There's always something going on in Campus Ministry! Campus Ministry encompasses a wide variety of student organizations and activities that provide students with opportunities for exploring their faith and developing their leadership skills.
The Library Labyrinth - The Class of 2009 gifted the college with a study circle made up of two benches and a 24 foot labyrinth that is always available for use by all members of the Juniata community. The labyrinth is a Chartres replica design with 5 circuits.- Prayer and Meditation - The Unity House is equipped with a Meditation Room, which provides a private, quiet place for individual or small group prayer and meditation. The Meditation Room is stocked with candles and other worship items and is available anytime the Unity House is open. In addition, Campus Ministry regularly makes a labyrinth available for prayer or meditation.
- FaithQuest - At the beginning of the school year, Campus Ministry coordinates a program called FaithQuest, to help students make connections with a local place of worship. Students gather at the Unity House for a light breakfast and then go in groups to attend worship services.
- Pasta Dinners - About once a month during the academic year, Campus Ministry hosts Pasta Dinners for students and staff. The dinners are free and there's no formal program.
- Spirituali-Tea Discussions - Periodically, Campus Ministry sponsors discussions on some topic related to spirituality, accompanied by tea & coffee and other refreshments. Facilitated by a member of the JC faculty or staff member or the local community, discussions have included Faith & Politics; Homosexuality and the Bible; Continuing Your Faith Journey in College; Is the Bible the Inspired Word of God?; Living in a Multi-Faith America; The Power of Prayer and other topics of interest.
- Soul Food Discussion for Faculty & Staff - Soul Food is a monthly lunch discussion for employees, coordinated by Catholic Campus Minister Lisa Baer in which employees bring lunch and enjoy stimulating conversation on various topics related to spirituality.