This full color palette is to be used wherever accent colors are needed in printed and electronic communications. These colors have been selected for their collegiate qualities. A consistent use of these select colors will further enhance Juniata’s identity and provide consistency throughout all communications, across all audiences.
Primary Colors:
Blue and gold are the two official primary colors of Juniata College.
Pantone (PMS) #534 Blue
Pantone (PMS) #7503 Gold
Secondary Colors:
These colors may be used as accents to the official blue and gold colors of Juniata College.
PMS #644 Blue
PMS #575 Green
PMS #518 Purple
PMS #4985 Wine
PMS #7592 Rust
PMS #142 Yellow
Cool Gray 11
Color Palette
Color formulas for reproduction in various media.
PMS | CMYK | RGB | HEX | |
534 | 95/74/7/44 | 27/54/93 | #1b365d | |
7503 | 10/15/50/29 | 168/153/104 | #a89968 | |
644 | 42/10/2/6 | 155/184/211 | #9bb8d3 | |
575 | 55/9/95/45 | 103/130/58 | #67823a | |
518 | 55/86/20/63 | 75/48/72 | #4b3048 | |
4985 | 22/74/38/47 | 135/75/82 | #874b52 | |
7592 | 0/69/85/24 | 177/85/51 | #b15533 | |
142 | 0/24/78/0 | 241/190/72 | #f1be48 | |
Cool Gray 11 | 44/34/22/77 | 83/86/90 | #53565a |