The Baker Institute 40th Anniversary Reunion
Juniata College
Join us March 28-30! Find more details and register now at juniata.edu/baker40.
Juniata College
Join us March 28-30! Find more details and register now at juniata.edu/baker40.
Chicago, IL
Join the Juniata community in Chicago for a Reception! Enjoy food and beverages as
you connect with local alumni and friends.
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM | The Exchange, 224 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60604
Denver, CO
Join the Juniata community in Denver for lunch! Enjoy food and beverages as you connect
with local alumni and friends.
12:30 PM to 2:30 PM | New Image Brewing Company - Wheat Ridge, 9505 W 44th Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
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ReunionsCampus News
Catch up on what is happening with the Juniata community, and also access issues of the Juniata magazine.
Campus News