Complete one of the following options below:


BI-190 Human Biology

Course is a non-majors approach to the basic chemistry and biology of the human body, as well as how humans fit into society and environment. Emphasis will be on applying scientific process tocurrent health topics. Course required for the Social Work POE and included in the Genomics Certificate and Rural Poverty Studies secondary emphasis.

3 CreditsN, WK-SP,CTGESPre- or Co-requisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109


BI-101 General Biology I

General Biology I is the first course in the Biology POE core curriculum. This course will be structured around four primary case studies on the opioid crisis, climate change, environmental toxicology and the evolution of speed in animals. The cases will outline foundational concepts in molecular biology and evolution.

4 Credits

BI-102 General Biology II

General Biology II is the second course in the Biology POE core curriculum. In the first four weeks of this course, each lab section will work through basic lab skill development. After that, students will deploy those skills to answer a specific open-ended research question that is part of their instructor's area of expertise.

4 CreditsPrerequisite: BI-101 or BI-105


Take the following courses:

PS-101 Introduction to U.S. Government

An introduction to the theory and practice of United States government. The course surveys the underlying structure of U.S. politics, its economic, cultural and legal foundations and the daily practice of politics, e.g. groups, parties, and the mass media.

4 CreditsS, WK-SIPre- or Co-requisite: FYC-101

PS-325 Health Policy

In this seminar course, we will discuss health policy, focusing on issues in the United States. We will discuss how health policy is made at the federal and state level. We will look at major health care-related programs in the United States, federal agencies that affect the health of Americans, and state-level health policy.

3 CreditsWK-SIPre- or co-requisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109.

SO-101 Introduction to Sociology

The study of human social groups and the social processes that lead to both structural and cultural integration and differentiation primarily within contemporary American society.

3 CreditsS

SW-221  The Life Cycle

This course provides an introduction to lifespan development from conception, through birth, infancy, childhood, adolescence, and various stages of adulthood. Explores perspectives on the biological, psychological, and socio-cultural aspects of development over time. Examines human diversity as well as similarities in growth and development, utilizing theory and research. Discusses implications for prevention and intervention related to common developmental challenges and adversities. 

3 CreditsS,WK-SIPre-Req or Co-Req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109

SW-333  Social Welfare Policies and Services

A conceptual study of the meanings, nature, scope, implementation and evaluation of social policy as it relates to issues of social welfare. 

3 CreditsSPrerequisite: SW-231

EB-223  Principles of Microeconomics

The optimizing behavior of households and firms serves as the focal point in this study of market-based resource allocation. Supply and demand analysis, spending and saving decisions of households, production and employment decisions of firms, alternative market structures, and environmental economics are among the topics covered. 

3 CreditsSPrerequisite: Sophomore, Junior, or Senior standing. 

EB-325  Health Economics

Health Economics applies economic analysis to better understand the functioning of the healthcare industry. Topics willinclude demand for healthcare and health insurance, information problems, healthcare costs, comparative healthcare systems and healthcare policy. 

3 CreditsSPrerequisite: EB223 Principles of Microeconomics 

PL-235 Ethics of Health Care

This course is a seminar-style course in 'professional ethics'. It will explore the various codes, value assumptions, and dilemmas faced by those who practice the health care professions. Specific topics (or dilemmas) will be determined by each class, based upon the specific POEs of the enrolled students. 

4 CreditsH,SW-ERPre-req or co-req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109 

PY-216 Public Health

This seminar serves as an introduction to evidence-based public health. The course will utilize public health methodologies to investigate historical and current public health issues.

4 CreditsS,N,WK-SPPre-req or co-req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109.

CM-310 Understanding Health Inequity

In this class, students will learn how to read, understand, and conduct social research about individuals and systems that create disparity in health care and outcomes. The research that we will read and learn to conduct will rely on texts and stories rather than numbers and statistics. The class will address questions such as: what conditions are present that allow some populations greater access to health care than others? What social problems underlie the disparities in health outcomes for women, people of color, and people from low-income backgrounds. Students will gather and analyze their own research data.

