Take at least 24 credits from the following courses:
The study of human social groups and the social processes that lead to both structural
and cultural integration and differentiation primarily within contemporary American
society. 3 CreditsS A survey of the field of conflict, this course explores the causes and consequences
of social conflict. Theory and case studies are used to understand interpersonal disputes,
the intricacies of groups in conflict and international issues and crisis. Emphasis
is given to understanding the basic theoretical concepts of the field and developing
basic conflict resolving skills. 3 CreditsS, WK-SIPrerequisite or Corequisite: FYC-101 Students learn the basic model of interest-based mediation and the theoretical framework
that guides its use. Role-plays and simulations will be used to prepare students to
serve as mediators in a variety of contexts. Students will be trained to use a co-mediation
model to resolve interpersonal and small group conflicts. There will be Saturday and
Sunday meeting times 9 am-5 pm. There are 3 weekends. You will enroll for 1 weekend
if you take 1 credit, 2 weekends if you do 2 credits and 3 if you take 3 credits.
Homework assignments will be completed online. 1-3 CreditsS This course explores war and deep-rooted conflict as human problems and peace as a
human potential. Students collaborate in small groups to explore a range of different
approaches to peace around the world. 3 CreditsI,SWGH2Prerequisite or corequisite: FYC or CWS An exploration of the factors that shape the experiences of minority group members
in both domestic and global contexts. The social processes that functions to construct
minority identity among racial, ethnic, gender, and ability groups are studied. 3 CreditsSPrerequisites: SO101 or AN151. Explores the nature of crime, the history of criminal justice, and the process of
the modern justice system. 3 CreditsS Examines contemporary psychological and sociological theories of behavior deviation,
including crime, delinquency, substance abuse and selected other categories. Typologies
for classifying and studying crime are developed and evaluated. Trends in behavior
deviation, including the characteristics of offenders and victims, are critically
explored. Informal and formal, as well as proactive and reactive, social control systems
aimed at managing behavior deviation are described and analyzed. 3 CreditsSPrerequisites: SO101 or AN151. A study of the theory and practice of non-violence, this course explores both the
theoretical development of nonviolence and the use of nonviolence as a means for waging
and resolving conflict. The course explores nonviolence theory as it applies to issues
of social change, alternative defense, and personal transformation, using writings
from political, sociological, feminist, religious and philosophical perspectives.
(Formerly titled Nonviolence: Theory and Practice) 3 CreditsS,H,CW,SW-USPrerequisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109.SO-101 Introduction to Sociology
PACS-105 Introduction to Conflict Resolution
PACS-108 Mediation
PACS-110 Introduction to Peace & Conflict Studies
SO-203 Minority Experiences
CJ-260 Introduction to Criminal Justice
SO-302 Social Deviance and Criminology
PACS-308 Nonviolence and Social Justice
Take at least 3 credits from the following courses:
In this class, students will learn how to read, understand, and conduct social research
about individuals and systems that create disparity in health care and outcomes. The
research that we will read and learn to conduct will rely on texts and stories rather
than numbers and statistics. The class will address questions such as: what conditions
are present that allow some populations greater access to health care than others?
What social problems underlie the disparities in health outcomes for women, people
of color, and people from low-income backgrounds. Students will gather and analyze
their own research data. 3 CreditsS, WK-SIPre-Req or Co-Req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109 An integrated course sequence applying processes of social inquiry to the assessment
of historically oppressed and vulnerable populations, and of the interventions used
to help those populations. This course integrates key research concepts and commonly
used quantitative and qualitative methods in the social sciences, with the ability
to communicate effectively about research with written and verbal skills. The course
teaches students not only to conduct social science research but also to consume and
utilize social science research in a critical way, including in practice as a helping
professional. 3 CreditsS,WK-SI The second part of an integrated course sequence applying the scientific process to
the fields of Social Work and Sociology, emphasizing key research concepts, commonly
used quantitative and qualitative methods, and the ability to communicate effectively
about research with written and verbal skills. The course teaches students not only
to conduct research but also to consume and utilize research. 3 CreditsS This course explores persistent social problems including poverty, inequality, unemployment,
homelessness, family violence, substance abuse, and lack of healthcare access, using
historical, philosophical, and social science perspectives. The development of social
policies and services as institutional responses to these problems are described and
analyzed. Over the course of the term, students will review a significant body of
literature related to a social problem/policy of choice, and conduct a case study
with a community member who has experienced consequences of that same problem/policy. 3 CreditsS,WK-SIPrerequisites: FYC-101, EN-110, or EN-109.CM-310 Understanding Health Inequity
SW-214 Integrated Research Methods & Stats I
SW-215 Integrated Research Methods & Stats II
SW-231 Social Problems & Social Welfare
Take 15-16 credits from the designated subject areas below. (Upper level courses, including those above, must total at least 18 credits):
SW-230 Introduction to Social Work Practice
Examines the generalist knowledge, values and skills of the social work profession.
