Develop a Deeper Understanding of Music

Note: Courses are subject to change. Some courses may require students to supply their own instruments. Below you can find the applied music course catalog, with specific course information (prerequisites, etc).

Private study at Juniata helps the student to improve sound quality, intellectual understanding, technique, expression and creativity on their instrument. Through lessons and individual practice students may develop a deeper understanding of music. Opportunities to perform in student recitals exist each semester, including (by recommendation of faculty) the end-of semester Honors Recital. No previous experience necessary.

Currently, Juniata does not have an organ on campus and we do not offer organ studio.


  • Piano Studio - Cathy Scafidi
  • Voice Studio - Amanda Silliker
  • Guitar Studio - Michael Harrison
  • Jazz Improvisation Studio - Jordan Canner
  • Flute Studio - Dr. Cathy Herrera
  • Clarinet Studio - Ronica Brownson
  • Oboe Studio - Barry Kroeker
  • Saxophone Studio - Patrick Feher
  • Bassoon Studio - Jody Butte
  • Horn Studio - Kathryn Beck
  • Trumpet Studio - Herb McKinstry
  • Percussion Studio - James Latten
  • Violin/Viola Studio - 
  • Cello Studio - Isaac McNulty
  • Bass Studio -Justin Dorsey
  • Composition/Songwriting/Arranging - Dr. Gabriel Gould

Note: Private lessons and applied music classes are available to all students. One-half hour lesson per week earns one credit and carriesa $410.00 fee. One-hour lessons per week earn two credits and carry a $820.00 fee.

Applied Music Class Listings

MU-111A   Woodwind Studio (Fall & Spring; Yearly; 1.00-2.00 Credits; F) Private studio lessons help improve musicians' sound quality, intellectual understanding, technique, expression and creativity. Enrollment for 1 credit provides a weekly 30 minute private lesson; two credits provide a weekly 60 minute private lesson. No previous experience necessary. Private lessons carry additional fees. Studio music fees are not refunded after drop/add. Instructor will contact you. If you haven't heard from them by the 4th day of classes, you may email them.

MU-111B   Violin/Viola Studio (Irregular/On Demand; Irregular/On Demand; 1.00-2.00 Credits; F) Private studio lessons help improve musicians' sound quality, intellectual understanding, technique, expression and creativity. Enrollment for one credit provides a weekly 30 minute private lesson; two credits provide a weekly 60 minute private lesson. Students typically supply their own instruments. Violins and violas may be available for rental. No previous experience necessary. Private lessons carry additional fees. Studio music fees are not refunded after drop/add. Instructor will contact you. If you haven't heard from them by the 4th day of classes, you may email them.

MU-111C   Brass Studio (Irregular/On Demand; Irregular/On Demand; 1.00-2.00 Credits; F) Private studio lessons help improve musicians' sound quality, intellectual understanding, technique, expression and creativity. Enrollment for one credit provides a weekly 30 minute private lesson; two credits provide a weekly 60 minute private lesson. Students usually provide their own instruments, although some instruments may be available for sign-out. No previous experience necessary. Private lessons carry additional fees. Studio music fees are not refunded after drop/add. Instructor will contact you. If you haven't heard from them by the 4th day of classes, you may email them.

MU-111D   Percussion Studio (Irregular/On Demand; Irregular/On Demand; 1.00-2.00 Credits; F) Private studio lessons help improve musicians' sound quality, intellectual understanding, technique, expression and creativity. Enrollment for one credit provides a weekly 30 minute private lesson; two credits provide a weekly 60 minute private lesson. No previous experience necessary. All instruments are supplied by the College, but purchase of music, sticks, or mallets may be required. Private lessons carry additional fees. Studio music fees are not refunded after drop/add. Instructor will contact you. If you haven't heard from them by the 4th day of classes, you may email them.

MU-111E   Piano Studio (Irregular/On Demand; Irregular/On Demand; 1.00-2.00 Credits; F) Private studio lessons help improve musicians' sound quality, intellectual understanding, technique, expression and creativity. Enrollment for one credit provides a weekly 30 minute private lesson; two credits provide a weekly 60 minute private lesson. Pianos are available for practice in the music building. No previous experience necessary. Private lessons carry additional fees. Studio music fees are not refunded after drop/add. Instructor will contact you. If you haven't heard from them by the 4th day of classes, you may email them. You must complete all semesters in order. (ex: MU111E, MU112E, MU211E, MU212E, etc.)

MU-111F   Voice Studio (Irregular/On Demand; Irregular/On Demand; 1.00-2.00 Credits; F) Private studio lessons help improve musicians' sound quality, intellectual understanding, technique, expression and creativity. Enrollment for one credit provides a weekly 30 minute private lesson; two credits provide a weekly 60 minute private lesson. No previous experience necessary. Private lessons carry additional fees. Studio music fees are not refunded after drop/add. Instructor will contact you. If you haven't heard from them by the 4th day of classes, you may email them.

