Juniata | Campus News Article 6598 Juniata College Quad
Juniata College

Campus News

Juniata College

(Posted March 13, 2017)

HUNTINGDON, Pa. -- Sasha Abramsky, a freelance journalist and activist who wrote the book “The American Way of Poverty: How the Other Half Still Lives,” will speak at Juniata College on the persistence of poverty in the United States at 7 p.m., Thursday, March 16, in Neff Lecture Hall in the von Liebig Center for Science.

            The talk is free and open to the public. The talk is made possible through the Calvert Ellis Memorial Lecture endowment.

            Previously, Abramsky has written the 2009 book, “Inside Obama’s Brain” and is currently working on another book, “Voices of Poverty: A Narrative of America’s Poor.”

            As a journalist Abramsky has published articles in The Nation, The Atlantic Monthly, New York magazine, American Prospect, Salon, Slate, The Daily Beast and Rolling Stone

            A native of England, Abramsky earned a bachelor’s degree from Bailliol College within Oxford University, and went on to earn a master’s degree in journalism from the Columbia School of Journalism.

            In addition to his writings on poverty, Abramsky also wrote “Breadline USA: The Hidden Scandal of American Hunger,” “American Furies: Crime, Punishment and Vengeance in the Age of Mass Imprisonment,” “Hard Time Blues,” ‘Conned” and a memoir, “The House of Twenty Thousand Books.”

Contact April Feagley at feaglea@juniata.edu or (814) 641-3131 for more information.
