We are all ambassadors for Juniata College. We naturally want to share our college stories with others, and this introduction helps to spread the word about Juniata!
Sign up here to learn when events are planned near you!You are promoting Juniata College if you:
- wear your Juniata sweatshirt to a community picnic
- put a few Juniata brochures on the table in your office waiting room
- drive around town with a Juniata license plate on your car
- proudly display your Juniata degree on your office wall
- and tell your neighbors, officemates and family about your Juniata College days
If you want to do more, Juniata Admission Ambassadors (JAA) is the volunteer organization designed to help you take your commitment to a new level!
To find out more details, visit the JAA Mission page.
When you volunteer for Juniata, don't forget to report your hours.