“Juniata has given me the opportunity to engage directly with professors and staff for advice and recommendations regarding my future career. Without this help, I wouldn’t have received my internship at Larson Design Group where I have the opportunity to pursue a full-time role after graduation!”
—Hayden Snook ’18

The Accounting, Business & Economics department of Juniata College has received specialized accreditation for its business program(s) through the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) located at 11960 Quivira Road in Overland Park, Kansas, USA. For a list of accredited programs please view our IACBE member status page.
Juniata College Public Disclosure of Student Achievement - 2022-2023
Members of the Department of Accounting, Business, and Economics are committed to helping students become learners for life. Consistent with the mission of the college, we help students develop their abilities to read with insight, to use language effectively, and to think analytically. We believe students learn best by doing. As a result, we craft situations so they can learn to be intellectually bold, to be assured in the face of ambiguity, to understand the value of taking calculated risks, to be adept at identifying and solving problems, to be comfortable with change, to appreciate global implication, to work productively with others, and to behave ethically.
A Distinct Experience
Click on the banners below and learn more about what makes an accounting, business, and economics (ABE) experience unique at Juniata College.
Take a series of three one-credit courses on investments where you will invest and manage $100,000 of Juniata’s money.
You’ll be expected to pursue an internship and encouraged to undertake more than one before graduation. In upper-level marketing and accounting courses, you can work with clients in the community, creating marketing strategies and auditing financial statements to gain insight into the real problems companies face. In Behavioral Analysis of Organizations course, you’ll take a wilderness hike where the focus is teamwork and group decision-making. Visit Chinese businesses—in China. Juniata has recently developed a Master of Accounting program for students interested in pursuing graduate study.
In addition to learning from faculty who have a broad variety of experiences, receive insight and mentoring from business leaders through Juniata’s Glaeser Executives-In-Residence program. Visiting experts are only one of several reasons Juniata’s business department was granted accreditation by the board of commissioners of the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education.
Start a business! The Juniata Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership (JCEL) is a unique resource of funding, expertise, and space for viable student business ideas. Through our NextStep and seed capital programs, you can use the Bob & Eileen Sill Business Incubator for business planning, research, technology, light manufacturing, conferences, meetings, and other business needs.
Accounting, Business, and Economics alumni have experienced success in obtaining positions and subsequently succeeding at “Big 4” firms.
- Amanda Short ’17
- Salisbury, Pa.
- Finance with a secondary emphasis in communication
- Marketing Specialist at Kdan’s headquarters in Tainan, Taiwan
- Adena Delozier ’16
- Hollidaysburg, Pa.
- Business management with a secondary emphasis in communication
- Corporate Fellow in a two-year rotational program at Olympus Corporation
- Brian Dietrich ’02
- Wyomissing, Pa.
- Accounting
- Partner at Ernst & Young
- Jeff Craft ’00
- Hickory, Pa.
- Accounting
- Partner at Deloitte
- Gabe Castro ‘16
- New Jersey
- Finance
- Click here to read Gabe's story
Master of Accounting
Graduates of Juniata's Master of Accounting program have a 100% placement rate.
Interested in achieving a masters degree in accounting?
In the ABE department, 100 percent of faculty have earned Ph.D.s or other terminal degrees like an M.B.A. They serve, first and foremost, as professors. But they also do consultation work and gain certifications—like CPAs, CFE, etc.—that keep their teaching up-to-date and informed. Faculty publish in scholarly journals such as Capitalism and Growth of Government and Earned Income Differentials; authoring papers on the Shakers or development plans for Huntingdon County and Raystown Lake.
“I love studying at Juniata because of all the hands-on classwork, independent research, the personal relationships I have with my professors, and all the great friends that I’ve made in the department.”
—Carys Corry-Roberts ’18
Additional Opportunities
Study Abroad: Select from international study options on every continent except Antarctica, including business-focused programs in England, Germany, France, Greece, Mexico, Spain, Australia, China, and Japan. Juniata provides you distinctive access to businesses in international contexts. Earn your bachelor’s degree from Juniata and a master’s degree in service management from a German university thanks to a recently created cooperative agreement.
Internships: Juniata business students intern at many companies including the Internal Revenue Service, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Northwestern Mutual, Case IH, Dreams Resort, QVC, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, the Altoona Curve, and in positions throughout Juniata’s campus.
Undergraduate Research: Conduct research in a topic of your choosing with the guidance of a faculty member. Then, present at conferences—like Juniata’s Liberal Arts Symposium, the National Conferences for Undergraduate Research, or other business conferences. Recent examples: Megan Maroney ’18, Sean Do ’18, and Ruinan Gao ’19, “A Statistical Analysis of Students’ Satisfaction with Juniata College”; Brittany Mylnek ’17, “Establishing an online presence for a rural business"; Ryan Mull '17, "Airline Industry Research".
Juniata College Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership: The Juniata College Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership (JCEL) is a business-creation center featuring the Sill Business Incubator. JCEL provides entrepreneurial support, hands-on learning opportunities, encouragement, and funds for your business idea through our Student Seed Capital Fund.