
The cost of attendance budgets below are approximate total costs for fall and spring semesters before any financial aid and grants. Please keep in mind that this comprehensive cost, which is used to help determine financial aid, will not represent the true cost to your family, as all students attending Juniata College receive some form of financial aid.

Cost of Attendance Breakdown for 2025-26

Tuition and Fees On Campus Commuter
Tuition $59,500 $59,500
Mandatory Fees $1,100 $TBD
Housing (Double Room) $7,800 $0
Food (Blue Plan) $6,800 $0
Total Direct Charges $75,200 $TBD
Transportation $250 $600
Supplies, Materials & Equipment (Estimate) $1,000 $1,000
Miscellaneous (Estimate) $1,000 $2,650
Total Cost of Attendance Before Financial Aid $77,450 $TBD

Please note:
  • Books are included in the cost of tuition and fees.
  • Students who take fewer than 12 semester hours in a semester are billed per credit hour instead of the full tuition. 
  • Students who choose a single room are charged $TBD annually ($TBD per semester).
  • Changes in residential status (living on campus to becoming a commuter, for example) may warrant changes to your financial aid package. Please contact Student Financial Planning (financialplanning@juniata.edu) to discuss how a change in residential status could impact your financial aid.
  • Students from states other than Pennsylvania or Maryland will have their travel budgets increased in recognition of the additional transportation costs borne by students whose residence is geographically distant from Juniata.

Cost of Attendance Breakdown for 2024-25

Tuition and Fees On Campus Commuter
Tuition $57,500 $57,500
Mandatory Fees $1,080 $736
Housing (Double Room) $7,500 $0
Food (Blue Plan) $6,600 $0
Total Direct Charges $72,680 $58,236
Transportation $250 $600
Supplies, Materials & Equipment (Estimate) $1,000 $1,000
Miscellaneous (Estimate) $1,000 $2,650
Total Cost of Attendance Before Financial Aid $74,930 $62,486

Please note:
  • Books are included in the cost of tuition and fees.
  • Students who take fewer than 12 semester hours in a semester are billed per credit hour instead of the full tuition. 
  • Students who choose a single room are charged $9,376 annually ($4,688 per semester).
  • Changes in residential status (living on campus to becoming a commuter, for example) may warrant changes to your financial aid package. Please contact Student Financial Planning (financialplanning@juniata.edu) to discuss how a change in residential status could impact your financial aid.
  • Students from states other than Pennsylvania or Maryland will have their travel budgets increased in recognition of the additional transportation costs borne by students whose residence is geographically distant from Juniata.

Cost of Attendance Breakdown for 2023-24

Tuition and Fees On Campus Commuter
Tuition $55,322 $55,322
Mandatory Fees $1,080 $736
Housing (Double Room) $7,208 $0
Food (Blue Plan) $6,338 $0
Total Direct Charges $69,948 $56,058
Transportation $250 $600
Supplies, Materials & Equipment (Estimate) $1,000 $1,000
Miscellaneous (Estimate) $1,000 $2,650
Total Cost of Attendance Before Financial Aid $72,198 $60,308

Please note:
  • Books are included in the cost of tuition and fees.
  • Students who take fewer than 12 semester hours in a semester are billed per credit hour instead of the full tuition.
  • Students who choose a single room are charged $9,012 annually ($4,506 per semester).
  • Changes in residential status (living on campus to becoming a commuter, for example) may warrant changes to your financial aid package. Please contact Student Financial Planning (financialplanning@juniata.edu) to discuss how a change in residential status could impact your financial aid.
  • Students from states other than Pennsylvania or Maryland will have their travel budgets increased in recognition of the additional transportation costs borne by students whose residence is geographically distant from Juniata.


Special Fees

Additional information about special fees can be found under “Miscellaneous” in the Admissions and Cost section of the College’s Catalog: https://www.juniata.edu/catalog/admissions-and-cost.php

Questions About Billing & Fees

Please direct any questions that you may have about your bill or online account to the Bursar’s Office (bursarsoffice@juniata.edu) after first reviewing their “Frequently Asked Questions” page: https://www.juniata.edu/offices/bursar/faq.php
If you have any questions about special course fees on your online statement of account, please direct them to the Registrar’s Office at registrar@juniata.edu or 814-641-3165.




Cost of Attendance Breakdown for 2024-25

Program Credits Online Cost with Tuition & Fees*  In-person Cost with Tuition* and Fees** 
MAcc 30 $24,500 $39,700
MBA 36 $29,400 $44,500
MOL 30 $24,500  
M.Ed. 30 $24,500  
MBIN 30 $24,500 $39,700
MDS 30 $24,500  
MEcoNRM 35   $43,700
MPH 45 $36,800  

* Based off $800/credit rate  
** Includes fees for one year of full time, residential experience (housing, dining, and fees)

We offer a Preferred Alumni Rate for Juniata College Alumni and have established an Employee Partnership Rate for students of companies in which we have a Memorandum of Understanding.

Breakdown of Included Fees

$50 Technology fee per course 

Full time, residential experience (per academic year): 

  • Housing: $7,800*
  • Dining: $6,800**
  • Mandatory Fees Total: $1,100 (Technology Fee, Activity Fee, and Support Services & Program Fee)

* This is for a standard double room, but please note, graduate students are NOT required to live on campus.
** Price is for highest Meal Plan; other options are available at a lower cost.

Not included is insurance cost, which can be waived with proper documentation.