Emphasizes interviewing and communication skills, the development of a helping relationship,
the strengths perspective and problem solving strategies.
4 CreditsSPrerequisites: SO101 or permission of instructor.
SW-332 Social Work Practice: Large Groups, Organizations and Communities
Focuses on the problem solving processes employed in the delivery of social work services
at the agency, institutional and community level. Primary consideration is given to
the systems approach to communities and the techniques, strategies, and roles utilized
by the worker in assisting communities and groups to attain satisfying and developmental
levels of social functioning.
4 CreditsS, CWPrerequisite: SW230.
SW-333 Social Welfare Policies and Services
A conceptual study of the meanings, nature, scope, implementation and evaluation of
social policy as it relates to issues of social welfare.
3 CreditsSPrerequisite: SW-231
SO-244 Drugs and Society
This course explores the history of substance abuse, models of addiction, physiological
effects of commonly abused substances and treatment effectiveness. Some of the programs
that will be examined include the 12-step program.
3 CreditsSPrerequisites: SO101.
SO-299 Special Topics
Offered at the discretion of the department to qualified students Topic titles may
vary from semester to semester and more than one may be offered per semester. Note:
Students may take each ST: course for credit.
1-4 Credits
CJ-362 Juvenile Justice
The issues, trends, and challenges facing juvenile justice professionals are explored
in this course. The history and philosophy of juvenile justice, processing, detention,
and diversion of juvenile offenders are topics of the course.
3 CreditsCW, S, SW-ERPrerequisite: FYC-101
SO-399 Special Topics
Allows the department to offer special topics not normally offered. Departments may
offer more than one special topic.
1-4 CreditsPrerequisites vary by title.
SO-499 Special Topics
Allows the department to offer subjects not on the normal schedule.
1-4 CreditsPrerequisites vary by title.
PACS-299 Special Topics
An examination of an area of study not regularly included in departmental offerings.
1-4 Credits Prerequisites vary with topics.
PACS-399 Special Topics
Allows the department to offer special topics not normally offered. Departments may
offer more than one special topic.
1-4 Credits Prerequisites vary by title.
PACS-499 Special Topics
Allows the department to offer special topics not normally offered. Departments may
offer more than one special topic.
1-4 CreditsPrerequisites vary by title.
SW-230 Introduction to Social Work Practice
Examines the generalist knowledge, values and skills of the social work profession. Emphasizes interviewing and communication skills, the development of a helping relationship, the strengths perspective and problem solving strategies.
4 CreditsSPrerequisites: SO101 or permission of instructor.
SW-332 Social Work Practice: Large Groups, Organizations and Communities
Focuses on the problem solving processes employed in the delivery of social work services at the agency, institutional and community level. Primary consideration is given to the systems approach to communities and the techniques, strategies, and roles utilized by the worker in assisting communities and groups to attain satisfying and developmental levels of social functioning.
4 CreditsS, CWPrerequisite: SW230.
SW-333 Social Welfare Policies and Services
A conceptual study of the meanings, nature, scope, implementation and evaluation of social policy as it relates to issues of social welfare.
