Take the following courses:
CM-130 Introduction to Human Communication
Surveys the fundamental tenets of human communication through application. This course is concerned with how and why we speak, listen, respond, and strategize through the uses of verbal and nonverbal symbol systems.
3 CreditsS
PACS-105 Introduction to Conflict Resolution
A survey of the field of conflict, this course explores the causes and consequences of social conflict. Theory and case studies are used to understand interpersonal disputes, the intricacies of groups in conflict and international issues and crisis. Emphasis is given to understanding the basic theoretical concepts of the field and developing basic conflict resolving skills.
3 CreditsS, WK-SIPrerequisite or Corequisite: FYC-101
PACS-108 Mediation
Students learn the basic model of interest-based mediation and the theoretical framework that guides its use. Role-plays and simulations will be used to prepare students to serve as mediators in a variety of contexts. Students will be trained to use a co-mediation model to resolve interpersonal and small group conflicts. There will be Saturday and Sunday meeting times 9 am-5 pm. There are 3 weekends. You will enroll for 1 weekend if you take 1 credit, 2 weekends if you do 2 credits and 3 if you take 3 credits. Homework assignments will be completed online.
1-3 CreditsS
PACS-110 Introduction to Peace & Conflict Studies
This course explores war and deep-rooted conflict as human problems and peace as a human potential. Students collaborate in small groups to explore a range of different approaches to peace around the world.
3 CreditsI,SWGH2Prerequisite or corequisite: FYC or CWS
PACS-205 Conflict Intervention
The course explores the roles third parties play in managing and resolving conflicts. Students become familiar with both the central components of intervention design and the nature and structure of third party roles ranging from managers as mediators to conflict intervention in community disputes, or third party intervention in international disputes. The focusing questions of the course center on issues of how and when third parties can effectively and ethically intervene in conflicts. Research, case studies, and simulations are used to explore the answers of these questions and to increase students understanding of how third parties affect the course of conflict.
3 CreditsSPrerequisites: PACS105 or PACS108.
CM-230 Interpersonal Communication
Introduces students to the various theories and styles of one-on-one communication. It emphasizes the transactional approach in the study of the communication process as it occurs in interpersonal relationships. It explores interaction as a way by which we come to know ourselves and each other.
3 CreditsH, CSPrerequisites: CM130
Take five of the following courses:
PACS-305 Gender and Conflict
This course looks at the intersection of gender and conflict to understand what it means to say that a conflict is gendered. It uses gender as an organizing concept to study issues of gender equality, justice, and peace, challenging and interrogating dichotomous, oppositional constructions of masculinity and femininity to understand how they contribute to direct, structural, and cultural violence.
3 CreditsS,I,CW,SW-ERPrerequisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109
PACS-308 Nonviolence and Social Justice
A study of the theory and practice of non-violence, this course explores both the theoretical development of nonviolence and the use of nonviolence as a means for waging and resolving conflict. The course explores nonviolence theory as it applies to issues of social change, alternative defense, and personal transformation, using writings from political, sociological, feminist, religious and philosophical perspectives. (Formerly titled Nonviolence: Theory and Practice)
3 CreditsS,H,CW,SW-USPrerequisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109.
PACS-405 Conflict Transformation
This is theCapstone course for students with PACS in their POE. The course explores the possibilities for achieving justice, reconciliation, and sustainable peace in societies where protracted ethnic and political conflicts have had a devastating impact. The course examines the root causes of such conflict with a particular focus on how the practices of peace building and conflict transformation seek to mobilize people and resources to transform unjust structures and relationships.
3 CreditsS,I,CWPrerequisites: Senior standing, with a primary or secondary emphasis on PACS (or PACS as a strand of an individualized POE), or permission of the instructor.
CM-340 Intercultural Communication
This course examines symbolic patterns of communication as they relate to issues of diversity. Interactive skills needed to open channels of communication between and among people of diverse backgrounds are analyzed and developed. A multi-cultural approach to the study of human communication serves as a basis for exploring issues of diversity that include but are not limited to race, gender, class, ability, orientation, religion and ethnicity.
3 CreditsH, I, SW-GEPrerequisite or Corequisite: FYC-101
CM-365 Organizational Communication
Examines the strategic uses of communication by individuals in organizations and by organizations as a whole in the pursuit of organizational goals. Provides students with a theoretical vocabulary to analyze communication in organizational settings in order to understand processes such as social networks, leadership, and power. Focuses on personal and organizational ethics in work place communication.
