Study Abroad and Professional School Prerequisites

It is optimal NOT to take any prerequisite courses abroad, as not all schools will accept them. However, if you got the OK from your schools in your situation and the prerequisite courses are delayed due to a different academic schedule abroad, indicate on your application that they are in progress. Send an update of your transcript to the individual schools as soon as you can.

Studying Abroad Junior Year

The following information applies ONLY if you are planning on matriculating directly to professional school after Juniata. If you are planning on a gap year, you can wait until senior year to complete these tasks.

Before you leave

  • Complete all your material on the Health Professions database
  • Complete your Health Professions Committee interview
  • Decide on when you will take your admission exam. It is optimal to take it before you leave.
    • If you wish to take the admission exam abroad
      check to see if the exam is offered in the country in which you will be studying
    • Plan your social and academic schedule so that you have TIME TO PREPARE; If possible, set up a study group with other American students.
    • Be sure to designate that the scores be sent to Juniata.
    • Complete the application ASAP. Otherwise you may not get a seat in the country you want.
    • Travel to the city where you will be taking the exam ahead of time and locate the site. Preferably stay overnight nearby.

Before you come home

  • Help expedite your study abroad transcript by contacting the Registrar and your Instructors at the institution abroad to request that your grades be sent to our International Office at Juniata College as SOON AS POSSIBLE after your courses are over to avoid delays in your application to professional school.
  • Retain your syllabi in case you need to clarify a course equivalency

When you return

  • Update your information on the database and inform Juniata Health Professions of the change
  • Follow up with the International Office regarding your transcript
  • If your transcript will be delayed more than 4-5 weeks after the application opens, apply promptly and indicate the outstanding course work

Studying abroad senior year

If you are planning to matriculate directly to professional school after Juniata, it is not optimal to study abroad senior year, as you will likely be called for interviews and many schools do not allow interview by Skype.

However, if you choose to do this anyway,

  • Be mindful of timing
    • Take your admission exam so that the scores are ready before you leave
    • Consider studying abroad in the spring and apply as early as possible so that your chances of securing a fall interview are increased
    • Write to the schools and let them know the dates you will be in the U.S. However, this does NOT guarantee that they will work around your schedule.
  • Have a parent or trusted friend available to represent you, if necessary
    • Give the schools their contact information.
    • Consider giving your representative power of attorney so that they could tend to additional details on your application, if required
  • Refer to additional points above for junior year study abroad

Application Logistics for Students Who Have Studied Abroad

  • Study abroad—Juniata program: Do NOT check “attended foreign institution” for our regular study abroad programs. Those grades will appear on your transcript as Juniata courses and you do not need a separate transcript. If a service directs you to list a study abroad course from one of our regular programs as “foreign” and if they ask if a transcript is required, check NO and give the reason as “study abroad at a foreign university.”
  • Study abroad—non-Juniata program: If you took courses abroad at an institution that is not part of the Juniata study abroad program, you will need to have the course grades evaluated by a foreign transcript evaluation service. See cooperative service websites for details.

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