3 CreditsS, WK-SIPre-Req or Co-Req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109


Take one of the following courses:

BI-305 Biostatistics

This course deals centrally with quantitative and statistical methodology in the biological sciences. It includes experimental design and the conventions of generating, analyzing, interpreting and presenting biological data. Counts as a math course for graduate and professional school requirements.

4 CreditsN, QS, CTGESPrerequisites: BI106 or ESS100

MA-205 Elementary Statistics

Introduction to traditional statistical concepts including descriptive statistics, binomial and normal probability models, confidence intervals, tests of hypotheses, linear correlation and regression, two-way contingency tables, and one-way analysis of variance.

4 CreditsN, QS, WK-SPPrerequisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109


Take the following course:

EN-271 Public Health Writing

Focuses on health and medical writing for public audiences. The course will familiarize students with health literacy, plain language, and visual communication skills. Students will analyze and compose common genres of public health writing, including reports about health in the media, advocacy documents, science journalism articles, and public health posters.

3 CreditsH, CWPrerequisites: EN110 or EN109.


Complete one of the following tracks below:


Students must complete 13-16 credits including at least one 300/400/500 level course from the selection below:

PS-155 Lobbying

Students learn about lobbying in the United States and Pennsylvania, including the national and state constitutional provisions that permit and restrain lobbying. Students study and discuss lobbying techniques and ethics and the place of lobbying in the broader context of American and Pennsylvanian politics. Students will practice their lobbying skills both in class and in Harrisburg.

1 CreditS 

PS-206 The Culture War

Is the U.S. at war with itself over core political and cultural values? This culture war is waged over hot-button policy issues including abortion, school prayer, gay rights, religion in politics, marijuana, immigration, and diversity. Students explore the complex political contexts that shape the lived experiences of traditionally marginalized groups and examine how power, privilege, and marginalization influence policy outcomes.

4 CreditsCA, S, SW-US 

PS-208 Policy and Community

In this course, students will engage in the policymaking process in Huntingdon. In conjunction with local policymakers, students will research a community problem and make policy recommendations based onthat research. Class discussions will focus on common community issues in America (such as environmental and healthcare problems) in addition to research methods and local policymaking processes.

4 CreditsSW-LEPrerequisite or corequisite: FYC or CWS

PS-298 Gender and Health Care

In this course, we will discuss gender and healthcare policy around the world, focusing on the ethical responsibilities of healthcare policymakers and providers. We consider how gender affects policy and health outcomes in various ways, depending on the cultural context. Class discussions will address topics such as reproductive rights and LGBTQ healthcare access.

3 CreditsSW-ERPre-Req or Co-Req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109

PS-313 Congress and Presidency

Examines the intellectual and constitutional foundations of Congress and the Presidency, and the evolution of their powers and responsibilities. The course also explores how, through cooperation and confrontation, the institutions make decisions about war and peace, spending, and taxation. 

4 CreditsS, CWPrerequisite: PS101.

CONN-350 Community Health Advocacy

In this course, students learn to recognize health disparities within communities and identify ways to intervene and advocate to promote better health outcomes for community members. Students will explore how poor health outcomes for individuals and communities are linked to social determinants of health. This course uses the competencies for community health workers established by the Pennsylvania Certification Board. NOTE: Students are expected to be in their third or fourth year when taking a Connections course.

4 CreditsCONN,IC

CONN-392 Justice and Global Health

This course will introduce students to important contemporary debates about the nature of justice and global health from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. Topics covered include philosophical approaches to justice, prominent debates within global health around disparate health outcomes, and the impact of neoliberalism on public health systems. NOTE: Students are expected to be in their third or fourth year when taking a Connections course.

4 CreditsCONN,IC

ESS-337 Environmental Law

This course will examine the major environmental laws in the United States and major Supreme Court cases covering these statutes. The status covered will be National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), The Clean Water Act (CWA), The Clean Air Acr (CAA), The Endangered Species Act (ESA), Federal Insecticide Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), and The Toxic Substances Control Act (TOSCA), The Forest Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA), Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), and the Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act (SARA).

3 CreditsS, CTGISPrerequisites: ESS-100 or PS-110. Must have sophomore standing or above.

EB-131  Financial Accounting

Introduces fundamental principles and assumptions of accounting as they relate to transaction analysis and basic financial statements.