3 CreditsH, S, CWPrerequisites: CM130 and CM230 and CM220.
CM-400B Storytelling
This performance course gives students the opportunity to examine the oral traditions of the language through the art of reading, writing, listening, watching and telling stories. Stories are at the heart of the human experience. They form the foundation for many academic disciplines. Stories help us to understand our own beliefs, values traditions and civilities. This course aims to strengthen our appreciation and understanding of storytelling, old and new.
3 CreditsH, CS
CM-405A Women, Work & Identity
Women. Work. Identity. These three words are related in a complex web that many of us struggle to untangle for our entire working lives. In this course, we identify and name the components of the relationships among these words--all in the context of the unique perspective that the communication discipline offers.
3 CreditsSPrerequisites: CM130 or CM230 or CM220 or CM365 or permission of the instructor.
CM-497 Senior Thesis Seminar
Designed to serve as a capstone course for students who emphasize Communication in their POE. The students will be expected to examine communication theories and research methods relevant to a topic, theme, issue, or problem that has served as an area of special interest throughout the previous years of study.
3-6 CreditsH, CSStudents must have Senior standing and a POE in Communication.
CM-498 Senior Thesis Research
Designed to serve as a capstone course for students who emphasize Communication in their POE. The students will be expected to examine communication theories and research methods relevant to a topic, theme, issue, or problem that has served as an area of special interest throughout the previous two years of study.
3-6 CreditsH, CSStudents must have Senior standing and have a POE in Communication. Prerequisite: CM-497.
PACS-455 PACS Honors Thesis I
Designed to serve as a course for students who emphasize PACS in their POE. The student will produce a major research paper that examines in depth a topic, theme, issue, or problem that has served as an area of special interest for the student throughout the previous two years of study.
3-6 CreditsHPrerequisite: Senior standing, PACS105 and PACS110 and a minimum of 4 200+ level PACS courses.
Take one of the following courses:
CM-420A Hollywood Films
In this course we explore one visual medium: film. Hollywood film is understood as mainstream media which is meant for a general audience and with strong box office constraints. A rhetorical perspective insists on the presence of an audience which is not necessarily of interest in all types of film study but will be crucial in our discussions. We relate theories, methods of production, and criticism to our work but it is not limited to them. This course is an opportunity for students to explore what mainstream films mean and why they are such an important cultural phenomenon.
3 CreditsH, CWPrerequisites: CM132 or CM133.
CM-420B Media Violence
This media studies course introduces students to basic issues and research surrounding media violence. We take a hard look at media violence and its scholarly research in order to understand the intricacies of both our fascination and repulsion for all of the media's manifestations of violence. Cross-listed in Communication and Peace and Conflicts Studies, this course asks students to critically analyze media violence while integrating current media research into our understanding of violence as a presence in our lives and what we can or should do about it.
3 CreditsH, CWPrerequisites: CM132 or CM133.
CM-420C Digital Media Studies
We know we can connect with a friend studying abroad on a 24/7 basis and when we do research on the WWW, the materials, location, time and distance are irrelevant. This course lets us extend our vision to a serious study of how global business, politics and social relations are changing by these various processes of instant connection and perpetual contact. Digital Media are at the heart of this revolution in communication. Necessarily we want to pay attention to the digital divide and the continuities of our lives as these communication changes occur. In looking at the big picture, the scope of these changes is necessarily global, challenging, complex and fast. Hang on to your seats.
3 CreditsHPrerequisites: CM132 or CM133.
CM-420D Truth and Lying
This media studies course introduces students to the theories of rhetoric to understand the question, who can we trust? We pay special attention to the classical period of Rhetoric and the Rhetoric of the 20th century. Rhetoric has been transformed through media. Despite these transformations, rhetoric has always been considered of first importance for the ethical practical conduct of our everyday lives. How we present or lives our beliefs, attitudes, and commitments is indeed the concern of when we lie and who we can trust in our personal and public lives.
3 CreditsH, CWPrerequisites: CM132 or CM133.
CM-132 Message Analysis
The study of rhetoric investigates the art of persuasion. The course introduces the basic rhetorical concepts and language we need to make sense of the sea of messages we swim in. The course aims to sharpen your ability to reason, reflect, send, perceive and discern messages in a variety of contexts. Upon completion of this course students understand several humanistic perspectives toward communication and are able to apply the basic tools of rhetorical analysis. Students have an increased awareness of the ways in which our symbolic behaviors shape our social lives.
3 CreditsH, CS
CM-133 Mass Media and Society
An examination of the convergence of mass media (print, radio, television, sound, film, and internet) which serve our most common public interests. The focus is on the four primary functions to inform, to entertain, to persuade, and to transmit culture. Students have a better understanding of the tension between media as business and its social responsibility to its citizens. This course is not open to seniors.
