Barry J. Halbritter ’65 and Marlene Robinette Halbritter ’62 are the recipients of the Kiwanis Club of Altoona’s 2023 Distinguished Citizens Award. Established in 1991, the Kiwanis Club of Altoona’s 2023 Distinguished Citizens Award is one of the most prestigious honors to be awarded locally. The award is given in recognition of a person or persons who were born, raised, moved to, or lives in the Altoona area and made major contributions to the betterment of society, and who have significantly advanced the Altoona area through endeavors in the commonwealth, nation or worldwide.
Merle L. Lansberry was named the Outstanding Citizen of the Year by the Clearfield Area Rotary Club. Sid was recognized for giving over 50 years of his life to making a difference in his community with baseball and being a positive influence to thousands of youth in Clearfield County and beyond.
Alice E. Herncane received the Volunteer of the Year Award from The State Museum of Pennsylvania on April 15, 2023. She has been a volunteer for them since 2012, currently serving as a docent for their “Stop and Learn at The State Museum” program.
Andy Jones and his wife, Karen, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in May 2023 with family and friends at the Chart House in Weehawkin, N.J.
With great sadness, Li Mitnick announces the passing of her son, Brendan Vaughn McGrath, on Dec. 1, 2022, from complications of brain cancer. He was a son, husband, father, and a veteran of the National Guard and U.S. Army. Brendan was a donor to Gift of Life. He was 38 years old. He was much beloved. His memory will be a blessing.
Steve C. Brown received The Chester County Chamber of Business & Industry J. Larry Bolig Award for Excellence in Local Government. He serves on the board of directors of the Transportation Management Association of Chester County and as township manager at East Whiteland.
William K. Hallman, professor and chair of the Department of Human Ecology at Rutgers University, was elected as a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Henry F. Coyne, Jr. was chosen as the 2023 inductee to the Wall of Fame at Phoenixville Area High School by The Phoenixville Area School District Wall of Fame Committee. Hank was a dedicated teacher and coach for the Phoenixville Area School District for 36 years from 1984 until his retirement in 2020.
Debra Ollinger Miller retired from the National Confectioners Association where she was senior vice president of scientific and regulatory affairs. She and her husband, Ben, bought the Kane Manor Inn, a bed and breakfast in Kane, Pa. The Inn was originally home to Civil War General Thomas L. Kane and his family. They welcome Juniatians to visit Kanemanorinn.com.
Jennifer D. Wade was promoted from Assistant News Director at WNEP-TV to News Director at WNEP in May 2023.
Pamela Mertz Steere was named a 2023 American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) fellow.
Todd F. Cammarata was named 2023 Pennsylvania Journalism Teacher of the Year by the Pennsylvania School Press Association. He teaches at Tyrone Area High School.
Brad M. Hatch was appointed as the new superintendent of the Altoona Area School District in May 2023. He was formerly the principal and assistant superintendent for the school district.
Frank P. Vogel was hired as the new Phoenix Suns head coach. Frank won an NBA championship coaching the Los Angeles Lakers in 2020.
Carrie K. Schofield-Broadbent was elected bishop coadjutor of the Diocese of Maryland. She was consecrated in September at Washington National Cathedral and will serve with the Rt. Rev. Eugene Taylor Sutton until his retirement in April 2024. Carrie will then become the 15th Bishop of Maryland.
Julia A. Krall was named the new Executive Director of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) in Pennsylvania.
Tonia Suenkonis Rose was featured in a “Women & Business Profile” for Pittsburgh Magazine, which spotlights exceptional businesswomen within its pages and at quarterly networking events.
Alicia N. (Noerr) Burns published her first book, The College Instructor Handbook, for industry professionals who are interested in teaching college for the first time. The book guides readers through finding opportunities to teach, creating lessons and assignments, and focuses on creating inclusive environments for students.
Brandy (Workinger) Meyer was hired as controller for The Investment Real Estate Group of Companies (IREGC).
Jillian M. (Davis) Pinkard received a CASE District II 2023 Individual Achievement Award for her work as the senior director of advancement for the St. Paul’s Schools, Brooklandville, Md. She helped secure $8.1 million in total philanthropic support and led the consolidation of separate advancement departments through the pandemic. Jill began her advancement career while at Juniata as a student phonathon caller.
Jeffrey K. Detwiler was appointed as head boys varsity basketball coach by the Williamsburg Community School Board in May 2023. Jeff serves as the Williamsburg Community School District’s athletic director.
Charles B. Allison published No Harmless Power: The Life and Times of the Ukrainian Anarchist Nestor Makhno. Charlie’s biography explores the life of the Ukrainian anarchist Nestor Makhno.
Kenneth M. Goodfellow ’11 and Vinnie C. Caroselli ’20 participated in the 50th annual Blair Regional YMCA Angie Gioiosa Memorial July 4 Race. Kenny was the overall men’s champion with a time of 50:56.97. Kenny’s winning time was just over a minute ahead of runner-up Vinnie, who finished in 52:03.31.
Michael L. Kraft, former Tyrone Area High School girls volleyball coach, was named the new head volleyball coach at Lock Haven University in May 2023. Mike also previously had served as an assistant coach with Juniata College men’s volleyball program.
Stephen J. Nolan graduated in late 2022 from St. Elizabeth’s College in Morristown, N.J., with a masters of physician assistant studies.
Emma F. Campbell received a promotion at her job with the National Museum of Health and Medicine.
Thomas J. Imbrogno, Jr. graduated in April 2023 from the National University of Health Sciences (NUHS) in Lombard, Ill., with the degree of doctor of naturopathic medicine.
Christopher J. Schreder received his doctor of medicine in dentistry degree from the University of Pittsburgh in 2022, followed by post-doctoral training through a General Practice Residency at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center of Lebanon, Pa. His parents, Drs. Michael J. and Jane Aldrich Schreder, are pleased to announce that he has joined Schreder Dental to begin a third generation of patient-centered dental care.
Gavin D. Grimaldi graduated from Logan University with his doctorate of chiropractic. He is practicing at Smith Chiropractic in Mt. Juliet, Tenn.
Births & Adoptions
Laura H. Gregory ’11 and Gustavo Almaraz Rico are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Lionel David, on April 20, 2022.

