The Unity House became a reality in January of 2005. Housed here are both the Offices of Diversity & Inclusion and Campus Ministry. In Juniata's efforts to meet our students varied cultural and philosophical needs of our growing student population these two offices found themselves working together quite frequently.
Juniata brings people together from many different domestic and international backgrounds in a way that challenges you to live, work, play and eat together. We strive to provide the education and tools for our students to appreciate and navigate differences in a way that strengthens you and our community.
The Unity House provides a conference room for meetings, social space, a full kitchen and an interfaith prayer/meditation room. The meditation room provides a space and allows for students who wish to use candles or incense in their worship to do so, as they are not allowed in the residence halls. Students use these spaces frequently for club meetings, late night snack making and to just have a comfortable place to hang out.

The Unity House promotes a supportive, positive and relaxed atmosphere for all students to engage with each other and also provides a flexible meeting space for many student organizations and groups such as Hillel, African American Student Alliance, Muslim Student Association, Catholic Council, Word Study for student athletes and Buddhist meditation. In addition, find information about programs like the EDI Speaker Series for Inclusive Excellence, P.E.A.C.E Certificate, Champions of Diversity fund, Gender Inclusive Housing, Global Village and Plexus.
Likewise, within Campus Ministry there are a multitude of options for students of various religious and spiritual backgrounds. Come together and learn from another through interfaith conversations such as Do-Tel, which examines the intersection of culture and faith, as well as opportunities for service experiences like the Spring Break alternative trip to New Orleans and Faith Quest, which provides opportunity to explore local faith communities each Fall.
We look forward to you stopping by!