Lauren Bowen Biography →
- Provost
- Professor of Politics
- Founders Hall 328
- (814) 641-3123
- bowenl@juniata.edu

Dominick Peruso Biography →
- Harry M. and Catherine Miller Metz Professor of Accounting, Business & Economics
- Associate Provost
- Founders Hall
- (814) 641-3661
- peruso@juniata.edu

Kushal Adhikari Biography →
- Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering

William Ames Biography →
- Associate Professor of Chemistry
- VLB 2033
- (814) 641-3903
- ames@juniata.edu

Bradley Andrew Biography →
- Professor of Economics and International Studies
- BAC C205D
- (814) 641-3378
- andrew@juniata.edu

Josiane Banini Biography →
- Assistant Professor of French

- VLB 2035
- (814) 641-3560
- baran@juniata.edu

- BAC C205C
- (814) 641-3532
- baughman@juniata.edu

Dr. Matthew Beaky Biography →
- Professor of Physics and Engineering Physics
- Director of Observatories
- BAC P221
- (814) 641-3550
- beaky@juniata.edu

Hannah Bellwoar Biography →
- Professor of English
- Director of Writing and General Education
- Founders 411
- (814) 641-3437
- bellwoar@juniata.edu

Randy Bennett Biography →
- Professor of Biology
- Biology Department Chair
- VLB 1048
- (814) 641-3719
- bennett@juniata.edu

Bethany Benson Biography →
- Professor of Art
- Visual & Performing Arts Division Head
- Art Department Chair
- Ceramics Studio 102
- (814) 641-3968
- benson@juniata.edu

Dr. William Blades
- Assistant Professor of Physics & Engineering Physics
- BAC P213
- (814) 641- 3582
- blades@juniata.edu

Dr. James Borgardt Biography →
- William W. Woolford Professor of Physics and Engineering Physics
- Physics Department Chair
- Baker Institute Advisory Board Chair
- BAC P226
- (814) 641-6600
- borgardt@juniata.edu

Robert Boryk Biography →
- Instructor of Art
- Ceramic Studio Assistant
- Kepple 107
- (814) 641-3969
- boryk@juniata.edu

Donald Braxton Biography →
- J. Omar Good Professor of Religion
- Good Hall G203
- (814)641- 3530
- braxton@juniata.edu

John Bukowski Biography →
- Professor of Mathematics
- Conductor, Juniata Concert Choir
- BAC C108A
- (814) 641-3591
- bukowski@juniata.edu

Kristin Camenga Biography →
- Associate Professor of Mathematics
- Director of Advising
- BAC 108D
- (814) 641-3590
- camenga@juniata.edu

Lynn Cockett Biography →
- Professor of Communication
- Halbritter 027
- (814) 641-3549
- cockett@juniata.edu

Shannon Cotrell
- Instructor of College Writing
- World Languages Center 106
- (814) 641- 3528
- cotrell@juniata.edu

Johnathan Crum
- Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice
- Good Hall 403
- (814) 641- 3708
- crum@juniata.edu

Lee Ann Deshong-Cook
- Assistant Professor of Social Work, BSW Program Director
- Social Work, Criminal Justice & Sociology Department Chair
- Good Hall G405
- (814) 641-3674
- deshong@juniata.edu

Will Dickey Biography →
- Associate Professor of English
- Founders 416
- (814) 641-3723
- dickey@juniata.edu

Dan Dries Biography →
- Associate Professor of Chemistry
- Chemistry & Biochemistry Department Chair
- VLB 2061
- (814) 641-3557
- dries@juniata.edu

Phil Dunwoody Biography →
- Professor of Psychology
- Social Science Division Head
- Good Hall G417
- (814) 641-5333
- dunwoody@juniata.edu

Henry Escuadro Biography →
- Professor of Mathematics
- Mathematics & Computer Science Division Head
- Mathematics Department Chair
- BAC C108C
- (814) 641-3596
- escuadro@juniata.edu

Thomas Firneno Biography →
- Assistant Professor of Biology
- VLB 1074
- (814) 641- 3579
- firneno@juniata.edu

Alison Fletcher Biography →
- W. Newton & Hazel A. Long Professor of History
- Founders 315
- (814) 641-3547
- fletcher@juniata.edu

Amy Frazier-Yoder Biography →
- Professor of Spanish
- World Languages & Cultures Chair
- WLC 105
- (814) 641-3660
- fraziera@juniata.edu

Sinead Gallagher
- Assistant Professor of Accounting
- BAC C202
- (814) 641-4142
- gallagher@juniata.edu

Tracy Grajewski Biography →
- Assistant Professor of Accounting, Business, and Economics
- Accounting, Business, & Economics Division Head
- Accounting, Business, & Economics Department Chair

Christopher J. Grant Biography →
- Associate Professor of Biology
- VLB 1044
- (814) 641-6686
- grantc@juniata.edu

Zia Haque Biography →
- Director of Baker Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies
- Assistant Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies
- Oller Center 103
- (814) 641-3461
- haque@juniata.edu

Kerry Harper
- Assistant Professor of Social Work
- Field Director
- Good Hall 404
- (814) 641-3658

