The Genomics Leadership Initiative at Juniata College was been funded by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and National Science Foundation. The initiative achieved its goal by developing a genomics certificate program, a leadership module, and student summer research experiences.
Genomics Certificate Program
The genomics certificate addresses both the science and the broader ethical, legal and social implications (ELSI) surrounding progress and discoveries in the field of genomics. The ethical, legal and social issues surrounding advances in genomics provides a strong focus for practicing a breadth of knowledge and skills; the understanding of the scientific foundation of genomics provides the focus for developing an interdisciplinary base and cross disciplinary understanding of the life sciences in an era of “big data”.
What is a Certificate?
In general, an undergraduate certificate provides an interdisciplinary curriculum that is not available within any single academic unit. A certificate offers the possibility of a more cohesive general education experience oriented around a theme and taught by faculty who work together as a group on an ongoing basis and have common inter-departmental learning objectives and assessments. The awarding of the certificate is noted on the student’s transcript.
Who is this Certificate For?
Students intending to pursue careers in biological research and medicine are the primary target. However, students interested in careers in public policy, public health, law, and business will gain by developing similar competencies.
Why Should a Student Get this Certificate?
With the cost of a human genome sequence now under $1,000, appreciation of both the science and the ethical, legal, and societal implications of genomics has become an increasingly pressing issue. Design of the certificate was based on recommendations from a joint document between the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) and Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) entitled, “Scientific Foundations for Future Physicians.” This report emphasized the importance of integrative scientific approaches, scientific reasoning, intellectual curiosity, communication and decision making skills, adaptability, ethical principles, and understanding of patients as individuals and in a social context. HHMI funded Juniata College to implement this certificate program.
Description and Goals of a Certificate in Genomics, Ethics, and Society
The certificate addresses both the science and the broader ethical, legal and social implications (ELSI) surrounding progress and discoveries in the field of genomics. Few areas of modern biology provides a more appropriate focus for combining the humanities and sciences than the ethical, social and legal implications (ELSI) of the human genome project and the evolution of the field of personalized medicine. The subject cannot be completely addressed without the input of specialists working across disciplinary boundaries. The ethical, legal and social issues surrounding advances in genomics provide a strong focus for practicing a breadth of knowledge and skills while understanding the acts of judgment and social contexts involved in the development and application of scientific knowledge; the understanding of the scientific foundation of genomics provides the focus for developing an interdisciplinary base and cross disciplinary understanding of the life sciences in an era of “big data”.
Learning Objectives:
Students who attain genomics certification will be able to:
- Describe the basic concepts and principles of genomics.
- Explain the scope of genomics from genes to society.
- Integrate knowledge of the chemical, physical, mathematical and computational bases of genomics.
- Explain the importance of the place of genomics in the human effort to understand natural phenomena, including its history and social impact.
- Be able to make and justify ethical judgments about genomics research and its uses in medical practice and elsewhere.
- Use the skills and interdisciplinary perspectives of the liberal arts in understanding trends in genomics and communicating them to academic peers and others.
- Apply the process of science to questions in genomics.
- Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of a selected field in genomics.
- Progress into a leadership role, working with experts and non-experts, with an awareness of the likely results of one's actions and an understanding of how results might differ in different settings and different cultures.
Core Courses: All students pursuing a genomics certificate must take four core courses required for a genomics certificate. Download the Genome Certificate Planning Sheet to organize and plan your course of study. When all course work is planned or completed, students must obtain required signatures indicated on the form and submit the form to the Registrar's Office for processing.
NOTE: If your POE is outside of Biology or Chemistry: As with most of the ELSI options, Human Biology, Intro Prob and Stat, and Computer Science I - Genomics have few to no prerequisites.
To see the most updated times and prereqs for each class, use colleague self service as follows: Navigate to Academics and then Advanced Search. Select the term of interest. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select "Course Type". Select "Certificate: Genomics Ethics & Society."
Management Plan
Students must submit a notice of intent to complete the certificate before senior year. The certificate may be approved by Profs. Gina Lamendella, Jill Keeney, Jay Hosler, or Kim Roth (the certificate advisory board). Courses other than those listed above may also apply if approved by this group.
