Take the following courses:

EB-100  Introduction to Management

3 CreditsS

EB-105  International Economic Issues

3 CreditsS,I

EB-131  Financial Accounting

3 CreditsS

EB-202  Behavioral Analysis of Organizations

4 CreditsCW,S,WK-SIPrerequisite: Sophomore standing.

EB-236  Managerial Accounting

3 CreditsS,QM,CWPrerequisite: EB131. 

MA-130 Calculus I

4 CreditsN, QM

MA-160 Linear Algebra

3 CreditsN, QMPrerequisites: MA130.

EB-222  Principles of Macroeconomics

3 CreditsSPrerequisites: Sophomore, Junior, or Senior standing 

EB-223  Principles of Microeconomics

3 CreditsSPrerequisite: Sophomore, Junior, or Senior standing. 

EB-320  Intermediate Microeconomics

3 CreditsSPrerequisites include EB223 and EB222. 

EB-321  Intermediate Macroeconomics

3 CreditsSPrerequisites: EB222 and EB223. 

EB-381  International Political Economy

3 CreditsS,IPrerequisite: EB105. 

ESS-230 Environmetrics

3 CreditsN, QS, CTGES, CTGISPrerequisites: Sophomore standing and permission of the instructor.

Take one of the following courses:

EB-211  Business Statistics

3 Credits QS,S

MA-220 Introduction to Probability & Statistics

4 CreditsN, QS, CTGESPrerequisite: MA130


Take one of the following courses:

MA-210 Foundations of Mathematics

3 CreditsCWPrerequisites: MA160 or MA116 or PL208 or MA208 or permission of the instructor.

MA-230 Calculus II

4 CreditsN, QMPrerequisite: MA130

MA-235 Calculus III

4 CreditsN, QMPrerequisites: MA230.

MA-303 Mathematical Modeling

3 CreditsN, QM, CWNote: MA160 is recommended. Prerequisite: MA130 and experience with programming and Minitab.

MA-370 Real Analysis

3 CreditsNPrerequisites: MA210 and MA230 and MA235.

ESS-305 Environmental Economics

3 CreditsS 

EB-463 Financial Markets & Institutions

3 CreditsS,IPrerequisite: EB222. 

EB-465  Financial Theory and Analysis

3 CreditsSPrerequisites: EB211 and EB362. MA220 may be used as a replacement for EB211 only. 


Take three upper level courses from the following:

MA-303 Mathematical Modeling

3 CreditsN, QM, CWNote: MA160 is recommended. Prerequisite: MA130 and experience with programming and Minitab.

ESS-305 Environmental Economics

3 CreditsS 

EB-463 Financial Markets & Institutions

3 CreditsS,IPrerequisite: EB222. 

EB-465  Financial Theory and Analysis

3 CreditsSPrerequisites: EB211 and EB362. MA220 may be used as a replacement for EB211 only. 

MA-370 Real Analysis

3 CreditsNPrerequisites: MA210 and MA230 and MA235.


Take the following course:

EB-480  Senior Seminar

3 CreditsS 

The Accounting, Business, and Economics (ABE) Department does not permit students in their department to pursue more than one ABE Program of Emphasis (POE). Students wishing to develop individualized POEs incorporating multiple ABE disciplines should consult with their POE Advisor for guidance.

POE Credit Total = 61-63

Students must complete at least 18 credits at the 300/400-level.  Any course exception must be approved by the advisor and/or department chair.