Experience a world of magic at the "Wand"erful World of Wizardry at Juniata College. Enroll in Potions, Spells Charms & Hexes, Care of Magical Creatures, and Herbology classes. Leave the muggle world behind and immerse yourself for a week in the wizarding world! Get sorted into your House, conjure a patronus, and play on the quidditch pitch.

August 2-7, 2020
- Registration Fee
- $1000
- Register
Camp Curriculum:
Camp classes are designed to partner traditional college classes subjects with the literary word of Harry Potter. The 2020 camp theme is designed to highlight Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Campers will participate in themed Harry Potter activities and games such as quidditch, being sorted into their house, making wands, and taking their OWLs (final camp learning assessment and evaluation). Juniata College professors and students will serve as professors and prefects to deliver instruction and facilitate activities. Campers will participate in:
Potions: (3 classes) This course highlights some of the chemistry introduced in the Harry Potter series and introduces campers to beginning work and safety practices in the science lab. Campers will investigate the chemistry of the invisible inks used in the Marauder’s Map, explore the chromatography of candies from Honeydukes’s, create color changing potions by experimenting with PH levels, and analyze the chemical compositions of unknown substances.
Spells, Charms and Hexes: (3 classes) This course introduces campers to the power of words by examining their etymology, the use of Greek and Latin roots in Harry Potter Spells, wandlore, and magical talismans and charms from cultures around the world.
History of Magic: (2 classes) Campers will learn how magic and magical creatures have been portrayed across cultures and time. This course includes the study of magical stories and beliefs from Norse tradition, the Pennsylvania Dutch, China, Japan, and Italy.
Astronomy: (1 class) Campers will observe the skies with an introduction to the use of a telescope, the solar system, and discover how astronomical objects affect us on Earth.
Storytelling: (1 class) This class highlights the storytelling techniques used in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. This session will analyze how the book and film differ in their approach and effectiveness.
Art: (3 classes) Campers will have arts self-expressive arts opportunities in woodcarving, sculpture, and painting to support learning.
Magical Manifestations: Campers will work with their prefect, dramatic arts coach and their House Team to design creative expressions/skits for a final performance at the end of the camp.
House Points Challenges: House Teams will work together on daily team logic and trivia challenges such as a Harry Potter escape room, song crafting, and spell casting to support interpersonal relationships. Campers will have opportunities to earn points for their house in their academic classes and daily activities.
Cross House Activities: Campers will participate in cross house activities such as liquid nitrogen ice cream, butterbeer, and chocolate frog making and will participate in campfire songs, hikes, and field trips.