IM 100:  Integrated Media Art Studies

This one credit course is an introduction to the Integrated Media Arts Program and its offerings in terms of areas of study, practicum, internships,on campus projects and programs abroad. Meeting the Faculty and learning of their interests and research goals is essential to finding your place in the department. Opportunities for Study Abroad, Internships and Networking with Alums are all part of this practical course with opportunities for written reflection and presentations. Together we explore your best options in professional and graduate school opportunities to inform your choice of POE and plan your course of study.


CM 133: Mass Media and Society 

This course is designed as an introductory course and offers a comprehensive examination of the mass media (print, radio, television, web, and film) which are revolutionized through digital convergence. The primary objective of the course is to gain an understanding of the significant interconnections that  mass media have on our lives and culture.  We learn to be critical consumers of multiple media platforms and messages that shape our our society.

CM/IT 290: The Metaverse

This introductory course, cross-listed in Information Technology and Communication, focuses on how information technologies shape the way we think, create our identities and organize ourselves through communities and institutions. We look at  past, present, and future communication technologies to gaining a better understanding of progress and how to prepare for constant  change. Studying the book, the world wide web, and the metaverse isolates the critical issues of change as central to the decision making of leaders in Information Technology. By the completion of the course, students will have a better understanding of how Information Technology affects every dimension of their lives -- not just how it works.

CM/IT 300: Professional Presentations

This course is designed for students to improve and polish their speaking skills for effective presentations in professional settings. It is a performance course with emphasis placed on structure, audience adaptation, style of presentation (oral report and manuscript reading), and use of visual presentation skills. Videotaping is used to help speakers understand the relationship between their behaviors and responses of listeners. 

CM 330: Media Analysis

This course introduces students to the basic concepts of communication criticism by asking them to analyze and evaluate the oral and written communication that goes on around them. We look at a broad range of messages in speeches, written works, film, television, cartoons, art, social media and music and attempt to understand how the context and the symbols that make up messages are inviting us to understand our world. This is a methodology course in the cultural and critical rhetorical analyses of the Humanities. Prerequisites: CM132 or CM133

CM 420: Media Studies

Designed as a seminar course, Media Studies examine persuasion both in its theory and criticism. Media Studies focuses on theories of rhetoric that have influenced our modern understanding of communication. Areas of application such as public address, communication technologies, politics, and mass media will form the emphasis. Seminar topics vary each semester in areas of application such as truth & lying, rhetoric in film, and media violence.

CM 420: Media Studies: Truth and Lying

Who can you trust? This Media Studies course introduces students to the systems and theories of rhetoric as they have answered this question throughout the past and present. We will pay special attention to the classical period of Rhetoric and the Rhetorics of the 20th century. It is important to have a sense of how rhetoric has been transformed over time and to recognize that despite these transformations it has always been considered of first importance for the ethical practical conduct of our everyday lives. Central to this course is the idea that how we present or live our beliefs, attitudes, and commitments which are indeed the concern of rhetoric.

CM/PACS 420: Media Studies: Media Violence

This media studies course is designed to introduce students to basic issues and research surrounding media violence. We will take a hard look at media violence and its scholarly research in order to try to understand the intricacies of both our fascination and repulsion for all of its manifestations. Cross-listed in Communication and Peace and Conflict Studies, this course asks students to critically analyze media violence while integrating current media research into our understanding of violence as a presence in our lives and what we can or should do about it.

CM 420: Media Studies: Hollywood Films

In this course we will explore one visual medium: film. The core of our concern is with film as a symbolic form, which is potentially communicative within the context of American mainstream film production. A rhetorical perspective insists on the presence of an audience which is not necessarily of interest in all types of film criticism but will be crucial in our discussions. We will try to relate theories, methods of production, and criticism to our work but it will not be limited to them. This course is an opportunity for students to explore what film means to them and why it is such an important cultural phenomenon.

CM 490/495: Internships

Communication students may apply their acquired skills and knowledge in on-the-job internships for a semester during their junior or senior year for a total of 9 credit hours. Television stations, radio stations, newspapers, magazines, public relations, and advertising agencies are all possible placements for the Juniata interns, who not only work as full-time members of the business team, but also evaluate and document their growth in a journal and prepare a portfolio of presentations or publications. In addition to the on-the-job experience provided by the internship, students are required to pursue research related to their placement.


CM 497: Honors Seminar

Designed to serve as a capstone course for students who emphasize Communication in their POE. The students will be expected to examine communication theories and research methods relevant to a topic, theme, issue, or problem that has served as an area of special interest throughout the previous two years of study. Students must have Senior standing, have a POE in Communication and meet the 3.40 GPA requirements.


Academic Integrity Policy

All members of the Juniata community share responsibility for establishing and maintaining appropriate standards of academic honesty and integrity. Students oblige themselves to follow these standards and to encourage others to do so. Faculty members also have an obligation to comply with the principles and procedures of academic honesty and integrity. Academically dishonest acts include cheating, fabrication and falsification, multiple submission, plagiarism, abuse of materials, and complicity in academic dishonesty. All offenses are reported to the Director of Academic Support Services and kept on file for the duration of the student's stay at Juniata. Faculty may handle the first violation on a personal basis or the case may be referred to the Academic Judicial Board. If a student is accused a second time, the case is automatically referred to the Academic Judicial Board. Penalties may include but are not limited to the following: a formal warning; a reduced grade for the assignment; a reduced grade for the course; suspension from the college; dismissal from the college.