Amber Jade Helsel-Ickes
- Laboratory Coordinator
- Instructor of Chemistry
- VLB 2029
- (814) 641-3533
- helsel@juniata.edu

Elliot Hirshon
- Instructor of English as a Second Language
- Carriage House 2
- (814) 641- 3156
- hirshoe@juniata.edu

Katie Hildebrand Biography →
- Assistant Professor of Education
- Good Hall 305
- (814) 641- 3649
- keh100@juniata.edu

Mark Holsing
- Assistant Professor of Accounting, Business, and Economics

Jay Hosler Biography →
- David K Goodman '74 Professor of Biology
- VLB 1082
- (814) 641-3720
- hosler@juniata.edu

Dave Hsiung Biography →
- Dr. Charles R. and Shirley A. Knox Professor of History
- Founders 311
- (814) 641-3534
- hsiung@juniata.edu

Melissa Innerst
- Assistant Professor of Statistics and Mathematics

Kyle Jaquess Biography →
- Assistant Professor of Psychology
- Good Hall G406
- (814) 641-3083
- jaquess@juniata.edu

Kathryn Jewett
- Assistant Professor of Biology
- VLB 1078
- (814) 641- 3554
- jewett@juniata.edu

Katharine Johanesen
- Associate Professor of Geology
- BAC P110
- (814) 641-3601
- johanesen@juniata.edu

Dennis Johnson Biography →
- George "Fritz" Blechschmidt '54 Professor of Environmental Science
- BAC B209
- (814) 641-5335
- johnson@juniata.edu

Kathleen Jones Biography →
- Professor of Education
- Good Hall G307
- (814) 641-3654
- jones@juniata.edu

- Good Hall 407
- (814) 641-3577
- keeney@juniata.edu

Ryan Kough Biography →
- Associate Professor of Integrated Media Arts
- Kepple 207
- (814) 641-3575
- kough@juniata.edu

Gerald W. Kruse Biography →
- John & Irene Dale Professor of IT, Computer Science, and Math
- BAC C205A
- (814) 641-3595
- kruse@juniata.edu

Jared LaGroue
- Instructor of Communication
- BAC C111D
- (814) 641-3125
- lagroue@juniata.edu

Regina Lamendella Biography →
- Professor of Biology
- VLB 1076
- (814) 641-3553
- lamendella@juniata.edu

John Lash
- Assistant Professor of Accounting, Business & Economics

Jim Latten Biography →
- Professor of Music
- Swigart Music Hall 103
- (814) 641- 3471

Robb Lauzon Biography →
- Assistant Professor of Communication

Monika Malewska Biography →
- Professor of Art
- Kepple 204
- (814) 641-3504
- malewska@juniata.edu

Liz Mansberger Biography →
- Assistant Professor of Biology
- VLB 1050
- (814) 641-3626
- mansberger@juniata.edu

Amy Mathur Biography →
- Associate Professor of English
- Humanities Division Head
- English Department Chair
- Founders 407
- (814) 641-3690
- mathura@juniata.edu

Ryan Mathur Biography →
- Professor of Geology
- Geology Department Chair
- BAC P114
- (814) 641-3725
- mathur@juniata.edu

John M. Matter Biography →
- Associate Professor of Biology
- BAC C229
- (814) 641-3585
- matter@juniata.edu

J Mark McKellop Biography →
- Professor of Psychology
- Good Hall 418
- (814) 641-3647
- mckellop@juniata.edu

- BAC B217
- (814) 641-3954
- merovich@juniata.edu

- Good Hall G205
- (814) 641- 3629
- millerr@juniata.edu

Norris Z. Muth Biography →
- Professor of Biology
- VLB 1054
- (814) 641-3632
- muth@juniata.edu

Emil Nagengast Biography →
- Professor of Politics
- Professor of International Studies
- Good Hall G316
- (814) 641-3650
- nagengast@juniata.edu

Elainea Neville Biography →
- Instructor of Computer Science and Information Technology
- BAC C201
- (814) 641- 3622
- neville@juniata.edu

Amanda Page Biography →
- Associate Professor of English
- Founders 412
- (814) 641-3983
- page@juniata.edu

Dr. Mark J. Pearson Biography →
- Assistant Professor of Physics and Engineering Physics
- BAC P207
- (814) 641-3722
- pearson@juniata.edu

Neil Pelkey Biography →
- Professor of Environmental Science and Studies
- BAC B303
- (814) 641-3589
- pelkey@juniata.edu

Carol Peters Biography →
- Director of the Writing Center
- Instructor of English
- Founders 415
- (814) 641-3501
- petersca@juniata.edu

Dennis Plane Biography →
- Professor of Politics
- Politics Department Chair
- 317 Good Hall
- (814) 641-3644
- plane@juniata.edu

- Good Hall 415
- (814) 641-3597
- poole@juniata.edu

Matt Powell Biography →
- Professor of Geology
- BAC P104
- (814) 641-3602
- powell@juniata.edu

Susan Prill Biography →
- Professor of Religion
- Philosophy & Religious Studies Chair
- Good Hall G206
- (814) 641- 6673
- prill@juniata.edu