3 CreditsSPrerequisite: SW-231
SO-244 Drugs and Society
This course explores the history of substance abuse, models of addiction, physiological effects of commonly abused substances and treatment effectiveness. Some of the programs that will be examined include the 12-step program.
3 CreditsSPrerequisites: SO101.
SO-299 Special Topics
Offered at the discretion of the department to qualified students Topic titles may vary from semester to semester and more than one may be offered per semester. Note: Students may take each ST: course for credit.
1-4 Credits
CJ-362 Juvenile Justice
The issues, trends, and challenges facing juvenile justice professionals are explored in this course. The history and philosophy of juvenile justice, processing, detention, and diversion of juvenile offenders are topics of the course.
3 CreditsCW, S, SW-ERPrerequisite: FYC-101
SO-399 Special Topics
Allows the department to offer special topics not normally offered. Departments may offer more than one special topic.
1-4 CreditsPrerequisites vary by title.
SO-499 Special Topics
Allows the department to offer subjects not on the normal schedule.
1-4 CreditsPrerequisites vary by title.
PACS-299 Special Topics
An examination of an area of study not regularly included in departmental offerings.
1-4 Credits Prerequisites vary with topics.
PACS-399 Special Topics
Allows the department to offer special topics not normally offered. Departments may offer more than one special topic.
1-4 Credits Prerequisites vary by title.
PACS-499 Special Topics
Allows the department to offer special topics not normally offered. Departments may offer more than one special topic.
1-4 CreditsPrerequisites vary by title.
Introduces students to the various theories and styles of one-on-one communication.
It emphasizes the transactional approach in the study of the communication process
as it occurs in interpersonal relationships. It explores interaction as a way by which
we come to know ourselves and each other. 3 CreditsH, CSPrerequisites: CM130 Examines the strategic uses of communication by individuals in organizations and by
organizations as a whole in the pursuit of organizational goals. Provides students
with a theoretical vocabulary to analyze communication in organizational settings
in order to understand processes such as social networks, leadership, and power. Focuses
on personal and organizational ethics in work place communication. 3 CreditsH, S, CWPrerequisites: CM130 and CM230 and CM220. This media studies course introduces students to basic issues and research surrounding
media violence. We take a hard look at media violence and its scholarly research in
order to understand the intricacies of both our fascination and repulsion for all
of the media's manifestations of violence. Cross-listed in Communication and Peace
and Conflicts Studies, this course asks students to critically analyze media violence
while integrating current media research into our understanding of violence as a presence
in our lives and what we can or should do about it. 3 CreditsH, CWPrerequisites: CM132 or CM133.CM-230 Interpersonal Communication
CM-365 Organizational Communication
CM-420B Media Violence
EB-202 Behavioral Analysis of Organizations
The broad focus of the course is to examine how individuals come together to form a successful organization. The course is broken into three major sections: people, organizations, and leadership. The course emphasizes student involvement and engages students in a variety of in-class exercises, case analysis role playing exercises, small group exercises, and an off-campus class experience or two. One or more off-campus experiences are required for the course.
4 CreditsCW,S,WK-SIPrerequisite: Sophomore standing.
EB-222 Principles of Macroeconomics
Macroeconomic conditions affect individuals and businesses in numerous ways: employment opportunities, the purchasing power of wages and salaries, the cost of borrowing money, sales, profits, and competitiveness against foreign businesses. This course develops the theories relevant to understanding the business cycle, inflation, unemployment, deflation, exchange rates and balance of payments problems. It also examines the options and tradeoffs governments face as they seek to provide a stable macroeconomic environment through monetary and fiscal policies. Case studies of the macroeconomic performance and policies of diverse countries provide a comparative orientation.
3 CreditsSPrerequisites: Sophomore, Junior, or Senior standing
EB-223 Principles of Microeconomics
The optimizing behavior of households and firms serves as the focal point in this study of market-based resource allocation. Supply and demand analysis, spending and saving decisions of households, production and employment decisions of firms, alternative market structures, and environmental economics are among the topics covered.
