Take the following courses:
ESS-100 Environmental Systems I
4 CreditsN, WK-SP, CTGISPre-Req or Co-Req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109.
ESS-110 Environmental Systems II
3 CreditsN, SW-LEPre-req or co-req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109. (NOTE: ESS-100 is not a prereq for ESS-110.)
ESS-310 Water Resources I
3 CreditsQM, NPrerequisites: ESS100.
Take one of the following courses:
ESS-301 Environmental Methods
3 CreditsNPrerequisites: ESS100 and 1 year of chemistry or permission of the instructor.
ESS-365 Sustainable Development
3 CreditsI, N, SW-ERPrerequisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109
ESS-410 Water Resources II
3 CreditsQS, N, CTGISPrerequisites: ESS310 and MA130
Take one of the following courses:
ESS-325 Conservation Biology
3 CreditsS, NPrerequisites: ESS100 or BI105.
ESS-324 Natural Resource Management
3 CreditsNPrerequisites: ESS100 and BI105 and BI121. A special course fee is as sessed.
ESS-445 Fishery Science & Management
4 CreditsH, N, QSPrerequisite: BI-101 or BI-105
Complete one of the following options below:
CH-142 Integrated Chemistry Principles I
3 CreditsNCorequisite CH143
CH-143 Integrated Chem Principles I Lab
1 CreditsN, QSCH142 is a corequisite of this course. A lab fee is associated with this course.
CH-144 Integrated Chemistry Principles II
3 CreditsNPrerequisite: CH-142
CH-145 Integrated Chemistry Principles II Lab
1 CreditN, QSPrerequisite: CH-143. A lab fee is associated with this course.
3 CreditsNCorequisite CH143 1 CreditsN, QSCH142 is a corequisite of this course. A lab fee is associated with this course. 3 CreditsN CH-142 Integrated Chemistry Principles I
CH-143 Integrated Chem Principles I Lab
GL-126 Environmental Geochemistry
Complete one of the following options below:
BI-101 General Biology I
4 Credits
BI-300 General Ecology
3 CreditsNPrerequisites: BI-101 and BI-102. Corequisite: BI-301.
BI-301 General Ecology Lab
1 CreditsNCorequisite: BI300
BI-101 General Biology I
4 Credits
BI-325 Plant Ecology
3 CreditsNCorequisite: BI326. Prerequisites: BI105 and BI121 and Junior or Senior standing.
BI-326 Plant Ecology Lab
1 CreditNCorequisite: BI325
Take the following course:
ESS-230 Environmetrics
3 CreditsN, QS, CTGES, CTGISPrerequisites: Sophomore standing and permission of the instructor.
Take one of the following courses:
BI-305 Biostatistics
4 CreditsN, QS, CTGESPrerequisites: BI106 or ESS100
ESS-335 Quantitative Ecology
4 CreditsQS(Lec/Lab; 4 cr hr; Spring years; pre-req ESS 110, ESS 230-Environmetrics, or consent)
MA-130 Calculus I
4 CreditsN, QM
MA-205 Elementary Statistics
4 CreditsN, QS, WK-SPPrerequisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109
Complete at least 16 credits from the following courses. NOTE: Some 200-level courses may be taken with advisor approval.
ESS-301 Environmental Methods
3 CreditsNPrerequisites: ESS100 and 1 year of chemistry or permission of the instructor.
ESS-305 Environmental Economics
3 CreditsS
ESS-324 Natural Resource Management
3 CreditsNPrerequisites: ESS100 and BI105 and BI121. A special course fee is as sessed.
ESS-325 Conservation Biology
3 CreditsS, NPrerequisites: ESS100 or BI105.
ESS-328 Limnology
4 CreditsNTake BI105 and BI121 and ESS100 or permission of the instructor.
ESS-330 Geographical Information Systems
4 CreditsCTGISNote: A special course fee is assessed. Prerequisite: ESS100.
ESS-337 Environmental Law
3 CreditsS, CTGISPrerequisites: ESS-100 or PS-110. Must have sophomore standing or above.
ESS-340 Forestry
3 CreditsN, CTGISPrerequisites: ESS100.
ESS-345 Ichthyology
4 CreditsN, QS, CTGISPrerequisites: BI-101 or BI-105
ESS-346 Freshwater Invertebrates
4 CreditsN, QSPrerequisites: BI 105/121, junior-level standing, or permission of instructor.
ESS-361 Field Methods in Marine Systems
3 CreditsNPrerequisites: GL111 and ESS100. Permission of instructor required.
ESS-362 Island Ecosystems
3 CreditsNPrerequisites: GL111 and ESS100.
ESS-363 Upland Process and Estuaries
3 CreditsNPrerequisites: GL111 and ESS100 and permission of instructor.
ESS-364 Culture, Class and Gender
3 CreditsCA, S, I, CWPrerequisites: ESS100 and permission of the instructor and the Center for International Education. A trip fee is applied.
ESS-377 GIS Advanced Topic
4 CreditsN, QSPrerequisites: ESS310 or ESS330 or permission of the instructor.
ESS-380 Sense of Place Seminar
3 CreditsCA, CWNote: There is a course fee assessed. Prerequisites: ESS100 or permission of the instructor.
ESS-410 Water Resources II
3 CreditsQS, N, CTGISPrerequisites: ESS310 and MA130
ESS-445 Fishery Science & Management
4 CreditsH, N, QSPrerequisite: BI-101 or BI-105
BI-305 Biostatistics
4 CreditsN, QS, CTGESPrerequisites: BI106 or ESS100
BI-324 Ornithology
3 CreditsNPrerequisite: BI105
BI-327 Botany
4 CreditsNPrerequisites: BI105. Note: A special course fee is applied.
BI-350 Invertebrate Zoology
3 CreditsNPrerequisite: BI-101
BI-351 Invertebrate Zoology Lab
2 CreditsNCorequisite: BI350
BI-360 Vertebrate Zoology
3 CreditsNSuggested corequisites: BI361. Prerequisites: BI105 and Ecology/Biology related POE.
BI-361 Vertebrate Zoology Lab
2 CreditsNCorequisite: BI360
BI-370 Herpetology
3 CreditsNPrerequisites: BI105. Note: A special course fee will be applied.
BI-432 Environmental Toxicology
3 CreditsNPrerequisites: Take 2 courses from BI105 or CH142 or ESS100 and permission of the instructor.
Take one of the following courses:
ESS-400 Senior Capstone I
1-3 CreditsS, CTGISPrerequisite: ESS200 and Senior Standing or permission of the instructor.
ESS-401 Senior Capstone II
1-3 CreditsN, S, CTGISPrerequisites: ESS100 and Junior or Senior standing or permission.
POE Credit Total = 58-59
Students must complete at least 18 credits at the 300/400-level. Any course exception must be approved by the advisor and/or department chair.