Genomics Certificate Program Notice of Interest
Students interested in pursuing a genomics certificate should follow the Genomics Certificate Notice of Interest link. This does not obligate you to joining the program but it does put you on our radar so that we can assist you if you choose to go through the certificate process.
Complete one of the following courses:
IC-203 Genomics, Ethics & Society
4 CreditsIC,CTGESPrerequisites: EN110 or EN109.
CONN-303 Genomics, Ethics, and Society
IC-203 Genomics, Ethics & Society
4 CreditsIC,CTGESPrerequisites: EN110 or EN109.
CONN-303 Genomics, Ethics, and Society
Complete one of the following courses:
BI-101 General Biology I
4 Credits
BI-106 Functions of Cells and Organisms
3 CreditsN, CTGESPrerequisites: CH142
BI-190 Human Biology
3 CreditsN, WK-SP,CTGESPre- or Co-requisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109
Complete 3 credits from the following courses:
BI-305 Biostatistics
4 CreditsN, QS, CTGESPrerequisites: BI106 or ESS100
ESS-230 Environmetrics
3 CreditsN, QS, CTGES, CTGISPrerequisites: Sophomore standing and permission of the instructor.
MA-220 Introduction to Probability & Statistics
4 CreditsN, QS, CTGESPrerequisite: MA130
Complete one of the following categories below:
Complete one of the following courses:
CS-110 Computer Science I
3 CreditsN,CTGES,CTGISRecommended programming experience or IT110 or IT100, IT111 or IM110 or MA103 but not necessary.
IM-241 Info. Discovery and Architecture
3 CreditsS,QS,CTGISPrerequisite: IT110 or IT111 or CS110 or permission.
BI-331 Molecular Microbiology
3 CreditsN, CTGESCorequisite: BI332. Prerequisites: BI207 and Jr. or Sr. standing.
BI-332 Molecular Microbiology Lab
1 CreditNCorequisite: BI331
BI-400 Environmental Genomics
4 CreditsN
BI-405 Bioinformatics Fundamentals
4 CreditsN,CTGESPre-req: BI-101 or BI-105, BI-102 or BI-106, CH-142, CH-143, CH-144, CH-145
BI-489 Biology Research
1-6 CreditsNPrerequisite: Permission of the instructor.
Complete one of the following groups below:
CS-255U Unix Programming
1 CreditsN,CTGESPrerequisites: CS110.
CS-255P Perl Programming
2 CreditsN,CTGESPrerequisites: CS110 and Sophomore standing and permission.
CS-255U Unix Programming
1 CreditsN,CTGESPrerequisites: CS110.
CS-255Y Python Programming
2 CreditsN,CTGESPrerequisites: CS110 and Sophomore standing and permission.
Complete three of the following courses below:
HS-313 Disease, Medicine & Empire
4 CreditsCA, I, H, SW-GE, CTGESPre- or Co-Requisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109.
HS-314 Medieval Medicine
4 CreditsH, CW, SW-GE,CTGESPre- or Co-Requisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109.
PL-235 Ethics of Health Care
4 CreditsH,SW-ERPre-req or co-req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109
PL-250 Science and Human Values
4 CreditsH,WK-HT,CTGESPrereq or coreq: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109
PL-260 Philosophy of Science
4 CreditsH,WK-HT,CTGESPrereq or coreq: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109
PY-302 Moral Judgment
3-4 CreditsS, SW-ER, CTGES
BI-270 Infectious Disease & Society
ED-202 Science and Society
3 CreditsCA, S, CWPrerequisites: EN110 or EN109 and Sophomore, Junior or Senior standing. Note: A special $15.00 non-refundable field trip fee is applied.
CONN-202 Science and Society
3 CreditsCONN,CA,CW
EB-375 21st Century Leadership
3 CreditsS,CTGESNo prerequisites.
NOTE: Students enrolled in EB-375 must also complete EB-120.
Certificate Credit Total = 18-21
Any course exception must be approved by the Biology Department Chair.

Regina Lamendella Biography →
- Professor of Biology
- VLB 1076
- (814) 641-3553