Take the following courses:

HS-115 United States to 1877

4 CreditsH, SW-USPre- or Co-Requisite: FYC-101

HS-116 The U.S. Since 1877

4 CreditsH, SW-ERPre- or co-requisite: FYC-101

HS-293 Sophomore Colloquium

4 CreditsH, CWPre-requisites: sophomore standing and two courses in History or permission of the instructor.

HS-495 Senior History Research/Seminar

1 CreditHPrerequisite: Completion of all core courses and/or permission of instructor.


Take two 300/400 level History electives.


Take the following courses:

AH-108  Cross Cultural Art 1

4 CreditsF,I,SW-GE Pre-Req or Co-Req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109

MM-391 Ethics and Museums

3 CreditsSW-ERPrerequisite or corequisite: FYC-101

MM-393 Cultural Institutions & Community Audiences

3 CreditsSW-LEPrerequisite: FYC-101

CONN-394 Curating Art, History & Science

4 CreditsCONN

MM-480  Museum Practicum I

3 CreditsFPrerequisite: MM-391 or MM-390 or AR-390 and instructor permission.

MM-481  Museum Practicum II

3 CreditsFPrerequisite: MM-480 or AR-480 and instructor permission.


Take one of the following Visual Arts courses:

AR-103  Beginning Drawing

4 CreditsF  

AR-104  Design and Color

3 CreditsF,CTDH  

AR-117  Intro to Sculpture

3 CreditsF,WK-CE  

AR-125  Explorations in Clay

3 CreditsF  

AR-175 Introduction to Nature Photography

3 CreditsF,WK-CEPre- or Co-Req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109.

AR-200  Beginning Painting

4 CreditsF Note: Drawing courses from high school may provide adequate preparation. Please contact the course professor for more information. Note: An additional fee for art supplies is assessed.

AR-202 Water-Based Media Painting

4 CreditsF,WK-CEPre- or Co-Req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109.

AR-203  Digital Photography I

4 CreditsF, WK-CE  

AR-204  Digital Art I

4 CreditsF,CTDH,WK-CE  

AR-208  Beginning Photography

4 CreditsF  

AR-211  The Art of Bookmaking

3 CreditsF,WK-CE Pre-Req or Co-Req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109

AR-215  Ceramic Sculpture

3 CreditsF,WK-CE Pre-requisite or co-requisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109

AR-220  Formulating Beauty: Ceramic Chemistry

3 CreditsWK-SP Pre-requisite: FYC-101

AR-225  Wheel Throwing

4 CreditsF,WK-CE Pre-Req or Co-Req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109

AR-298  Mixed Media Animation

4 CreditsF  

AR-300  Intermediate Painting

4 CreditsF Prerequisites: AR200 and Art POE or permission of the instructor. Note: A special fee for art supplies is applied.

AR-305 Intermediate Ceramics 

4 CreditsFPrerequisites - ONE of the following: AR125, AR215, AR225, or by permission. Additional lab fees apply.

AR-308  Intermediate Photography

3 CreditsFPrerequisite: AR208. Note: A special fee for art supplies is assessed.

Take one of the following ABE courses:

EB-100  Introduction to Management

3 CreditsS

EB-105  International Economic Issues

3 CreditsS,I

EB-131  Financial Accounting

3 CreditsS

EB-202  Behavioral Analysis of Organizations

4 CreditsCW,S,WK-SIPrerequisite: Sophomore standing.

EB-203  Introduction to Business Law

3 CreditsS 

EB-210  Quantitative Business Analysis

3 CreditsQM,SPrerequisites: High school algebra or pre-calculus. 

EB-211  Business Statistics

3 Credits QS,S

EB-223  Principles of Microeconomics

3 CreditsSPrerequisite: Sophomore, Junior, or Senior standing. 

EB-332   Corporate Taxation

3 CreditsSPrerequisites: Junior or Senior standing.

EB-341  Product and Operations Management

3 CreditsSPrerequisite: EB-100

EB-342  Management Information Systems

3 CreditsSPrerequisites: EB201 (EB201 can be taken concurrently) and Junior or Senior standing. 

EB-351  Marketing Management

3 CreditsSPrerequisite: EB201. 

EB-356 Fashion Marketing Management

4 CreditsPrerequisite: EB-100. Pre- or Co-Requisite: EB-351.

EB-359  Advertising & Promo Mgmt

3 Credits  

EB-361  Financial Management I

3 CreditsSPrerequisite: EB131 and Junior or Senior standing. 

EB-371  Human Resource Management.

3 CreditsSPrerequisites: EB202 or PACS202. 

EB-375  21st Century Leadership

3 CreditsS,CTGESNo prerequisites. 

EB-379  Bargaining and Conflict Management

3 CreditsS,CSPrerequisite: EB202 or PACS202. 


Complete one of the following internship options below:


Take the following courses:

HS-490 History Internship

2-9 CreditsHPrerequisite: Instructor permission and Junior or Senior standing. Co-requisite: HS-495.

HS-495 Senior History Research/Seminar

1 CreditHPrerequisite: Completion of all core courses and/or permission of instructor.


Take HS-001 as a non-credit transcript notation.  NOTE: A second internship is
strongly recommended.

HS-001 Non-Credit History Internship


Take the following courses:

HS-492 Sr History Research/Seminar I

3 CreditsHPrerequisite: None

HS-493 The Historian's Craft

3 CreditsH, CWPrerequisites: One 300 level history course and Senior status.

POE Credit Total = 51-56

Students must complete at least 18 credits at the 300/400-level.  Any course exception must be approved by the advisor and/or department chair.