(PHOTO) Sheena Zolla Mandichak ’11 and Ian Mandichak welcomed their son, Zane Michael, on Oct. 9, 2021. Zane joins older sister Reagan.
Erin N. Kreischer ’13 and Sheridan L. Norris ’12 are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Adeline Elwood, on Nov. 10, 2022.

Andrew D. Murdock ’11 and Joel L. Rhodes ’13 were married Aug. 27, 2022. Attending the ceremony were (l–r) Erica (Rhodes) Hayden ’07, JC Hayden ’06, David Meadows ’98, Clay Cooper ’13, Elena (Ritchie) Gillott ’07, Grant Miner ’12, Sheena (Zolla) Mandichak ’11, Blake Colaianne ’11, Clare Coda ’10, Erik Dulick ’11, Kelsey Thrush ’10, Benson Canfield ’12, Andrew Murdock ’11 (groom), Joel Rhodes ’13 (groom), Lauren (Seganos) Cohen ’11, Joan (Parsons) Engle ’72, Seth Weil ’13, Jane (White) Croyle ’95, Maeve Aldridge-Neiswanger ’12, Donna (McKee) Rhodes ’84 g’15, Loren Rhodes, Linden Rhodes, Kim (O’Connor) Rhodes ’09, and Aaron Rhodes ’09.

Edward B. Sinnes ’12 and Rebecca Kraybill were married Oct. 9, 2022. Attending the ceremony were (l–r, back row) Tim Carn ’12, Edward Sinnes ’12 (groom), Rebecca Kraybill (bride), Mike Nguyen ’12, Liam Sharp ’12, (l-r, front row) Chris Yip ’12, Nicky Deak ’12, Andrew Sinnes ’09, and Jordan Yu ’12.