MU-111G   Guitar Studio (Irregular/On Demand; Irregular/On Demand; 1.00-2.00 Credits; F) Private studio lessons help improve musicians' sound quality, intellectual understanding, technique, expression and creativity. Enrollment for one credit provides a weekly 30 minute private lesson; two credits provide a weekly 60 minute private lesson. Students supply their own instruments. No previous experience necessary. Private lessons carry additional fees. Studio music fees are not refunded after drop/add. Instructor will contact you. If you haven't heard from them by the 4th day of classes, you may email them.

MU-111H   Flute Studio (Irregular/On Demand; Irregular/On Demand; 1.00-2.00 Credits; F) Private studio lessons help improve musicians' sound quality, intellectual understanding, technique, expression and creativity. Enrollment for one credit provides a weekly 30 minute private lesson; two credits provide a weekly 60 minute private lesson. Students supply their own instruments. No previous experience necessary. Private lessons carry additional fees. Studio music fees are not refunded after drop/add. Instructor will contact you. If you haven't heard from them by the 4th day of classes, you may email them.

MU-111I   Cello Studio (Irregular/On Demand; Irregular/On Demand; 1.00-2.00 Credits; F) Private studio lessons help improve musicians' sound quality, intellectual understanding, technique , expression and creativity. Enrollment for one credit provides a weekly 30 minute private lesson; two credits provide a weekly 60 minute private lesson. Students typically supply their own instruments although instruments may be available for sign-out on a limited basis. No previous experience necessary. Private lessons carry additional fees. Studio music fees are not refunded after drop/add. Instructor will contact you. If you haven't heard from them by the 4th day of classes, you may email them.

MU-111K   Studio Jazz Improvisation Lessons (Irregular/On Demand; Irregular/On Demand; 1.00-2.00 Credits; F) Private improvisation instruction, primarily in jazz styles. Individualized curriculum, based on needs and abilities of each student, will include scales, chords, and real-time usage of those elements in improvising. Also, basic instruction in one or more of these areas may be added by instructor if deemed necessary and only as directly related to student's development as an improviser: biographies and styles of famed improvisers, ear training, transcribing, and jazz styles/history. Studio music fees are not refunded after drop/add. Enrollment for one credit provides a weekly 30 minute private lesson; two credits provide a weekly 60 minute private lesson. Students provide their own instruments. No previous experience necessary. Private lessons carry additional fees. Instructor will contact you. If you haven't heard from them by the 4th day of classes, you may email them.

MU-111L   Bass Studio (Irregular/On Demand; Irregular/On Demand; 1.00-2.00 Credits; F) Private studio lessons help improve musicians' sound quality, intellectual understanding, technique, expression and creativity. Enrollment for 1 credit provides a weekly 30 minute private lesson; two credits provide a weekly 60 minute private lesson. No previous experience necessary. Students must supply their own instrument. Private lessons carry additional fees. Studio music fees are not refunded after drop/add. Instructor will contact you. If you haven't heard from them by the 4th day of classes, you may email them.

MU-111M   Composition/Song Writing (Irregular/On Demand; Irregular/On Demand; 1.00-2.00 Credits; F,CTDH) This course is one-on-one studio instruction in the craft of composition and/or songwriting. Instruction focuses on traditional classical/concert music, but also includes other genres as needed including, pop, folk, rock, and jazz. Topics include notation, orchestration, idiomatic writing for instruments and voices, musical form, and score study. Short term assignments are given throughout the semester, culminating in a more substantial work.

MU-113   Guitar Class I (Fall & Spring; Yearly; 1.00 Credit; F) The fundamentals of guitar playing are taught in small groups one hour per week. Beginning through intermediate classes emphasize songs, movable chords, blues and standardized forms in the plectrum and finger picking styles. Students must supply their own instruments.

MU-114   Guitar Class II (Fall & Spring; Yearly; 1.00 Credit; F) (see MU113).

MU-115   Practicum: JC Percussion (Fall & Spring; Yearly; 1.00 Credit; F) Students study and perform a wide variety of ensemble music on percussion instruments, in various percussion-only pieces as well as wind band, orchestral, and/or jazz ensemble settings. Music assignments are based on student interest and ability, and are individually assigned to further develop ensemble playing abilities and musicianship. Rehearsals and concert emphasize the communicative aspects of music, culturally correct practices and techniques in percussion, and the development of the tools that are necessary to produce a high quality ensemble experience. Individual practice outside of full rehearsals is expected. NOTE: Percussion ensemble students enroll in MU115 their first semester of membership, then MU116, then MU117, etc.