Dipali Puri
- Assistant Professor of Education

Uma Ramakrishnan Biography →
- Professor of Environmental Science and Studies
- Natural Science Division Head
- Environmental Science & Studies Department Chair
- BAC B213
- (814) 641-3436
- ramakrishnan@juniata.edu

Wade Roberts Biography →
- I Harvey Brumbaugh Professor of Philosophy
- Good Hall G408
- (814) 641- 3418
- roberts@juniata.edu

Randy Rosenberger Biography →
- Professor of Economics & Business Administration
- BAC C213
- (814) 641-3662
- rosenberger@juniata.edu

Kimberly Roth Biography →
- Professor of Mathematics
- BAC C106
- (814) 641-3593
- roth@juniata.edu

- 201 Swigart Music Hall
- (814) 641-3473
- shelley@juniata.edu

Li Shen
- Associate Professor of Marketing
- BAC C216
- (814) 641-3664
- shen@juniata.edu

Bethany Spencer
- Assistant Professor of Accounting

Andrew Steiner
- Lecturer in Professional Writing & Creative Writing

Catherine Stenson Biography →
- Professor of Mathematics
- BAC 108E
- (814) 641-3736
- stenson@juniata.edu

Jennifer Streb Biography →
- Professor of Art History
- Founders 313
- (814) 641-3657
- streb@juniata.edu

Georgios Stylianides Biography →
- Director, Exercise Science and Kinesiology
- Associate Professor of Exercise Science
- VLB 1052
- (814) 641- 3711
- stylianides@juniata.edu

William H. Thomas Biography →
- John and Irene Dale Professor of Information Technology & Computer Science
- BAC C205B
- (814) 641-3621
- thomas@juniata.edu

Henry Thurston-Griswold Biography →
- Professor of Spanish
- WLC 208
- (814) 641-3499
- thurston@juniata.edu

Belle Tuten Biography →
- Charles A. Dana Professor of History
- History Department Chair
- Founders 318
- (814) 641-3536
- tuten@juniata.edu

Jim Tuten Biography →
- Charles R. and Shirley A. Knox Professor of History
- Founders 312
- (814) 641-3548
- tutenj@juniata.edu

John Unger Biography →
- Associate Professor of Chemistry
- VLB 2065
- (814) 641-3565
- unger@juniata.edu

Neal Utterback Biography →
- Professor of Theatre Arts
- First Year Foundations Coordinator
- Halbritter 027
- (814) 641-3494
- utterback@juniata.edu

Tia Warrick
- Director of Public Health
- Assistant Professor of Biology
- VLB 1086
- (814) 641- 3578
- warrick@juniata.edu

Kathryn Westcott Biography →
- Charles A. Dana Professor of Psychology
- Psychology Department Chair
- Good Hall G416
- (814) 641-3656
- westcott@juniata.edu

Dr. James D. White Biography →
- William I. and Zella B. Book Professor of Physics
- BAC P230
- (814) 641-3545
- white@juniata.edu

David R. Widman Biography →
- Professor of Psychology
- Good Hall 419
- (814) 641-3576
- widman@juniata.edu

Ursula Williams Biography →
- Associate Professor of Chemistry
- Chemistry & Biochemistry Department Chair
- VLB 2061
- (814) 641-3563
- williams@juniata.edu

Sarah Worley Biography →
- Professor of Communication
- Communication Department Chair
- Director of Community-Engaged Teaching and Learning
- BAC C111B
- (814) 641-3168
- worley@juniata.edu

John J. Wright Biography →
- Associate Professor of Computer Science
- Information Technology & Computer Science Department Chair
- BAC C201
- (814) 641-3592
- wrightj@juniata.edu

Sharon Yohn
- Assistant Professor of Chemistry
- VLB 2039
- (814) 641-3718
- yohns@juniata.edu
Emeriti Faculty
Jack Barlow
Kathleen Biddle
Michael Boyle
Marlene Burkhardt
Elizabeth Cherry
Celia Cook-Huffman
Sarah Jane DeHaas
Cynthia deVries
James Donaldson
David Drews
William Duey
Linda Esch
Grace Fala
Robert Fisher
Tom Fisher
Doug Glazier
Fay Glosenger
Peter Goldstein
Todd Gustafson
Bernice Heller
Max Heller
Michael Henderson
Klaus Jaeger
Edward Kaminsky
Judith Katz
Klaus Kipphan
Debra Kirchhof-Glazier
James Lakso
Janet Lewis
Henry Masters
Alexander McBride
Donald Mitchell
M. Murray Rev.
Laurence Mutti
Wilfred Norris
Ei-Ichiro Ochiai
Valerie Park
Susan Radis
Ruth Reed
Fredrick Reilly
Iver Reingold
Loren Rhodes
Kim Richardson
Kenneth Rockwell
Deborah Roney
James Roney
Karen Rosell
William Russey
Paul Schettler
Norman Siems
David Sowell
Doug Stiffler
Benjamin Sunderland
Jack Troy
Paula Wagoner
Polly Walker
Xinli Wang
Daniel Welliver
Thomas Woodrow
Dale Wright
Chuck Yohn