Community Engaged Learning
Whether teaching local children about cultures around the world or creating bowls for an annual event that raises thousands of dollars for local food shelters, community-engaged learning courses (CEL) help students to connect to our community and grow as students and global citizens.
Why take a CEL class?
Research shows that community-engaged classroom experiences lead to:
- Higher GPAs
- Enhanced leadership skills
- Positive student-faculty partnerships
Community Engaged Learning Courses:
CM-210 Race and Language in the United States
This class examines racism as a cultural system observed through our beliefs and practices about spoken English. The goal of the course is to develop an understanding of how linguistic prejudice contributes to the cultural programs of racism in the US.
3 CreditsSW-US
ED-412 Reading Difficulties Lab
This formal experience requires pre-service teachers to participate in an after school reading clinic for children in grades K through five who are identified as at-risk or struggling readers. Formal and informal assessment tools will be applied and used in decision making for research-based interventions. Communication with in-service teacher mentors and parents will be emphasized. Pre and post measures of achievement will be applied. A formal case report will be completed.
1 CreditSPrerequisites: ED-212 and either ED-120 or ED-130. Corequisite: ED-411.
HS-299 Special Topics
Offers supplements to the regular departmental program, exploring topics and areas not regularly scheduled. Note: Students may take each ST: course for credit.
1-4 Credits
IT-308 Innovations for Industry I
This lab will require a team of students to function as a project development team for an IT- related business. The students will be exposed to many aspects of systems analysis, design, development and implementation, as well as project management tools and techniques. Students will be required to learn in a just-in-time mode using on-demand educational resources.
1 CreditsSPrerequisites: IT210 and Jr or Sr standing or by permission of the instructor. Corequisite: IT307. Note: This course will have appointed class times for projects other than the times listed on the schedule.
SW-332 Social Work Practice: Large Groups, Organizations and Communities
Focuses on the problem solving processes employed in the delivery of social work services at the agency, institutional and community level. Primary consideration is given to the systems approach to communities and the techniques, strategies, and roles utilized by the worker in assisting communities and groups to attain satisfying and developmental levels of social functioning.
4 CreditsS, CWPrerequisite: SW230.
IM-375 Community Design Lab
Community Design Lab (formerly Integrated Media Arts Lab I) is a laboratory context of experimentation and discussion for students in the IMA Program. Students are given the opportunity to engage in a reciprocal partnership with a local community partner. Working in a team-driven environment with a local community partner students propose, plan, and complete a real world design project. The course includes reflection, design deliverables, and client presentations throughout the semester. Community Engaged Learning designated.
3 CreditsCTDHPrerequisite IM110, sophomore standing or higher.
SO-401 Sociology Senior Seminar
Sociology Senior Seminar is the capstone course for students who have focused their academic work in the sociological discipline. The course provides an opportunity for students to apply key curricular components previously explored during their undergraduate sociology coursework. The course is a designated service learning and experiential learning course. Students will assume substantial responsibility for the exploration of materials and presentation of those materials to their student colleagues. Students will also interact with campus and community partners during the semester. The course uses a student-led seminar format, coupled with community engagement and service learning components.
3 CreditsSPrerequisite: Senior standing.
ESS-401 Senior Capstone II
This course is the second semester of the Senior Capstone. It is intended to provide a real-world, project-based experience working on an advanced- level project. The student teams utilize skills they have acquired in their academic career to evaluate and provide potential solutions to realistic environmental tasks. The project will be chosen each year based on needs and opportunities in local agencies to provide and advanced project that can be done in one year.
1-3 CreditsN, S, CTGISPrerequisites: ESS100 and Junior or Senior standing or permission.
Local Engagement
All students are required to take a Local Engagement course as part of their general education. While Local Engagement is a type of Community Engaged Learning, not all CEL courses fulfill the Local Engagement requirement that falls under the Self and World category of the general education. To meet the Local Engagement requirement, students must complete a semester-long experience that involves interaction, collaboration, and/or direct service in a local community. The requirement can be met through taking a course with the LE designation, or through planning your own engagement experience while also taking the one credit GE 101 - Local Engagement Seminar course, which is called the Co-curricular option.
A Co-curricular experience must be approved before the semester it takes place by submitting a form in Handshake under the "Experiences" tab in the Juniata College Online Career Center. To submit your experience, you will need contact information for your on-location supervisor, a title or description of your potential experience, and approval from a faculty advisor. Once your experience has been approved, you will be automatically enrolled in the Local Engagement Seminar course.
