH, WK-HT
HS-217 The Lowcountry and the Gullah Culture
3 CreditsH, CA, SW-US
HS-221 Gender and Sexuality
4 CreditsH
HS-262 North American Environmental History
3 CreditsH
HS-266 History of South Africa
4 CreditsI, H
HS-268 Sword & Scimitar: Islam & West 500-1300
3 CreditsSW-GH1
HS-272 Natives & Colonists in Early N. America
4 CreditsH, CW, SW-US
HS-277 History of Food
4 CreditsHPrerequisites: Sophomore Standing. Note: There is a fee assessed on this course.
HS-280 Victorian Science, Sexuality & Medicine
4 CreditsWK-HT, HPre- or Co-Req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109.
Take the following course:
HS-293 Sophomore Colloquium
4 CreditsH, CWPre-requisites: sophomore standing and two courses in History or permission of the instructor.
Take five (4.00 credit) History courses at the 300-400 level:
HS-306 People's Republic of China
4 CreditsI, H, CW
HS-309 Civil War and Reconstruction
4 CreditsH, CW, CTDHPrerequisites: HS115 or HS116 and SO, JR, or SR standing.
HS-312 The New South: 1877-1990
4 CreditsHPrerequisites: HS116 or permission of the instructor.
HS-313 Disease, Medicine & Empire
4 CreditsCA, I, H, SW-GE, CTGESPre- or Co-Requisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109.
HS-314 Medieval Medicine
4 CreditsH, CW, SW-GE,CTGESPre- or Co-Requisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109.
HS-316 WWII in Asia and Pacific
3 CreditsI, H
HS-317 Medicine in World War I
4 CreditsSW-ERPrerequisite: FYC-101
HS-319 Glorious Cause: American Revolutionary Era
HPrerequisite: FYS-102
HS-320 Interpreting Terrorism
3 CreditsSW-ER
HS-322 Women in Medieval Life
4 CreditsH, CW, WK-HTPrerequisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109
HS-324 Gendering the Raj
4 CreditsCA, I, H
HS-325 The U.S. Since 1945
4 CreditsHPrerequisite: HS116.
HS-326 Modern China
4 CreditsH, I
HS-327 Modern Japan
3 CreditsH, I
HS-367 Women in Africa
4 CreditsCA, H, I, CTDH
HS-399 Special Topics
1-4 Credits
HS-400 Crimes Against Humanity
4 CreditsI, HPrerequisites: Junior or Senior standing. Sophomores require permission.
HS-490 History Internship
2-9 CreditsHPrerequisite: Instructor permission and Junior or Senior standing. Co-requisite: HS-495.
HS-495 Senior History Research/Seminar
1 CreditHPrerequisite: Completion of all core courses and/or permission of instructor.
HS-496 Senior History Research/Seminar II
3 CreditsHPrerequisites: HS493 and Senior standing.
HS-499 Special Topics
1-3 Credits Prerequisites and corequisites vary by topic.
Take the following courses:
HS-492 Sr History Research/Seminar I
3 CreditsHPrerequisite: None
HS-493 The Historian's Craft
3 CreditsH, CWPrerequisites: One 300 level history course and Senior status.
NOTE: Three courses in your POE must cover topics that are based outside the US and Europe. IC 202: The Shaping of the American Mind may be listed as part of the designated history POE: Other courses may be considered by petition to the history department
At least 3 of the above courses must address history of a region that is neither Europe nor the United States. See the department for a complete list of courses that fulfill the non-western requirement. At least 2 of your history courses must be writing based, with one at the 300 level or above.
Because the History & Art History Department believes that all seniors should participate in a capstone experience, students who have history as part of their POEs should plan to participate either in HS 493, the history department’s senior seminar, or in a similar experience in another department. Each student should consult his or her History Department advisor regarding what activities will fulfill this requirement.
POE Credit Total = 48-51
Students must complete at least 18 credits at the 300/400-level. Any course exception must be approved by the advisor and/or department chair.