3 CreditsSPrerequisite: Sophomore, Junior, or Senior standing.
This class is a social, cultural, and political history of the First World War. While
the course will examine the different combatants and theaters of the war, we will
focus on the perspective of Britain and the British Empire, as we seek to understand
what it was like for soldiers and civilians to live through the war. 4 CreditsI, H, CW,WK-HT Examines the political, social, military, economic and ideological origins and consequences
of the Civil War and Reconstruction. The course looks deeply into several important
questions. What caused the Civil War? Why was the Union victorious? Why did the war
proceed as it did? What was the nature and legacy of reconstruction? What does this
period in our history mean to us now? 4 CreditsH, CW, CTDHPrerequisites: HS115 or HS116 and SO, JR, or SR standing. What can the study of the history of medicine tell us about the nature of rule and
the politics of race in European empires? How did medical theories of disease and
healing shape ideas about colonial environments, populations, bodies, and racial differences
in the imaginations of European colonizers? How did medicine and science function
as tools of colonial domination and as part of broader "civilizing" projects, and
what were the limits of such efforts at social control? Can the study of medical reforms
and everyday life shed light on how colonial subjects conceptualized, challenged,
and defined their own positions in the social order? 4 CreditsCA, I, H, SW-GE, CTGESPre- or Co-Requisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109. This course explores the emergence, evolution, varieties, underlying causes, and means
of confronting and coming to terms with genocide and other crimes against humanity.
During the course of the semester, we will examine a range of historical contexts
and we will also confront tough questions about ethics, resistance, and responsibility. 4 CreditsI, HPrerequisites: Junior or Senior standing. Sophomores require permission.HS-200 The Great War
HS-309 Civil War and Reconstruction
HS-313 Disease, Medicine & Empire
HS-400 Crimes Against Humanity
PS-101 Introduction to U.S. Government
An introduction to the theory and practice of United States government. The course surveys the underlying structure of U.S. politics, its economic, cultural and legal foundations and the daily practice of politics, e.g. groups, parties, and the mass media.
4 CreditsS, WK-SIPre- or Co-requisite: FYC-101
PS-334 Human Rights
This class focuses on some of the debates concerning human rights: realism versus idealism; individualism versus communitarianism; universalism versus relativism; religious fundamentalism versus secularism; women's rights as human rights; liberalism versus socialism. We review the historical evolution of human rights. We devote part of the semester to the role of literature and the arts in creating and promoting human rights.
3 CreditsI, SPrerequisite: PS102.
This course on Science and Society is intended to review historical issues in science
and the debate that surrounds societal decision-making. Thus, students will examine
this topic from the perspective of scientific process and social inquiry. In addition,
we will also review current " hot topics " in science, research these topics from
various aspects including societal impacts and scientific advancements. They will
also discuss potential resolutions, moving toward becoming more scientifically literate.
We will also be discussing current " popular " books on related science. Ultimately,
we will compare what the scientists are saying in professional journals versus the
interpretation presented to the general public. NOTE: Students are expected to be
in their third or fourth year when taking a Connections course. 3 CreditsCONN,CA,CW The personal autobiographies of American slaves are the foundational works of the
African American literary tradition, and they have influenced generations of American
authors. Originally written as a means of promoting the abolition of slavery, contemporary
writers have taken this historical form and transformed it to reflect upon the past
and engage with problems of the present. Neo-slave narratives are a reminder that,
as Faulkner writes, " The past is never dead. It's not even past. " In this course,
we will read a variety of original slave narratives and put them in dialogue with
contemporary fictionalized slave narratives. In doing so, we will explore topics such
as the boundaries between fact and fiction, the political uses of literature, the
afterlife of slavery, and many others. 4 CreditsH, CWPrerequisites: EN110 or EN109. This class will examine the many meanings of " border crossing " in 20th- and 21st-century
literature about immigration to the United States. Using critical race theory, this
class will put works of fiction and autobiography in historical context to better
investigate the influence of immigration law on U.S. national literature. Beginning
with short texts from the turn of the twentieth century, we will focus primarily on
contemporary works dealing with the post-1965 (or " new wave " ) immigrant experience.
