Senior Class Gift
A letter from your class officers
Although our time at Juniata is coming to a close, it is easy to reflect on all of the experiences we’ve had and memories we’ve made during our time here. We’ve made friendships, stormed the arch, spent days at Raystown Lake when we should have been doing homework, taken up residence in tents on the quad for a week in November, belted out the 12 Days of Christmas at Madrigal, listened to inspiring Bailey Oratorical speeches, attended LAS presentations that made us think differently about the world, and watched other Juniatians walk across the stage at graduation.
As we prepare to take our own walk across that stage, we must recognize that doing so comes with a great sense of responsibility. We will soon be Juniata College alumni, which means we will pave the way for future Juniata students. One of the first ways we can start giving back to the Juniata community is by creating a space for meditation and thoughtful reflection in the new Learning Commons. Our class can put a stamp on this institution by allowing future students the opportunity to center themselves, reflect on their experiences, and have a quiet minute to themselves. We have made prioritizing mental health an important part of our experience at Juniata, and we can make that commitment permanent by creating a meditation room in the Learning Commons. We hope to give future Juniatians the tools to make some of the same memories we have made, change their lives, and study the things they are truly passionate about while providing them with a space to reflect on all of the things that Juniata means to them. With your help, we can pave the way for future Juniatians to have a meaningful experience during their time here, just as we all have.
Goal: $40,000
Current Total: $27,595.25
Class Participation
Goal: 80%
Current Total: 53%
Campaign Leadership
Karan Nair
Cat Lanigan
Vice President
Maddie Miller
Taylor Hallabuk

The Class of 2020 has joined Juniata College Alumnus Dr. Heng Lim ’59 in creating a space in the Staton Learning Commons devoted to meditation and wellness. Dr. Lim is a retired surgeon from the Harrisburg area. He was awarded the 2018 American Health Council - America’s “Best in Medicine” and was also the recipient of the Juniata College Alumni Achievement Award in 2019. He spends his retirement as a part-time volunteer teaching and consulting the next generation of doctors. In his spare time, Dr. Lim grows and cultivates unusual and rare plants on his property, he also enjoys reading, music, and fly fishing with hand-tied flies for trout at some of the best limestone creeks and streams in Pennsylvania.

The Class of 2020 has joined Juniata College Alumnus Dr. Heng Lim ’59 in creating a space in the Staton Learning Commons devoted to meditation and wellness. Dr. Lim is a retired surgeon from the Harrisburg area. He was awarded the 2018 American Health Council - America’s “Best in Medicine” and was also the recipient of the Juniata College Alumni Achievement Award in 2019. He spends his retirement as a part-time volunteer teaching and consulting the next generation of doctors. In his spare time, Dr. Lim grows and cultivates unusual and rare plants on his property, he also enjoys reading, music, and fly fishing with hand-tied flies for trout at some of the best limestone creeks and streams in Pennsylvania.
Eagle Donors
Donate $250+
- Name on plaque recognizing contribution
- Exclusive Wine and Cheese Event at Pres. & Mrs. Troha’s
- Exclusive Graduation Pin
- First Priority Registration for 1 Premium Senior Week Event
- Beverage Koozie
Platinum Donors
Donate $125-$249
- Exclusive Graduation Pin
- Second Priority Registration for 1 Premium Senior Week Event
- Beverage Koozie
Gold Donors
Donate $75-$124
- Third Priority Registration for 1 Premium Senior Week Event
- Beverage Koozie
Silver Donors
Donate $1-$74
- Beverage Koozie