Local Engagement Courses
EN-379 Professional Editing
This course provides a broad understanding of editing and its role in document development, publication, and use. Students will learn to edit effectively on a range of editing tasks and documents and edit documents for a community partner project. These skills will prepare students for a variety of professional editing positions.
3 CreditsH,SW-LEPrerequisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109.
MA-325 Statistical Consulting
The participating students will receive training during the semester in consulting on statistical problems and to assist in collaborative efforts with faculty and/or staff on client-partnered projects that are pre-determined. The semester-long project provides the student with both real work experience in the field of statistics and a project-based learning experience in partnership with the client. May be taken multiple times for credit.
3 CreditsN, QS, CW, SW-LEPrerequisite: Take one course from this list: BI-305, EB-211, ESS-230, ESS-309, MA-205, MA-220, PY-361, PY-366, SW-215. Also take FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109.
SP-271 Enrichment After-School for Youth-Spanish
Through this Local Engagement course, Juniata students will partner with the Huntingdon Area School District to offer language and culture classes to elementary and middle school students. They will design and deliver after-school course content in a dynamic, fun, after-school program designed to introduce students in grades 3-6 to Spanish and the cultures of Spain and Latin America. The course introduces students to best practices in local engagement, our local community, and the opportunities presented by our community partners. During seven weeks of the class, Juniata Students will teach the twice-a-week lessons at the nearby Standing Stone Elementary School. Must have clearances.
3 CreditsSW-LE
SW-330 Social Work Practice: Individual, Family & Small Groups Laboratory
Supervised field work in an approved social work agency. Provides opportunity to observe agency function and apply beginning social work practice skills.
2 CreditsSCorequisite: SW331. Prerequisite: SW230.
ESS-110 Environmental Systems II
This course introduces students to the concepts of environmental systems and sustainability, review of ecological systems, and human impact on the environment. Students will work on a restoration/conservation project with a community partner to improve soil/water resource quality in the community. Students will be introduced to scientific writing and write a scientific paper.
3 CreditsN, SW-LEPre-req or co-req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109. (NOTE: ESS-100 is not a prereq for ESS-110.)
IT-307 Project Management
This course reviews and applies project management processes and techniques such as project life cycle, project selection methods, work breakdown instructions, network diagrams, cost estimates, and more.
4 CreditsS,CW,CS,SW-LEPrerequisite: IT-210. Pre-or co-requisite: FYC-101.
PS-208 Policy and Community
In this course, students will engage in the policymaking process in Huntingdon. In conjunction with local policymakers, students will research a community problem and make policy recommendations based onthat research. Class discussions will focus on common community issues in America (such as environmental and healthcare problems) in addition to research methods and local policymaking processes.
4 CreditsSW-LEPrerequisite or corequisite: FYC or CWS
PY-404 School Psychology
This course explores a scientist-practitioner model for improving learning and educational outcomes for all students. Focus is on the application of psychological principles and research-based models of prevention and intervention to improve outcomes. As a community-engaged learning course, coursework will be applied to a project identified by a community partner as meeting a community need.
4 CreditsS, SW-LEPre-req: PY-101. Pre-req or co-req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109.
WL-201 Language in Motion
In this course, international students, study-abroad returnees, students with other international experiences, heritage speakers, and/or upper-level language students expand their knowledge of language and culture, process their own intercultural and language-learning experiences, and enrich local school classrooms. In addition to learning about teaching language and culture and the school context, students develop individual projects for presentation in school classrooms.
1 CreditH, I, CS, SW-LE
AR-235 Empty Bowls Practicum
Students will learn to create functional bowls to be donated to the annual Empty Bowls fundraising event that supports Huntingdon County food banks. Additional and complementary topics will include philanthropy, altruism, and empathy-building activities. Students will develop the knowledge and skills needed to engage effectively with the local communities they will inhabit throughout their lives. Creative thought and discourse will occur throughout the semester.
4 CreditsF,SW-LE
Juniata's Mission & CEL
Juniata College's mission is to empower our students to develop the skills, knowledge, and values that lead to a fulfilling life of service and ethical leadership in the global community. One of our Institutional Learning Objectives for students is to be engaged with themselves and the world, and community-engaged learning provides one pathway to this outcome.
Juniata prides itself on evolving with the higher education community in accordance with research which is why we have modeled our program after the standard created by the Stanford Initiative, which you can learn about here.