3 CreditsS

EB-202  Behavioral Analysis of Organizations

The broad focus of the course is to examine how individuals come together to form a successful organization. The course is broken into three major sections: people, organizations, and leadership. The course emphasizes student involvement and engages students in a variety of in-class exercises, case analysis role playing exercises, small group exercises, and an off-campus class experience or two. One or more off-campus experiences are required for the course. 

4 CreditsCW,S,WK-SIPrerequisite: Sophomore standing.

EB-363  Health Care Financial Management

Emphasizes health care decision making using financial information. The course focuses on unique financial characteristics in the health care industry, such as the mix of government and non-government providers and payers, complex payment systems, and the interactions between providers, insurance companies and consumers. 

3 CreditsSPrerequisite: EB131. 

MBA-561 Healthcare Operations

To understand operations' role in healthcare, it is important to appreciate the complexity of the healthcare industry and current trends that affect healthcare organizations from an operational perspective. Changes include new regulatory requirements, payment arrangements, technology, patient expectations, and provider recruitment challenges. Operations leadership must work to balance these shifting-and sometimes conflicting-priorities while 'keeping the lights on' and continuing to seek new efficiencies, while meeting increasingly competitive quality and performance metrics.

3 Credits

MBA-563 Healthcare Strategy

This course is designed to enable an understanding of competitive strategy in a rapidly changing healthcare industry. The course focuses on understanding strategy and market structure, and discussing common business models and strategies for growth, integration, and alliance in a healthcare setting. Class members will discuss the development and selection of an organizational strategy and leadership of strategic planning and implementation processes. With successful completion of the course, students will be able to articulate the importance of identifying stakeholders, values, mission and vision for an organization, and to identify internal and external environmental factors and issues that impact strategic and business planning and performance.

3 Credits


Students must complete 13-16 credits including at least one 300/400/500 level course from the selection below: 

BI-290 Nutrition

This course covers basic principles and facts about nutrition, explores the role of nutrition in human health, and considers a range of societal and political issues surrounding food and nutrition in the U.S. and abroad. (WK: Scientific Process).

3 CreditsN, WK-SPPrerequisite FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109

PS-208 Policy and Community

In this course, students will engage in the policymaking process in Huntingdon. In conjunction with local policymakers, students will research a community problem and make policy recommendations based onthat research. Class discussions will focus on common community issues in America (such as environmental and healthcare problems) in addition to research methods and local policymaking processes.

4 CreditsSW-LEPrerequisite or corequisite: FYC or CWS

PS-298 Gender and Health Care

In this course, we will discuss gender and healthcare policy around the world, focusing on the ethical responsibilities of healthcare policymakers and providers. We consider how gender affects policy and health outcomes in various ways, depending on the cultural context. Class discussions will address topics such as reproductive rights and LGBTQ healthcare access.

3 CreditsSW-ERPre-Req or Co-Req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109

PY-211 Race, Ethnicity, and Identity Studies

This course explores the constructs of race, ethnicity, and identity with a focus on how they help us understand ourselves, societies, and the relationship between self and society. The course explores race, racism, antiracism, equality, and hierarchy. As a Social Inquiry course, this course emphasizes social scientific methodologies to address these topics.

3 CreditsS,WK-SIPre- or Co-Req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109.

PY-321 Health Psychology

Course will examine empirical findings from disciplines of psychology, medicine, and public health. Course topics include research methods, stress and social support, health behavior and primary prevention, management of chronic/terminal illnesses, gender and cultural issues in health, and psychoneuroimmunology. An underlying theme will be to dispel health-related myths and fads that are so prevalent in popular media.

4 CreditsSPrerequisites: PY-101.

CM-132 Message Analysis

The study of rhetoric investigates the art of persuasion. The course introduces the basic rhetorical concepts and language we need to make sense of the sea of messages we swim in. The course aims to sharpen your ability to reason, reflect, send, perceive and discern messages in a variety of contexts. Upon completion of this course students understand several humanistic perspectives toward communication and are able to apply the basic tools of rhetorical analysis. Students have an increased awareness of the ways in which our symbolic behaviors shape our social lives.

