Juniata College is a predominantly residential campus. Therefore, the entire college is open and operating unless the college officially announces the closing of offices and/or the cancelling of classes because of an emergency that is typically weather-related. Classes may also be moved online and personnel may be instructed to work remotely depending on circumstances.
- The decision to close will typically be made no later than 6:00 a.m.
- Tim Launtz, Director of Public Safety, will authorize notification sent through the emergency text messaging alert system once notified of a closure.
- A recorded message announcing emergency closure will also be available by calling 814-641-3000 no later than 6:00 a.m.
- The college will announce emergency closing over radio and television stations WPSU-TV, WFGY-FM, WHUN/WLAK, WQHG-FM, WGMR-FM, WMRF-FM, WKVA-AM, WRSC-AM/WQWK-FM, WQKK-FM, WZWW-FM, WXMJ-FM, WKVR-FM, WJAC-TV, WTAJ-TV, WWCP-TV, Channel 60 (Juniata College information channel) as early as possible the morning of the emergency closure.
- In person classes will resume following the regular schedule upon opening unless otherwise indicated.
- In case of mid-day emergency closing, official announcements will be made through e-mail from the Provost’s Office as well as the emergency text messaging system.
- Even when classes are cancelled (or moved online) and offices are closed or personnel are instructed to work remotely for a weather emergency, these operations will remain in service using available personnel: Facilities Services, Kennedy Sports Center, Library Services (currently in von Liebig), Technology Solutions Center (TSC) Help Desk, and Food Service.
- Faculty are asked to give special consideration to students living at a distance from the campus when weather prevents them from coming to campus while classes are in session.
- Typically, I make class cancellation decisions no more than 12 hours in advance because of the changing nature of weather conditions. However, you must always make your own decisions about your travel safety to and from the Juniata campus. You may want to give advance thought to how you will decide if you can safely traverse to campus and return home.
- Compensation policies for days when the College is closed are described in the Staff Handbook. In all cases, each employee must make his/her own decision about whether to attempt to reach the College or when to leave for home. Staff who determine that it is best not to attempt to come to the campus, even though it is open and operating, may use a personal day or a vacation day if they wish. They can also request to work remotely; that request must be approved by the supervisor prior to the start of the work day.