Juniata is more than an institution, for many students this place becomes home and campus becomes community. And, in early March 2020, when the spread of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, began to impact the world surrounding Juniata, everyone on campus felt the effects—none so much as those unable to return to their families. "More than half of our (international) students were able to return home," said Kati Csoman, dean of international education. "Some went to stay with family and friends throughout the United States. There are many who are staying with their Juniata roommates and friends."
There is something magical about the hills of Huntingdon County. They are in truth no different from the rest of the western Appalachians; they are home to the same corn and soy fields splayed across the rest of Pennsylvania, their geology is not unique. But they dip and roll like gentle waves, bouncing light back and forth and down into those shallow valleys so that no matter what time of day or year, everything is tinged in gold. Perhaps not everyone sees them in this way, but the students at the college nestled tightly in those hills know that they are holy.
I'm working as a multi-faith chaplain at two large teaching hospitals, both adult and pediatric, in Colorado. My team and I support patients and families as they process life changing illness and injuries, as they engage decision making, and as they experience traumas and end of life situations.
My dear Juniatians,
This past Holy Week has been a time for reflection for many of us, whether we are stuck at home with our families or working one of the many essential jobs that help keep our country stumbling forward.
The bookstore my husband Eric Vincent and I own was recently featured in Publisher's Weekly for our efforts to keep students in our mountain community reading during the current shut down.
Dear fellow Juniatians, I’m currently a 3rd year family medicine resident in Tacoma, Washington (just south of Seattle) and just finished a month on our busy inpatient medicine service. Our patients, like so many others in this country were admitted for all of the usual reasons, but also for COVID 19 - some to our general floors and others to our ICUs.
Sam and I are currently running the Twitter page for an organization called, “Real Heroes Need Masks” (#realheroesneedmasks on Instagram and @realheroesmasks on Twitter). This campaign was started by Dr. Amani Jambhekar and Dr. Mona Stone. We are trying to raise awareness about the shortage of medical equipment, specifically masks and get more donations to our frontline heroes. Everyone can contribute and help using their social media super power to follow, post, and share so we are able to reach more people. Our platform is very small right now, but I think with everyone’s help we will be able to make a difference!
I am currently fighting COVID-19 on the front lines as a member of one of the greatest teams in the world, the United States Army. However, my role as a chaplain allows me to fight in the arena of spiritual and emotional health. Our team of chaplains are providing world class religious and emotional support through innovative ways such as Livestream worship, counseling, crisis intervention, and pastoral care to the War Fighters and their families while maintaining religious liberty for all faith traditions represented in the U.S. Army. As doctors race around the world to find a cure for our physical health, may we remember not not neglect our spiritual and emotional health. Allow me to leave you with these ancient yet timeless words to encourage your heart and souls during these challenging times. Psalm 91:1–6 (NIV84): "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.' Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks In the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday."
My roommate is from NYC and couldn’t return to campus for move-out due to travel restrictions. With a car full of plastic bins and boxes in tow, I drove back to campus alone and worked for hours to get both of our things packed. While I wish we had said our goodbyes in person (and that I could’ve had a little more help moving) it’s all worth it for the safety of ourselves and the broader Juniata community.
My friend, our former innkeeper at Gage Mansion, Amy Djordjevic (Some of you have had the pleasure of enjoying Amy's hospitality and home cooking while staying at the Inn.) shared a photo of ducklings in skirts after I shared photos of my new chicks. I told her I would try to duplicate the look on my gals and send her a photo. What a task! Outfitting the fluffy, energetic buff laced Polish chick with the paper skirt was comedic. After several attempts, I managed to snap a respectable picture. The old adage "laughter is the best medicine" sums up my #JuniataStrong story. I hope you get a chuckle out of it too.