3 CreditsH, CS 

ED-260 Families, Schools, and Communities

This course provides an in-depth view ofthe relationship between families, schools, and communities. While exploring their own beliefs and values, students examine family diversity and the impact of socioeconomic status, culture, language, lifestyle, and ethnicity on child development. Discussion will focus on building effective partnerships with families, schools, and community members through development of strategies that establish culturally sensitive and nurturing relationships. In addition, best practices related to trauma informed instruction will be integrated throughout course content.

3 Credits

CM-400A Health Communication

Explores how communication functions to promote health, the important role of information in health care, the development of communication campaigns to promote health awareness, alternative and multicultural approaches to health care, the promotion of ethical health communication, and the use of new health communication technologies.

3 CreditsHPrerequisite: CM-130 or CM-132 or CM-133

CONN-303 Genomics, Ethics, and Society

The purpose of this course will be to gain an understanding of the science behind the genome project and develop an understanding how ethical norms are established and challenged. Students will discuss and debate the potential implications of this new technology for them as individuals and for society in general. NOTE: Students are expected to be in their third or fourth year when taking a Connections course.


CONN-350 Community Health Advocacy

In this course, students learn to recognize health disparities within communities and identify ways to intervene and advocate to promote better health outcomes for community members. Students will explore how poor health outcomes for individuals and communities are linked to social determinants of health. This course uses the competencies for community health workers established by the Pennsylvania Certification Board. NOTE: Students are expected to be in their third or fourth year when taking a Connections course.

4 CreditsCONN,IC

CM-340 Intercultural Communication

This course examines symbolic patterns of communication as they relate to issues of diversity. Interactive skills needed to open channels of communication between and among people of diverse backgrounds are analyzed and developed. A multi-cultural approach to the study of human communication serves as a basis for exploring issues of diversity that include but are not limited to race, gender, class, ability, orientation, religion and ethnicity.

3 CreditsH, I, SW-GEPrerequisite or Corequisite: FYC-101

NOTE: Students choosing this track must complete a human subjects research experience.

Complete one of the following sequences below:

PY-101 Introduction to Psychology

An overview of the content and methodology in the field. Topics such as the history of psychology, physiological psychology, learning and memory, perception, motivation, child development, personality and social foundations are considered

3 CreditsS

PY-366 Research Methods & Statistics

Introduces the methodological skills necessary for conducting research and for becoming a better consumer of psychological science. Students will learn to think critically about claims and accurately summarize primary source articles about behavior. Students will learn statistical concepts commonly used to evaluate data, how to effectively communicate research, and make ethical judgments informed by APA ethical standards.

4 Credits Prerequisite: PY-101

SW-214  Integrated Research Methods & Stats I

An integrated course sequence applying processes of social inquiry to the assessment of historically oppressed and vulnerable populations, and of the interventions used to help those populations. This course integrates key research concepts and commonly used quantitative and qualitative methods in the social sciences, with the ability to communicate effectively about research with written and verbal skills. The course teaches students not only to conduct social science research but also to consume and utilize social science research in a critical way, including in practice as a helping professional.

3 CreditsS,WK-SI 

SW-215  Integrated Research Methods & Stats II

The second part of an integrated course sequence applying the scientific process to the fields of Social Work and Sociology, emphasizing key research concepts, commonly used quantitative and qualitative methods, and the ability to communicate effectively about research with written and verbal skills. The course teaches students not only to conduct research but also to consume and utilize research.

3 CreditsS 


Complete one of the following categories below:


HP-300 Health Navigator Practicum

The Health Navigation Practicum combines both lecture and experiential learning to expose students to health care delivery, social determinants of health and patient navigation. This course is open to juniors and seniors only. An interview with the instructor is required before admission.

2-3 CreditsSW-LE 


HP-490 Intern/Need Paperwork

Health Professions students may apply their acquired skills and knowledge to on-the-job internships for a semester during their junior or senior years.

2-9 Credits  

HP-495 Health Professions Internship Research

In addition to the on-the-job experience provided by the internship, students are required to pursue research related to their placement. An in-depth research paper or presentation is completed during the semester. 

2-6 Credits Corequisite: HP 490. Prerequisite: Jr.or Sr. standing.

POE Credit Total = 57-63

Students must complete at least 18 credits at the 300/400-level.  Any course exception must be approved by the advisor and/or department chair.