Sexual Misconduct & Relationship Violence
What to do
Where to go
Where to find help
If you are in need of immediate help, please contact Juniata Public Safety at their emergency line: (814) 641 -3636
We are here to help.
What Is It?
Sexual violence is any sexual act committed against someone without that person’s freely given consent.
Sexual assault is any conduct that would constitute a forcible or nonforcible sex offense under the uniform crime reporting system of the FBI. (includes rape, sodomy, fondling, groping, forced kissing, or touching).
Consent is defined a knowing, voluntary, and mutual decision among all participants to engage in sexual activity. Silence or lack of resistance, in and of itself, does not demonstrate consent. Consent does not vary based upon a participant's sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.
What To Do
Sexual misconduct and relationship violence victims are encouraged to:
- Seek a medical examination within 48 hours of the incident – whether or not victim chooses to report the incident or press charges
- Undergo an examination for DNA evidence – therefore are advised to NOT change clothes or shower prior to examination
NOTE: Medical facilities have the obligation to inform law enforcement of any reports of rape or sexual assault, but it is the right of the victim whether or not to participate.
If you have been victimized, you may report the incident to non-confidential staff: Public Safety, Residential Life, or the Dean of Students Office. Confidential support and guidance is available with the Office for the Prevention of Interpersonal Violence (SPoT), Counseling Services, Health Services, and Campus Ministry. It is the exclusive right of the victim/complainant to decide to make a formal report.
All non-confidential staff are required to file an incident report with the college’s Title IX Coordinator.
All efforts are made to maintain the confidentiality of both the complainant and the respondent.
Complainants have the following reporting options:
- Pursue campus disciplinary charges
- Pursue criminal charges
- Pursue both campus and criminal charges
- Report the assault but choose not to pursue charges
Note: An investigation will be pursued if Juniata College deems it advisable to conduct a full investigation to protect the safety and interests of the greater campus community.
Investigation will be complete within 60 calendar days after the report is filed. (Both the complainant and the respondent will be offered periodic updates of the status of the investigation).
Retaliation by the complainant, the respondent, or ANYONE on their behalf is prohibited and will not be tolerated.
Protective Measures
A student involved in a Title IX case may requests adjustments to their:
- Academic Situations
- Living Situations
- Transportation Situation
- Working Situations
- Other Protective Measures
Contact the Title IX Coordinator, any Title IX Officer, or the Dean of Students.
Juniata College Contact Info
Office for the Prevention of Interpersonal Violence (the SPoT)
Juniata Counseling Services
(814) 641-3353
Campus Ministry
(814) 641-3360
Health Services
(814) 641- 3356
Public Safety
Tim Launtz, Director (814) 641-3192
Title IX Hearing Advisor
Dan Cook-Huffman
Dean of Students
Matthew Damschroder (814) 641-3157
Campus and Residential Life
(814) 641-3323
Additional Resources
Huntingdon Borough Police (911)
• (814) 643-3960
Abuse Network (sexual assault, rape)
• (717) 242-2444 (24/7 Hotline)
Huntingdon House (dating/domestic violence, stalking)
• (814) 643-1190 (24/7 Hotline)
Huntingdon County Crisis Intervention
• (800) 929-9583
Penn Highlands Hospital (911)
• (814) 643-2290
Victim Services Hotline (domestic abuse, relationship & sexual violence)
• (814) 944-3585 (Altoona)
National Suicide Hotline
• (800) 273-8255 (TALK)
Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Hotline
• (800) 656-4673 (HOPES)