Douglas Glazier

Professor of Biology

Phone: (814)641- 3584
Office: Brumbaugh Academic Center B313
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Dr. Glazier came to Juniata in 1980 from the Ecological Society of America where he was technical editor . He has taught a variety of courses in biology, ecology, evolution, biogeography, environmental science, and general education. His research interests include the functional biology and life-history evolution of mammals and crustaceans, animal ecology of soils and freshwater springs, the ecology of land invasions, biological correlates of species geographic ranges, patterns of taxonomic diversity, and the scaling of metabolism with body size. Dr. Glazier has published over 50 research articles, as well as chapters in several books on the biology of amphipods and freshwater springs, and the evolution of life histories and parental care.

Dr. Glazier was awarded the Beachley Distinguished Academic Service Award in 2000, and Templeton Awards in 2002 and 2003 for the course 'God, Evolution and Culture', co-taught with Randy Bennett, Donald Braxton and Xinli Wang. He has been a visiting researcher at the Wells Reserve (Maine), Savannah River Ecology Laboratory (South Carolina), University of Sheffield (United Kingdom), University of Lecce (Italy), Pomona College (California), University of Tasmania (Australia), and Stellenbosch University (South Africa).

Over 70 undergraduate and graduate students at Juniata College and other institutions have worked with Dr. Glazier on various research projects and internships. Seventeen of these students have been co-authors on various publications, and several have won awards for presentations of their work at regional meetings of Beta Beta Beta, a national biological honor society. Dr. Glazier is a member of 9 professional societies, and has been a manuscript reviewer for 72 different scientific journals, and a grant proposal reviewer for 8 funding agencies (including the National Science Foundation). He was also recently selected to be on the Editorial Board of the journal Physiological and Biochemical Zoology.

He has served on many Juniata College committees, including those involved in the planning of the Department of Environmental Science and Studies started in 1998, and of the new facilities at the Raystown Field Station completed in 2007. He has been an advisor for the Juniata College chapter of Beta Beta Beta, a Councilor and continuing member for the Council on Undergraduate Research, and a member of the Pennsylvania Biological Survey (Invertebrate Technical Committee). He has also served as a member of graduate student committees at the University of Maryland and the University of Portsmouth (United Kingdom).

Dr. Glazier's teaching and research have been supported by grants, awards and fellowships from many organizations, including Sigma Xi, National Science Foundation, Pew Charitable Trusts, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, R.K. Mellon Foundation, von Liebig Foundation, and the Templeton Foundation.
He is a member of the Walker Township Zoning Board and the Walker Township Community Park Planning Committee. He is married to Juniata biology professor Debra Kirchhof-Glazier and they have two children, Brynda and Darron, and two cats ET and Casper. He enjoys hiking, reading, natural history, ice skating, travelling, and many kinds of sports (especially tennis).