What do I need to do to fill a vacancy or request a new position in my department?
A position requisition must be completed and submitted to your VP who will review with the Senior Leadership Team and notify you if approved.
Administrative/Staff Position Requisition Form
Faculty Position Requisition Form
My position requisition has been approved by SLT. What should I do next?
- Forward your job posting and requested advertising sites to Human Resources who will create your posting via our online applicant tracking system. Posting will be reviewed by EDI prior to posting.
- Candidates will be required to create a profile and submit resumes, cover letters, and other application materials via this website.
- Hiring managers should choose search committee members, and provide names to HR. All indviduals will be given access to view applicant materials.
- Search committees should contact HR to schedule Fair & Effective Interviewing training.
- Ads will be placed by Human Resources.
- Candidates will receive acknowledgement emails when they apply online
Our committee has selected candidates to interview. Is there a process we should follow?
- You will be responsible to make all arrangements for the interviews on campus. Please include time for each candidate to interview with an HR representative. Since Human Resources has the responsibility for the recruiting budget, arrangements for interviews should be discussed with the Director of Human Resources (or in the case of Faculty positions, the Provost) prior to inviting candidates to campus.
- Billing statements and on-campus charges should be directed to the Office of Human Resources. Here and below are links to the Guidelines for Recruiting Expenses incurred during the interview process, along with a link to the Reimbursement for Meals During Interviews form. If there is a question about transportation costs, etc., or if there is a legitimate reason that expenses may exceed the guidelines, please discuss it with the Director of Human Resources prior to the campus visit.
- Once a candidate has accepted an offer, Human Resources will close the job and the other candidates will automatically receive emails notifying them that the job has been filled.
- In order to clarify the process, we have also included links below to Checklists For Hiring indicating your responsibilities
The successful candidate has accepted our offer. Now what happens?
- Once a candidate has accepted an offer, Human Resources will close the job and the other candidates will receive emails notifying them that the job has been filled.
- In order to clarify the process, we have also included links below to Checklists For Hiring indicating your responsibilities.
- Hiring Manager completes the online Authorization for Letter of Employment and submits to the VP/President for signature. Once approved, the VP/President will forward to either Karla Wiser (if the position is grant-funded) or to Human Resources.
- Once HR receives and approves the authorization, a Letter of Employment will be prepared. The Letter of Employment will not be prepared until the Background Verification Process is complete.
- For planning purposes, please note that the official date of hire provided on the authorization should allow for receipt of Background Verification results (usually 2-3 weeks), and mailing of the Letter of Employment.
If you have questions at any time during the process, please call extension 3195 or email hr@juniata.edu.
Other helpful forms:
Faculty/Administrative Staff Forms:
- Guidelines for Recruiting Expenses
- Reimbursement for Meals During Interviews
- Hiring Checklist for Administration and Faculty
- Authorization for Letter of Employment or Stipend
Support Staff Forms:
Other Helpful Forms:
- Interview Evaluation Form
- Summer Student Employment Policy
- Stewards of Diversity Guidelines
- APAC Recommendations
- LinkedIn Job Posting Guide