3 CreditsH, CS
Take two of the following courses:
CM-200 Art of Public Speaking
Seeks to develop and improve fundamental principles and methods of selecting, organizing, developing, and communicating a line of reasoning and evidence for constructive influence in speaking situations. Students make three formal presentations, analyze messages, and improve their listening skills
3 CreditsCS, HPrerequisites: Sophomore, Junior, or Senior standing.
CM-230 Interpersonal Communication
Introduces students to the various theories and styles of one-on-one communication. It emphasizes the transactional approach in the study of the communication process as it occurs in interpersonal relationships. It explores interaction as a way by which we come to know ourselves and each other.
3 CreditsH, CSPrerequisites: CM130
EN-311 Professional News and Feature Writing
This advanced writing course introduces students to the genres and techniques of journalism. Students will write a number of news and feature stories. The writing process involves interviewing, note taking and other forms of data gathering on campus and local news events, creating multiple story drafts and participating in peer-editing workshops: work culminates in a portfolio of stories written throughout the semester. Students need not plan to become professional media writers to benefit from the course.
4 CreditsH, CWPrerequisite: EN110 or EN109.
EN-315 Technical Writing
Writing focuses on various document designs and ways to present those designs in expressions appropriate to audience and purpose. Ethical discussion focuses on quality control, accuracy, and various forms of bias
4 CreditsH, CW, SW-ERPrerequisites: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109 and Sophomore, Junior or Senior standing.
Complete one of the following options below:
CM-330 Media Analysis
Designed to explore analytical approaches applied to a variety of media, including advertising, television sitcoms, new shows, propaganda, film, music and architecture, in order to ascertain the persuasive messages inherent in each artifact. By examining the rhetorical choices revealed by each method of criticism, we can better understand the structure of message design, the medium and in a larger sense the cultural values that shape both.
3 CreditsH, CW, CSPrerequisites: CM132 or CM133.
PY-366 Research Methods & Statistics
Introduces the methodological skills necessary for conducting research and for becoming a better consumer of psychological science. Students will learn to think critically about claims and accurately summarize primary source articles about behavior. Students will learn statistical concepts commonly used to evaluate data, how to effectively communicate research, and make ethical judgments informed by APA ethical standards.
4 Credits Prerequisite: PY-101
SW-214 Integrated Research Methods & Stats I
An integrated course sequence applying processes of social inquiry to the assessment of historically oppressed and vulnerable populations, and of the interventions used to help those populations. This course integrates key research concepts and commonly used quantitative and qualitative methods in the social sciences, with the ability to communicate effectively about research with written and verbal skills. The course teaches students not only to conduct social science research but also to consume and utilize social science research in a critical way, including in practice as a helping professional.
3 CreditsS,WK-SI
SW-215 Integrated Research Methods & Stats II
The second part of an integrated course sequence applying the scientific process to the fields of Social Work and Sociology, emphasizing key research concepts, commonly used quantitative and qualitative methods, and the ability to communicate effectively about research with written and verbal skills. The course teaches students not only to conduct research but also to consume and utilize research.
3 CreditsS
Complete one of the following options below (at least 3-4 credits). A capstone in History, Economics or Politics may be substituted in consultation with POE advisor.
PACS-455 PACS Honors Thesis I
Designed to serve as a course for students who emphasize PACS in their POE. The student will produce a major research paper that examines in depth a topic, theme, issue, or problem that has served as an area of special interest for the student throughout the previous two years of study.
3-6 CreditsHPrerequisite: Senior standing, PACS105 and PACS110 and a minimum of 4 200+ level PACS courses.
PACS-495 PACS Intern.Res.Sem.
Requires students to reflect on the internship experience and/or pursue research related to the placement.
2-6 CreditsIPrerequisite: PACS110 and permission. Corequisite: PACS490.
PACS-490 Peace & Conflict Studies Internship
An opportunity which requires students to relate theory and practice to a working environment and to reflect upon that experience.
2-9 CreditsICorequisite: PACS 495. Prerequisite: Permission and Jr. or Sr. Standing.
In addition we recommend that students choose a secondary emphasis developing greater depth in a particular area of interest. For example students interested in group dynamics would focus in sociology or social work, students with an interest in individual behaviors and choices would add psychology, an interest in political change would suggest politics courses.
POE Credit Total = 50-61
Students must complete at least 18 credits at the 300/400-level. Any course exception must be approved by the advisor and/or department chair.