Take the following courses:  

EB-100  Introduction to Management

3 CreditsS

EB-105  International Economic Issues

3 CreditsS,I

IT-110  Principles of Information Technology

3 CreditsS 

CS-110  Computer Science I

3 CreditsN,CTGES,CTGISRecommended programming experience or IT110 or IT100, IT111 or IM110 or MA103 but not necessary. 

EB-131  Financial Accounting

3 CreditsS

CM-200 Art of Public Speaking

3 CreditsCS, HPrerequisites: Sophomore, Junior, or Senior standing.

EB-202  Behavioral Analysis of Organizations

4 CreditsCW,S,WK-SIPrerequisite: Sophomore standing.

IT-210  Information Technology Systems

4 CreditsNPrerequisites: CS110. MA116 strongly recommended. 

EB-236  Managerial Accounting

3 CreditsS,QM,CWPrerequisite: EB131. 

IT-307  Project Management

4 CreditsS,CW,CS,SW-LEPrerequisite: IT-210. Pre-or co-requisite: FYC-101.

IT-308  Innovations for Industry I

1 CreditsSPrerequisites: IT210 and Jr or Sr standing or by permission of the instructor. Corequisite: IT307. Note: This course will have appointed class times for projects other than the times listed on the schedule. 

IT-341  Web Design

2 Credits Prerequisites: CS110 or permission.

Take one of the following courses:

EB-210  Quantitative Business Analysis

3 CreditsQM,SPrerequisites: High school algebra or pre-calculus. 

MA-130 Calculus I

4 CreditsN, QM

Take one of the following courses:

EB-211  Business Statistics

3 Credits QS,S

MA-220 Introduction to Probability & Statistics

4 CreditsN, QS, CTGESPrerequisite: MA130

Take one of the following courses:

CS-370  Database Management Systems

3 CreditsN,CTGISPrerequisites: CS110. 

EB-342  Management Information Systems

3 CreditsSPrerequisites: EB201 (EB201 can be taken concurrently) and Junior or Senior standing. 

Take one of the following courses:

EB-203  Introduction to Business Law

3 CreditsS 

EB-204  Legal Regulation of Business

3 CreditsSPrerequisite: Sophomore standing. 

Take the following course:

CM-290 The Metaverse

3 CreditsH, CW, CSPrerequisites: CM133 or IT110 or IT111.


Complete one 300/400 level course from the IT or CS Department (AND) one 300/400 level course from the EB Department.


Take the following course:

EB-480  Senior Seminar

3 CreditsS 

NOTE: Although not required, an internship may be taken. In some instances, a student (in consultation with his or her advisor) may substitute a course.

The Accounting, Business, and Economics (ABE) Department does not permit students in their department to pursue more than one ABE Program of Emphasis (POE). Students wishing to develop individualized POEs incorporating multiple ABE disciplines should consult with their POE Advisor for guidance.

The Information Technology and Computer Science (ITCS) Department does not permit students to pursue the following dual Programs of Emphases (POEs). 
    • Information Technology & Computer Science
    • Information Technology & Business Information Technology
    • Computer Science & Business Information Technology

POE Credit Total = 60-62

Students must complete at least 18 credits at the 300/400-level.  Any course exception must be approved by the advisor and/or department chair.