Early History

Established in 1910

From the Juniata College Bulletin, V.7 n.3, July 1910, p.28:

As a memorial to the late The Hon. John M. Bailey of Huntingdon, PA,. Mrs. John M. Bailey and her son Thomas F.[Fisher] Bailey have established two prizes of Twenty-five and Fifteen Dollars to be awarded annually to the two speakers who take first and second places respectively in a public oratorical contest. This contest is open to students of College standing. The award is to be on the basis of subject-matter, composition, and delivery.

NOTE: the Bailey is not the oldest oratorical contest at Juniata; at least one, the E.C. Carney Prizes, predates the Bailey.

Judging in the early years was done by two committees: one on thought and composition, the other on delivery. 

From the Echo, June 1910:

  • First competition was held in the college chapel on Thursday evening,  May 19, 1910.
  • Program included a performance by the college’s “Male Quartet.”
  • Donors of the prizes (first prize: $25, second prize $15) were Letitia Fisher Bailey (widow of President Judge John M. Bailey) and their son Attorney Thomas F. Bailey. (Thomas became a President Judge in 1916.)

 Since 1910, the contest has been held every year except in 1915 and through the early 1960s.