MU-131   Voice Class I (Fall & Spring; Yearly; 2.00 Credits; F) For students with no previous formal training in voice. Two fifty minute class sessions per week plus individual work with instructor as needed.

MU-132   Voice Class II (Fall & Spring; Yearly; 2.00 Credits; F) (see MU131).

MU-133   JC Concert Band (Fall & Spring; Yearly; 1.00 Credit; F) One of two wind bands at Juniata. This ensemble performs a variety of level III-IV concert band literature as well as occasional woodwinds-only and brasses-only pieces, to develop ensemble playing abilities, explore significant and newer quality wind literature, improve members' musicianship, and experience the communicative aspects of music.

MU-141   Orchestra (Fall & Spring; Yearly; 1.00 Credit; F) Orchestra performs a wide variety of music for both string ensembles and full orchestra chosen to develop musicianship and ensemble. Rehearsals and concerts emphasize the development of musical skills necessary to create a high quality performance experience for both players and audience. Requirements include attendance at a weekly sectional rehearsal and the full ensemble rehearsal in addition to individual preparation. Field trips to hear excellent performances by professional string artists may be offered. Note: Students enroll in MU141 their first semester, MU142 their second, etc.

MU-153   Guitar Class III (Fall & Spring; Yearly; 1.00 Credit; F) (see MU113).

MU-154   Guitar Class IV (Fall & Spring; Yearly; 1.00 Credit; F) (see MU113).

MU-163   Jazz Ensemble (Fall & Spring; Yearly; 1.00 Credit; F) Performs a wide variety of Jazz ensemble music chosen to develop ensemble playing abilities and musicianship. Rehearsal and concert emphasize the communicative aspects of music and the development of the tools that are necessary to produce a high quality ensemble experience. Practice outside of full rehearsals is required. NOTE: Jazz ensemble students enroll in MU163 their first semester of membership, then MU164, then MU165, etc. Winds must also be enrolled in MU 133-140 or MU 191-198.

MU-171   Choral Union (Fall & Spring; Yearly; 1.00 Credit; F) Performs larger choral works to develop vocal ability, sight reading, diction skills, and musicianship. One major on-campus performance per semester.

MU-181   Juniata Concert Choir (Fall & Spring; Yearly; 1.00 Credit; F) Performs a variety of choral music chosen to develop vocal ability, sight-reading, multi-lingual diction skills, and musicianship. Performances and projects include on-campus programs, spring tour(s), recording, and weekend tour. Members selected through audition.

MU-189   Instrumental Lessons (Ensemble Members) (Fall & Spring; Yearly; 1.00 Credit) MU-189 enables students in one of our major instrumental ensembles to also enroll in lessons with the appropriate studio instructor for a 30-minute private lesson every other week or two students per lesson weekly. Lessons are not a requirement for membership in an ensemble, but you must be in an ensemble to register for MU-189. If the ensemble course is dropped, this course must also be dropped. Corequisite: MU-133 or MU-141 or MU-163 or MU-191.

MU-191   Juniata College Symphonic Band (Fall & Spring; Yearly; 1.00 Credit; F) Symphonic Band is the premier instrumental ensemble at Juniata College. The ensemble performs a variety of band literature chosen to develop ensemble-playing abilities and musicianship, as well as occasional chamber pieces for sections or heterogeneous groups. Rehearsals and concerts emphasize the communicative aspects of music and the development of the tools that are necessary to produce a high-quality ensemble experience.

MU-199   MU Special Topics (Variable; Variable; 1.00 Credit) Allows departments to offer topics not normally taught. Prerequisites, corequisites, and fees vary by title.

MU-210   Musical Improvisation (Variable; Variable; 1.00 Credit; F) This course will present the basics of musical improvisation technique. Basic jazz music theory (scales, chords) and brief historical coverage of famed improvisers (Ella, Bird, Trane, Miles, et al.) will also be included. Extensive in-class student demonstrations of improvisation skills will be expected. Practice/goal oriented jam session time outside of class is expected, 5 hours per week is recommended.

MU-241   A Cappella Ensembles (Variable; Yearly; 2.00 Credits; F) Students hone their musicianship through a variety of a cappella ensemble works specifically designed to build one-on-a-part skills. Multiple ensemble combination opportunities are created within the class. Emphasis is placed on individual preparation. Prerequisites: MU171 or MU181 or MU281.

MU-299   MU Special Topics (Variable; Variable; 1.00 Credit) Allows departments to offer topics not normally taught. Prerequisites, corequisites, and fees vary by title.

Musical Improvisation - This studio presents the basics of musical improvisation technique. Basic jazz music theory (scales, chords) and brief historical coverage of famed improvisers (Ella, Bird, Trane, Miles, et al.) will also be included. Extensive in-class student demonstrations of improvisation skills will be expected. Practice/goal oriented jam session time outside of class is expected - 2+ hours per week is recommended.