Maeve Neiswanger ’12 and Rachel Aldridge were married June 24, 2023. Attending the ceremony were (l–r) Lynn Cockett, Katie Graves ’12, Natalie Hershberger ’09, Ryan Wetzel ’06, Sarah Worley ’00, Rachel Aldridge-Neiswanger (bride), Maeve Aldridge-Neiswanger ’12 (bride), Katie Shedlock ’13, Liz Bernardo ’12, Andrew Murdock ’11, Lindsay (Darchicourt) Chaussard ’12, and Joel Rhodes ’13.

Madison Troha ’20 g’21 and Hudson K. Speck ’20 were married July 8, 2023. Attending the ceremony were Maddie Buckley, Jennifer Troha, Jim Troha, Madison Speck ’20 g’21 (bride), Hudson Speck ’20 (groom), Matthew Hulsebosch ’20 g’21, Karli (Smith) Low ’20, McKynly (Miller) Maclay ’21, Courtney Laing ’27, Sarah Worley ’00, Chris Sinisi ’16, Angie (Wolf) Thompson ’96, Ruth (Bartleson) McDowell ’68, Lauren Bowen, Bob McDowell ’67, John Thompson ’94, Jesse Leonard ’06, Ryan Wetzel ’06, Isaac Maclay ’21, Toby Mitchell ’94, Jennifer (Pletcher) Mitchell ’95, Hunter Price ’19, Eli Greenblat ’19, Andrew Cerroni ’22, Jack Shelton ’26, Jairus Werner ’22, Evan Jans ’19, Tyler Paul ’21, Jake McCaulley ’20, Austin Montgomery ’20, Hunter Price ’20, and Adam Grajewski ’21 g’22.
I Met an Alum

Sarah E. Bay Nawa ’06 and Caitlan M. Zlatos ’06 were hiking on the Appalachian Trail in southern Pennsylvania in October when they ran into Leah J. (Yingling) Antolin ‘06, who was hiking from the opposite direction. The three stayed the night at the same shelter and were able to catch up and reminisce about their time together at Juniata, including living together in Mission House during their senior year.

Erica E. (Kross) Hill ’09 met Kate (Leisey) Carbaugh ’02 while attending a wilderness first aid training in October 2022. Erica saw Kate wearing a Juniata College sweatshirt, and the two spent the weekend together bandaging, splinting, and enjoying the great outdoors.

Stephanie M. Letourneau ’20 met Jon E. Hoey ’07 at Central PA Slamfest in Mifflinburg, Pa.

Holly E. Uses ’22 met Heather M. (Gibney) Ramsey ’04 in a Walt Disney World park. The two shared a good conversation and fun memories of their times at Juniata. Holly has also met other alumni while working at Disney and says, “Interactions like these are one of the many reasons I am proud to be an alum.”

Patricia D. (Stinson) Judd ’63 met Naomi Radio, Juniata’s head women’s lacrosse coach, and team members while playing at Bridgewater College in March 2022. They met at Smiley’s, a local ice cream shop.

Jeffrey J. Wood ’76 met Telah Zinobile ’23 while vacationing at Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. He was signing the guest registry at The Chapel of the Transfiguration and noted Telah and her family were also from Pennsylvania. The two quickly made their shared Juniata College connection.

Gail E. (Zimmerman) Wills ’78, daughter of Francis Zimmerman ’54 and Shirley (Nell) Zimmerman ’52, met Jane Allen Schlamowitz, daughter of Arthur Allen ’52 and Dorothy (Hummer) Allen ’52. The two bonded over their mothers’ 67-year long friendship, as well as their decades-long participation with nine other Juniata women in a Round Robin chain letter. These alumni included Marjorie (Seidel) Kochard ’52, Lois (Robinson) Darby ’52, Lois (Miller) McDowell ’52, Jo Ann (Barksdale) Calderwood ’52, Ruth (Armentrout) Felix ’52, Mary Lou (McKee) Landes ’52, Kay (Wright) Oliver ’52, Sarah (Keller) Ayers ’52, and Miriam (Smith) Wetzel ’52.