Residential Living Accommodations

Residential living accommodations can include but are not limited to medical singles, proximity to kitchen and/or bathroom, dietary accommodations, and first floor living or other housing configurations. If you believe you qualify for a residential living accommodation based on your documented disability, please contact your medical provider or mental health professional to discuss your needed accommodations and then move forward with the following steps.

Step 1: 

Download the Request for Information RE: Residential Living Accommodation below and present this required documentation to your physician or mental health professional, so they may complete it. 

Download Residential Living Accommodation Request for Information Form

Step 2:

Submit an application for accommodations in AIM (the Accessible Information Management portal) by the deadline listed below. You can upload the form from your provider and any other supporting documentation after submitting your application.

  • Returning Students - March 1
  • Newly Admitted Students - July 1

Requests received after the deadline are subject to the availability of the recommended housing configuration.

Note: If you have already completed an application in AIM for other accommodations, please do not submit another application. Instead, log into your AIM Dashboard and click on "Additional Accommodations or Documentation".

Submit Application & Documentation

Step 3:

Once the Director of Student Accessibility Services (SAS) receives your application and documentation, the next step is to schedule a consultation to discuss your request(s). Note: The Director has up to 14 days to review your request(s) and may ask further questions about your documentation or accommodations needed.

Step 4:

If the Director is prepared to approve your request(s) after the consultation, they must confer with the Office of Campus & Residential Life regarding the reasonableness of implementation. Upon final approval, the student will be notified by SAS.

Step 5:

Specific room assignments are determined by the Housing Committee including members of Residential Life, Counseling, Health and Wellness, and the SAS Director who make a determination of what room options may best fit the student’s disability-related accommodation. Residential Life then sends the student their housing assignment based on that information.

Step 6:

Students with a residential living accommodation must request use of their accommodation within the deadlines set for the following academic year housing room draw and selection process. This request process and form will be available every spring to current students with residential living accommodations.

Additional Information on single room accommodations ("Medical Singles"):

If you are approved for a single room accommodation, you will be receiving a single room for no additional cost. Preference for particular residential halls is not considered unless it relates to the approved accommodation.

Click the link below for more information on College policies and timelines related to living on campus.

Office of Residential Life

Emotional Support Animal

Our Services

An Emotional Support Animal, or ESA, is a type of treatment for people with mental and psychiatric disabilities. An ESA can help owners prevent, manage, or recover from symptoms related to their disability.

    • If you believe you qualify and would benefit from an ESA, please review the ESA Policy and Agreements as well as the Checklist below and contact your mental health professional to begin the conversation about whether this treatment is appropriate for you.

ESA Policy & Agreements Checklist for Requesting an Emotional Support Animal

Application and Approval Process:

  1. Download the required ESA Request for Information Form below and ask your mental health professional to complete the form and return to you. 
    Note: Required documentation cannot be completed by Juniata College Counseling staff
  2. Use the link below to submit an application for accommodations and upload your Request for Information Form and any other documentation that supports your application. Note: If you have already completed an application in AIM for other accommodations, please do not submit another application. Instead, log into your AIM Dashboard and click on "Additional Accommodations or Documentation". 
  3. Once the Director of Student Accessibility Services (SAS) receives your application and documentation, the next step is to schedule a consultation to discuss your request. The consultation will include a review of the ESA Policy and Agreements that must be signed if approved.
    1. If there is additional documentation required for approval consideration, the Director will explain what needs to be acquired.
  4. If approved, there are additional steps that need to be completed in conjunction with Campus Life, including: the Roommate Agreement, Emergency Contact Agreement, ESA health information, and visual check before the animal is allowed in campus housing.
  5. Students with an ESA accommodation must request a renewal of their ESA accommodation within the deadlines set for the following academic year housing room draw and selection process. This request process and form will be made public and available every spring to current students.

Download ESA Request for Information Form Submit Application & Completed ESA Paperwork

Note: The ESA request process must begin 60 days prior to the start of the semester. Requests received within 60 days will be processed, but if documentation is not received 30 days before the start of the semester, you may need to wait another semester before your ESA is permitted in campus housing.