Topics will include: " American Dream " mythology, social mobility, generational conflict,
acculturation and assimilation, hyphenated identity, nativism, barriers to full citizenship,
and more. 4 CreditH,CW,SW-USPrerequisites: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109 This course examines the development and ramifications of nuclear weapons. Students
will learn the basic physics upon which these devices operate, and explore moral issues
that arose in the interactions of communities impacted by their construction, use,
and testing, including the perspectives of scientists, government officials, and affected
citizenry. Current issues and concerns regarding nuclear weapons will be studied as
well. 4 CreditsCA,N,H,CW,WK-SP This course provides students with the background and conceptual tools that are required
for more advanced study in the subject. At the discretion of the instructor, the course
will either examine fundamental philosophical problems or provide a survey of important
thinkers. 3 CreditsH,WK-HTPre-Req or Co-Req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109 The study of human interaction and interpersonal relationships, including selected
areas of current research and theory such as social perception, interpersonal communication,
attitude formation and change, conformity, aggression, and interpersonal attraction. 3 CreditsS Cultural psychology is the scientific study of how cultural norms influence how individuals
think, feel, and behave. Cultural psychologists study the ultimate social situation:
culture. Questions from this field are relevant to our everyday lives and are important
in shaping our understanding of ourselves and views of others. 3 CreditsS The testimonial genre developed in Latin America during the 1960s to give voice to
the voiceless and bear witness to the world of the marginalized and oppressed. A representative
sample of testimonial narratives will be read to examine topics such as the testimonial
pact established with readers, social realities represented, processes of textual
production, and narrative forms incorporated. Text will be read in English translation
and the class will be conducted in English. 3 CreditsCA, I, H, WK-HTPrereq: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109. (Previous course title: Latin American Testimonio)CONN-202 Science and Society
EN-251 Slave Narratives
EN-392 Crossing the Border
PC-239 Nuclear Threat
PL-101 Introduction to Philosophy
PY-205 Social Psychology
PY-312 Cultural Psychology
SP-301 Voice for Voiceless-LA Testimonial Narr
Take at least 6 credits from the following courses:
SO-401 Sociology Senior Seminar
Sociology Senior Seminar is the capstone course for students who have focused their academic work in the sociological discipline. The course provides an opportunity for students to apply key curricular components previously explored during their undergraduate sociology coursework. The course is a designated service learning and experiential learning course. Students will assume substantial responsibility for the exploration of materials and presentation of those materials to their student colleagues. Students will also interact with campus and community partners during the semester. The course uses a student-led seminar format, coupled with community engagement and service learning components.
3 CreditsSPrerequisite: Senior standing.
SO-492 Sociology Internship
Minimum GPA of 2.50 and good academic standing required for internship eligibility. Development of internship proposal must occur a minimum of six weeks prior to start of internship.
2-9 CreditsSCorequisite: SO495. Prerequisite: 2.50 GPA, Permission and Junior or Senior standing.
SO-495 Sociology Research/Seminar
Requires students to reflect on the internship experience and pursue research related to the placement.
2-6 CreditsSCorequisite: SO492. Prerequisite: by permission.
PACS-455 PACS Honors Thesis I
Designed to serve as a course for students who emphasize PACS in their POE. The student will produce a major research paper that examines in depth a topic, theme, issue, or problem that has served as an area of special interest for the student throughout the previous two years of study.
3-6 CreditsHPrerequisite: Senior standing, PACS105 and PACS110 and a minimum of 4 200+ level PACS courses.
PACS-490 Peace & Conflict Studies Internship
An opportunity which requires students to relate theory and practice to a working environment and to reflect upon that experience.
2-9 CreditsICorequisite: PACS 495. Prerequisite: Permission and Jr. or Sr. Standing.
PACS-495 PACS Intern.Res.Sem.
Requires students to reflect on the internship experience and/or pursue research related to the placement.
2-6 CreditsIPrerequisite: PACS110 and permission. Corequisite: PACS490.
POE Credit Total = 48-49
Students must complete at least 18 credits at the 300/400-level. Any course exception must be approved by the advisor and/or department chair.