Glaeser Counseling Services

The Glaeser Counseling Services is open to all Juniata students seeking support for mental health and wellness.  Our mission is to provide effective treatments and services to any student seeking support in a timely manner. 

Students come to the Glaeser Counseling Services for a variety of reasons.  Some seek support for adjusting to college life, some have relationship or family challenges, others are seeking relief from the onset of mental health symptoms, while others are experiencing an unexpected event or difficulty.

The Glaeser Counseling Services is designed to be highly responsive to a variety of student mental wellness needs.  We provide services from a solution focused and short term model.  Our goal is to either be the resource that provides the necessary care through our model and treatment structure or quickly connect students to the resources that provide care beyond the scope of our services and treatments.  Individual counseling frequency is dependent upon counselor availability; however, all treatment is designed to progress towards established goals and eventual discharge from services.

Visits to the Glaeser Counseling Services are confidential.  We do not share information about you with anyone outside of the Center (including professors, administration, or family) without your express written permission.  The only exception to this rule is when there is the risk of imminent physical injury (such as suicide, assault or abuse).  In these instances, we are bound legally and ethically to act to ensure the safety of all individuals, regardless of confidentiality.  Glaeser Counseling Services' clinical files are confidential and are kept completely separate from your health records and your Juniata academic records. 

Schedule an Appointment

Visits to the Glaeser Counseling Services are by appointment only.  You may make an appointment by scheduling through our online portal.  Intake forms take approximately 45 minutes to complete prior to selecting an available appointment time.  You may also call 814-641-3353 or email if you have any questions.

Remember, these next few years can be some of the best years of your life, but they can also be challenging.  Please know that there are many resources available to support you.